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Part 7A - Mounted PvM [Treasure] Lead General Rankings





Army Generals Analysis - PART 7A, reviewing Mounted Generals: Monster Killing for Treasure [PvM Treasure] Rankings

Most players will probably want a good PvM Treasure Army General on all monster marches, except if you are leading the march and/or expecting wounded (see Part 5 - Mounted PvM for Pushing). That’s possibly six (6) PvM Treasure Army Generals, if you plan to kill monsters with all six (6) of your marches.

Personally, I like to have at least one (1) march out Gathering at all times. So, for me, five (5) PvM Treasure Army Generals would be enough.



Specialty Level for Featured Rankings:

Instead of the typical 4-Yellow Specialty Score used for the Primary Six (6) Army Generals, the generals in this category have been ranked by the 3-Orange Specialty Score because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to the 4-Yellow Specialties Level. See the Developing Army General Specialties in this article for more information.

The Primary Six (6) Army Generals are:

If the 3-Orange Specialties Ranking is not appropriate for this Army General Category, see the the 3-Purple Specialty Rankings that have been included below the Featured Rankings Section.

The Ascending Enhancement Rankings and the 4-Yellow Specialty Rankings are above the Featured Rankings Section.



Monster Killing for Treasure [PvM Treasure] Rankings (at maximum Ascending Enhancements and 4-Yellow Specialties Level)

  1. Theodora - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 344)

  2. Caesar [D] - Grade: A+ (96.5% - 332)

  3. Caesar [ND] - Grade: A (95.1% - 327)

  4. Aethelflaed - Grade: A (92.7% - 319)

  5. Baibars - Grade: A (92.2% - 317)

  6. Nathanael Greene - Grade: C (68.9% - 237)

  7. Huo Qubing - Grade: C- (65.7% - 226)

  8. Seleucus I - Grade: D+ (61.0% - 210)

[D] = Dragon

[ND] = Dragon



Monster Killing for Treasure [PvM Treasure] Rankings (at 4-Yellow Specialties Level):

  1. Theodora - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 310)

  2. Caesar [D] - Grade: A+ (98.1% - 304)

  3. Baibars - Grade: A+ (97.7% - 303)

  4. Caesar [ND] - Grade: A+ (96.5% - 299)

  5. Aethelflaed - Grade: A (91.9% - 285)

  6. Nathanael Greene - Grade: C (68.1% - 211)

  7. Huo Qubing - Grade: C- (66.1% - 205)

  8. Sanada Yukimura - Grade: C- (65.8% - 204)

  9. Spartacus - Grade: C- (61.9% - 192)

  10. Seleucus I - Grade: C- (61.6% - 191)

  11. Hernando Cortes - Grade: D+ (61.3% - 190)

  12. Cleopatra - Grade: D (52.6% - 163)

[D] = Dragon

[ND] = Dragon



Formatting for Featured Rankings:

Ranking # - General Name – Letter Grade with (Percent & Total Score) in parentheses – Description

  1. Specialist Against:

  2. BSC Group:

  3. Strongest Buffs:

  4. Dragon:

  5. Acquisition:

  6. Culture:

  7. Introduced:

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: This is an important consideration for this army general category.



Monster Killing for Treasure [PvM Treasure] Rankings (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

1. Theodora – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 270) – She starts at +10% Increase Double Drop rate and can add another +15% with her 2nd Specialty, then another 18% with a Skill Book for a total of +43% Increase Double Drop rate, the highest possible total. At the 3-Orange Specialties Level, she can obtain a total of +37% Increase Double Drop rate, also the highest possible total.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: MT11A

    1. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    2. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +19% (+37% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster March Speed Increase: +0% (+70% w/ Skill Books)

    4. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +30%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Fairly EASY, she’s only available as a 1st purchase bonus. I believe the minimum spending amount is $1.00 US. However, getting additional copies for developing Ascending Enhancements will be more DIFFICULT since additional copies are only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  5. Culture: Other

  6. Introduced: August, 2021

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably 3-Orange, or maybe 4-Yellow on her 2nd Specialty.


2. Aethelflaed – Grade: A- (88.5% - 239) – She starts at +0% Increase Double Drop rate and can add another +15% with her 2nd Specialty, then another 18% with a Skill Book for a total of +33% Increase Double Drop rate, the 3rd highest possible total. At the 3-Orange Specialties Level, she can obtain a total of +27% Increase Double Drop rate, the 2nd highest possible total.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: MT10

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +9% (+27% w/ Skill Book)

    2. Monster March Speed Increase: +0% (+70% w/ Skill Books)

    3. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +55%

    4. Reduce Monster Attack: +9%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events. She’s also 1 of the 8 Army Generals available in the Europe Epic Historic General Chest at level 50 in the Dawn of Civilization Event ($20 for easy mode, or $5 if you work hard at it and complete every task or spend gems for the last few levels).

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: February, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4 Yellow, she can also be the primary PvM for Pushing Army General, so that possibly maybe makes her worth maxing out all four (4) Specialties.


3. Caesar [D] – Grade: B+ (87.4% - 236) – He starts at +0% Increase Double Drop rate and can add another +15% with his 2nd Specialty, then another 18% with a Skill Book for a total of +33% Increase Double Drop rate, the 3rd highest possible total. At the three 3-Orange Specialties Level, he can obtain a total of +27% Increase Double Drop rate, the 2nd highest possible total.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: MT10

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +9% (+27% w/ Skill Book)

    2. Monster March Speed Increase: +0% (+70% w/ Skill Books)

    3. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +70%

  4. Dragon: Yes, ANY Dragon (for PvM Treasure Hunting [rally joining], the Dragon is optional)

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: June, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4 Yellow, he can also be the PvM for Pushing Army General, so that maybe makes him worth maxing out all four (4) Specialties.


4. Caesar [ND] – Grade: B+ (85.6% - 231) – He doesn’t lose much power in this category by not bringing a Dragon.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: MT10

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +9% (+27% w/ Skill Book)

    2. Monster March Speed Increase: +0% (+70% w/ Skill Books)

    3. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +55%

  4. Dragon: No Dragon

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: June, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4 Yellow, he can also be the PvM for Pushing Army General, so that maybe makes him worth maxing out all four (4) Specialties.


5. Baibars - Grade: B- (79.3% - 214) – He starts at +25% Increase Double Drop rate and can add another +16% for a total of +41% Increase Double Drop when all four (4) Specialties are maxed out (4 yellow), the 2nd highest possible total. At zero Specialties, he has by far the highest possible Increase Double Drop rate at +25%. At the 3-Orange Specialties Level, his total remains +25% Increase Double Drop rate, so unless you are planning to take Baibars to the 4-Yellow Specialty Level (very difficult) or leave this category at Zero Specialty Level, you are better off with other options for PvM Treasure Generals.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: MT11

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +25%

    2. Monster March Speed Increase: +0% (+70% w/ Skill Books)

    3. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +45%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), by far the BEST option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Arabia

  7. Introduced: July, 2018

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, since there is only one (1) general better when maxing out all four (4) of his Specialties. But, for most people 3-Orange or less because Runestone Chests are very difficult to acquire.


T-6. Sanada Yukimura - Grade: C (70.4% - 190) – Don’t let the low score fool you, everyone probably needs to have at least one (1) copy of Sanada in their final Army General Line-Up. He’s one (1) of only two (2) army generals with Base (Built-In) Skill Debuffs Against Boss Monsters, and the only general that will help rally leaders get to zero wounded faster (with Reduce Monster Defense). For smaller keeps (not in the top 10 largest keeps in the alliance), he is a great Army General to have available early, maybe even worth getting multiple copies.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: NG

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Reduce Monster Defense: +5%

    2. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster March Speed Increase: +24% (+94% w/ Skill Books)

    4. Reduce Monster Attack: +9%

    5. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +20%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 2nd best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Japan

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Purple or Orange Level for the first two (2) Specialties only (the 3rd Specialty doesn’t make him any better).

T-6. Spartacus - Grade: C (70.4% - 190) – One (1) of three (3) Army Generals on the list that increase marching speed to monsters. For “free” players who are missing out on boss monster rallies because of march speed, he is a great Army General to have available.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: NG

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Monster March Speed Increase: +75% (+100% w/ Skill Book)

    2. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +6% (+51% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Mounted Defense Increase: +6%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 3rd best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, Specialties don’t make him any better.

8. Nathanael Greene - Grade: C (69.6% - 188) – The only Army General that can reduce stamina costs. For “free” players who are conserving stamina, he is a great Army General to have available, maybe even worth getting multiple copies.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: NG

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Reduce Stamina Cost: +25%

    2. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster March Speed Increase: +0% (+70% w/ Skill Books)

    4. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +6%

    5. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +6%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 4th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: America

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, Specialties don’t make him any better.

9. Huo Qubing - Grade: C- (67.4% - 182) – One (1) of three (3) Army Generals on the list that increase marching speed to monsters. For “free” players who are missing out on boss monster rallies because of march speed, he is a great Army General to have available.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: NG

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Reduce Marching Time: 20%

    2. Monster March Speed Increase: +0% (+70% w/ Skill Books)

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Mounted Attack Increase: +6%

    5. Mounted Defense Increase: +6%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 5th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: China

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, Specialties don’t make him any better.

10. Hernando Cortes - Grade: C- (66.3% - 179) – He’s one (1) of only two (2) Army Generals with built-in debuffs against boss monsters, and the only general that will help rally leaders get less wounded (if they can’t get to zero wounded) with Reduce Monster Attack). For smaller keeps (not in the top 10 largest keeps in the alliance), he is a good army general to have available early, but not worth getting multiple copies or investing many resources into.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: NG

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Reduce Monster Attack: +5%

    2. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster March Speed Increase: +24% (+94% w/ Skill Books)

    4. All Troop Attack Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 6th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Green or Blue Level for the 2nd Specialty only (the 1st and 3rd Specialties don’t make him any better).

11. Seleucus I - Grade: C- (65.6% - 177) – One (1) of three (3) Army Generals on the list that increase marching speed to monsters. For “free” players who are missing out on boss monster rallies because of march speed, he is a great Army General to have available.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: NG

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Monster March Speed Increase: +35% (+80% w/ Skill Book)

    2. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Mounted Attack Increase: +6%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 7th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, Specialties don’t make him any better.

12. Cleopatra – Grade: D+ (60.4% - 163) – She starts at +20% Increase Double Drop and doesn’t have any specialties to improve that.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters (for Treasure)

  2. BSC Group: MT11

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +20%

    2. Monster March Speed Increase: +0% (+70% w/ Skill Books)

    3. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +6%

    5. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +6%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 8th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: September, 2018

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, Specialties don’t make her any better.



Monster Killing for Treasure [PvM Treasure] Rankings (at 3-Purple Specialties Level):

  1. Theodora - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 253)

  2. Aethelflaed - Grade: A- (87.7% - 222)

  3. Caesar [D] - Grade: B+ (87.0% - 220)

  4. Caesar [ND] - Grade: B+ (85.0% - 215)

  5. Baibars - Grade: B+ (83.8% - 212)

  6. Spartacus - Grade: C+ (73.9% - 187)

  7. Nathanael Greene - Grade: C+ (73.5% - 186)

  8. Sanada Yukimura - Grade: C+ (71.9% - 182)

  9. Huo Qubing - Grade: C (70.0% - 177)

  10. Seleucus I - Grade: C (68.8% - 174)

  11. Hernando Cortes - Grade: C (68.0% - 172)

  12. Cleopatra - Grade: C- (65.2% - 165)

[D] = Dragon

[ND] = No Dragon



Skill Book Preferences for Mounted Monster Killing [Treasure]

  1. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +18%

  2. Monster March Speed Increase: +45%

  3. March Speed Increase: +25%

  4. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +45%

  5. Mounted Attack Increase: +25%

  6. March Size Increase: +12%

  7. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +45%

  8. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +45%

  9. Mounted HP Increase: +25%

  10. Mounted Defense Increase: +25%

The Monster Mounted HP Increase and Monster Mounted Defense Increase Skill Books will help reduce the number of wounded in the "BOSS MONSTER GAPS” at K32-34/B12/B13, but they will NOT help get the number of wounded to zero.

The Mounted (Movement) Speed Increase Skill Book does NOT work for PvM.


Please let me know if I missed any good Mounted Generals: Monster Killing for Treasure (PvM - Treasure), or if there is an unlisted general you would like run through the algorithm to get a grade/score.

If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below. Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.




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