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Part 9A - Specialized Duty Officer Rankings [PvP and/or Peace-Time]





Introduction for Specialized Duty Officers

Army Generals Analysis - PART 9A, reviewing Specialized Duty Officers [for PvP and/or Peace-Time].

The ten (10) new and improved Duty Officers (Ashoka, Otto the Great, Stilicho, Maurice of Nassau, Mikhail Kutuzov, Sulla, Hammurabi, Zhang Liang, Jiang Ziya, and Pericles) are NOT available from buying the 5th ($100) Event Packs. These new "upgraded" Duty Officers are only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th Event Packs, that requires spending $185 US in a day, for every day of the Special Event or about $2,100 US for each General), which is way beyond what 99.9% of people can afford to spend on a video game.

Also, Ashoka, Stilicho, Mikhail Kutuzov, Sulla, Hammurabi and Jiang Ziya have been recently introduced as Battle (PvP) Duty Officers. At some point, Battle [PvP] Duty Officers may have a separate category, but for now they are all ranked together in a single list.

There are eighteen (18) buildings that allow Duty Officers. Eight (8) of these buildings have no Specialized Duty Officers, so any Army General works just as well as any other for these eight (8) Duty Officer positions:

  1. Bunker [Level 20]

  2. Warehouse [Level 23]

  3. Market [Level 24]

  4. Embassy [Level 27]

  5. Forge [Level 30]

  6. Research Factory [Level 32]

  7. Holy Palace [Level 35]

  8. Military Academy [Level 1, K36 to open]

Out of the other ten (10) buildings:

  • The Archer Tower, Hospital, Trap Factory, and Rally Spot have two (2) Specialized Duty Officer.

  • The Academy, Barracks, Workshop, Stables, and Archer Camp have a clear choice for BATTLE (PvP) Specialized Duty Officer, and another clear choice PEACE-TIME Specialized Duty Officer.

  • The Keep has only one (1) BATTLE (PvP) Specialized Duty Officer, and two (2) choices for PEACE-TIME Specialized Duty Officer.

Also, there are some strange mechanics with appointing Duty Officers, that are discussed below the Rankings in the Equipment Section.



Specialty Level for Featured Rankings:

Instead of the typical 4-Yellow Specialty Score used for the Primary Six (6) Army Generals, the Army Generals in this category have been ranked by the 3-Orange Specialty Score because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to the 4-Yellow Specialties Level. See the Developing Army General Specialties in this article for more information.

The Primary Six (6) Army Generals are:

Composite rankings for all four (4) levels (Maximum Ascending Enhancements and 4-Yellow Specialties Level, 4-Yellow Specialties Level, 3-Orange Specialties Level, and 3-Purple Specialties Level) are listed below the Featured Rankings.



Featured Rankings Format

Ranking # - General Name – Letter Grade with (Percent & Total Score) in parentheses – Description

  1. Specialty:

  2. Strongest Buffs:

  3. Dragon:

  4. Acquisition:

  5. Culture:

  6. Introduced:

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: This is an important consideration for this Army General Category.

  8. Duty Officer:



Specialized Duty Officer (PvP &/or Peace-Time) Rankings (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):


1. Maurice of Nassau - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 94) – By far, the BEST option for Archer Tower Duty Officer, if you can get him.

  1. Specialty: Archer Tower Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. In-City Ranged Attack Increase (when Archer Tower Officer): +20%

    2. In-City Siege Attack Increase (when Archer Tower Officer): +20%

    3. Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack (when Archer Tower Officer): +15%

    4. Archer Tower Attack Increase (when Archer Tower Officer): +54%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: June, 2022

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Attack 1,350 & Defense 1,350) at Level 34 although it requires getting at least 502 on Defense Cultivation (which is difficult, but not impossible to do). If you’d prefer to save gems on cultivating, you can wait until Level 35.

2. Ban Chao - Grade: C+ (73.4% - 69) – The 2nd best option for Archer Tower Duty Officer, much easier to get (since he’s available in the Tavern), and still much better than inserting a random Army General as Archer Tower Duty Officer.

  1. Specialty: Archer Tower Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. In-City Ranged Attack Increase (when Archer Tower Officer): +20%

    2. Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack (when Archer Tower Officer): +20%

    3. Archer Tower Attack Increase (when Archer Tower Officer): +54%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022. He’s also still available in the Great Generals Chest (GGC) Activity.

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: May, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Attack 1,350 & Defense 1,350) at Level 37 although it requires getting at least 502 on Attack Cultivation (which is difficult, but not impossible to do). If you’d prefer to save gems on cultivating, you can wait until Level 38.


HOSPITAL [Level 15]

1. Pericles – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 86) – By far, the BEST option for Archer Tower Duty Officer, if you can get him.

  1. Specialty: Hospital Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Hospital Capacity Increase (when Hospital Officer): +25%

    2. All Troop HP Increase (when Hospital Officer): +10%

    3. Healing Speed Increase (when Hospital Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: March, 2023

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Attack 1,400 & Defense 1,400) at Level 36.

2. Skanderbeg – Grade: C (68.0% - 60) – The 2nd best option for Hospital Duty Officer, much easier to get (since he’s available in the Tavern), and still much better than inserting a random Army General as Hospital Duty Officer.

  1. Specialty: Hospital Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Hospital Capacity Increase (when Hospital Officer): +25%

    2. Healing Speed Increase (when Hospital Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022.

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: March, 2020

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Attack 1,400 & Defense 1,400) at Level 40.


KEEP - BATTLE (PvP) [Level 16]

1. Ashoka – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 56) – By far, the BEST option for Keep Duty Officer during Battle, if you can get him. However, Zhuge Liang and Menshikov probably make better Keep Duty Officers during Peace-Time because their Construction Speed Increase is superior to Ashoka’s.

  1. Specialty: Keep Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Ranged Attack Increase (when Keep Officer): +20%

    2. Reduce Enemy Ground HP (when Keep Officer): +15%

    3. Construction Speed Increase (when Keep Officer): +6%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: Other

  6. Introduced: September, 2021

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,450 & Politics 1,450) at Level 38.

KEEP - PEACE-TIME [Level 16]

1. Zhuge Liang – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 16) – Tied as BEST option for Keep Duty Officer during Peace-Time because his Construction Speed Increase is vastly superior to Ashoka’s.

  1. Specialty: Keep Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Construction Speed Increase (when Keep Officer): +26%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: VERY DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($185) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  5. Culture: China

  6. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,450 & Politics 1,450) at Level 38.

2. Menshikov – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 16) – Tied as BEST option for Keep Duty Officer during Peace-Time because his Construction Speed Increase is vastly superior to Ashoka’s.

  1. Specialty: Keep Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Construction Speed Increase (when Keep Officer): +26%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022.

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,450 & Politics 1,450) at Level 38.



1. Otto the Great – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 100) – By far, the BEST option for Trap Factory Duty Officer, if you can get him.

  1. Specialty: Trap Factory Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. In-City Siege Attack Increase (when Trap Factory Officer): +36%

    2. Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack (when Trap Factory Officer): +15%

    3. Trap Building Speed Increase (when Trap Factory Officer): +24%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: March, 2022

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Attack 1,350 & Defense 1,400) at Level 36.

2. Askia Muhammad I – Grade: C (69.0% - 69) – The 2nd best option for Trap Factory Duty Officer, much easier to get (since he’s available in the Tavern), and still much better than inserting a random Army General as Trap Factory Duty Officer.

  1. Specialty: Trap Factory Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. In-City Siege Attack Increase (when Trap Factory Officer): +25%

    2. Reduce Siege Repair Costs (when Trap Factory Officer): +15%

    3. Trap Building Speed Increase (when Trap Factory Officer): +24%

    4. Damaged Siege Capacity Increase (when Trap Factory Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022. He’s also still available in the Great Generals Chest (GGC) Activity.

  5. Culture: Other

  6. Introduced: March, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Attack 1,350 & Defense 1,400) at Level 40.


ACADEMY - BATTLE (PvP) [Level 20]

1. Hammurabi – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 35) – Currently, the BEST option for BATTLE Academy Duty Officer. However, Eulji Mundeok probably makes a better Academy Duty Officer during Peace-Time because his Research Speed Buff is better than Hammurabi's.

  1. Specialty: Academy Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Research Speed Increase (when Academy Officer): +16%

    2. Ranged Defense Increase (when Academy Officer): +20%

    3. Siege Defense Increase (when Academy Officer): +20%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: October, 2022

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Politics 1,400) at Level 35.


1. Eulji Mundeok – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 16) – Currently, the BEST option for PEACE-TIME Academy Duty Officer.

  1. Specialty: Academy Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Research Speed Increase (when Academy Officer): +26%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022.

  5. Culture: Korea

  6. Introduced: August, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Politics 1,400) at Level 38.



1. Sulla – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 48) – Currently, the BEST option for BATTLE Archer Camp Duty Officer. However, John I of Portugal probably makes a better Archer Camp Duty Officer during Peace-Time because his Ranged Training Speed Buff is much better than Sulla's.

  1. Specialty: Battle Archer Camp Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Ranged Attack Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +15%

    2. Ranged HP Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +10%

    3. Ranged Defense Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +10%

    4. Ranged Training Speed Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +12%

    5. Ranged Training Capacity Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US)..

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: September, 2022

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 36.


1. John I of Portugal – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 38) – Currently, the BEST option for PEACE-TIME Archer Camp Duty Officer.

  1. Specialty: Peace-Time Archer Camp Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Ranged Attack Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +5%

    2. Ranged HP Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +5%

    3. Ranged Defense Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +5%

    4. Ranged Training Speed Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +32%

    5. Ranged Training Capacity Increase (when Archer Camp Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022. He’s also still available in the Great Generals Chest (GGC) Activity.

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: September, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 40.


BARRACKS - BATTLE (PvP) [Level 25]

1. Jiang Ziya - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 47) – By far, the BEST option for BATTLE Barracks Duty Officer, if you can get him. However, Abd al-Rahman I probably makes a better Workshop Duty Officer during Peace-Time because his Ground Training Speed Buff is much better than Ziya's.

  1. Specialty: Barracks Battle Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Ground Attack Increase (when Barracks Officer): +10%

    2. Ground HP Increase (when Barracks Officer): +15%

    3. Ground Defense Increase (when Barracks Officer): +15%

    4. Ground Training Speed Increase (when Barracks Officer): +12%

    5. Ground Training Capacity Increase (when Barracks Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: China

  6. Introduced: January, 2023

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 35.


1. Abd al-Rahman I – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 38) – The BEST option for PEACE-TIME Barracks Duty Officer.

  1. Specialty: Barracks Peace-Time Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Ground Attack Increase (when Barracks Officer): +5%

    2. Ground HP Increase (when Barracks Officer): +5%

    3. Ground Defense Increase (when Barracks Officer): +5%

    4. Ground Training Speed Increase (when Barracks Officer): +32%

    5. Ground Training Capacity Increase (when Barracks Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022. He’s also still available in the Relic Chamber Rewards (RCR) Activity.

  5. Culture: Arabia

  6. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 40.


WORKSHOP – BATTLE (PvP) [Level 29]

1. Mikhail Kutuzov - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 48) – By far, the BEST option for BATTLE Workshop Duty Officer, if you can get him. However, Gwon Ryul probably makes a better Workshop Duty Officer during Peace-Time because his Siege Training Speed Buff is much better than Kutuzov's.

  1. Specialty: Workshop Battle Duty Officer.

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Siege Attack Increase (when Workshop Officer): +15%

    2. Siege HP Increase (when Workshop Officer): +10%

    3. Siege Defense Increase (when Workshop Officer): +10%

    4. Siege Training Speed Increase (when Workshop Officer): +12%

    5. Siege Training Capacity Increase (when Workshop Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: Russia

  6. Introduced: August, 2022

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 36.


1. Gwon Ryul - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 38) – The BEST option for PEACE-TIME Workshop Duty Officer.

  1. Specialty: Workshop Peace-Time Duty Officer.

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Siege Attack Increase (when Workshop Officer): +5%

    2. Siege HP Increase (when Workshop Officer): +5%

    3. Siege Defense Increase (when Workshop Officer): +5%

    4. Siege Training Speed Increase (when Workshop Officer): +32%

    5. Siege Training Capacity Increase (when Workshop Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022.

  5. Culture: Korea

  6. Introduced: August, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 40.


STABLES - BATTLE (PvP) [Level 33]

1. Stilicho – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 48) – By far, the BEST option for Stables Duty Officer during Battle, if you can get him. However, Oleg of Novgorod probably makes a better Stables Duty Officer during Peace-Time because his Mounted Training Speed Buff is much better than Stilicho’s.

  1. Specialty: Stables Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase (when Stables Officer): +15%

    2. Mounted HP Increase (when Stables Officer): +10%

    3. Mounted Defense Increase (when Stables Officer): +10%

    4. Mounted Training Speed Increase (when Stables Officer): +12%

    5. Mounted Training Capacity Increase (when Stables Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: April, 2022

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 37.


1. Oleg of Novgorod – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 38) – The BEST option for Stables Duty Officer during Peace-Time (because his Mounted Training Speed is vastly superior to Stilicho’s).

  1. Specialty: Stables Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase (when Stables Officer): +5%

    2. Mounted HP Increase (when Stables Officer): +5%

    3. Mounted Defense Increase (when Stables Officer): +5%

    4. Mounted Training Speed Increase (when Stables Officer): +32%

    5. Mounted Training Capacity Increase (when Stables Officer): +12%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022, but he’s also still available in the Great Generals Chest (GGC) activity.

  5. Culture: Russia

  6. Introduced: March, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 40.


RALLY SPOT [Level 35]

1. Zhang Liang – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 99) – By far, the BEST option for Rally Spot Duty Officer, if you can get him.

  1. Specialty: Rally Spot Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Attacking Ground Attack Increase (when Rally Spot Officer): +15%

    2. Attacking Ground HP Increase (when Rally Spot Officer): +15%

    3. Attacking Mounted Attack Increase (when Rally Spot Officer): +15%

    4. Attacking Mounted HP Increase (when Rally Spot Officer): +15%

    5. March Size Increase (when Rally Spot Officer): +17%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, he’s NOT available in the 5th Daily Event Packs (requires spending $185 US in a day). He’s only available through achieving the highest level of the King’s Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that’s about $2,100 US).

  5. Culture: China

  6. Introduced: December, 2022

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange Specialties Level because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties Level. However, since he’s the top choice at his position, it probably makes sense to take him to 4-Yellow Specialties Level if you have the resources available. (Only the 3rd & 4th Specialties help, the 1st & 2nd Specialties do NOT work when he is assigned as a Duty Officer.)

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 36.

2. Toyotomi Hideyoshi – Grade: D- (40.4% - 43) – The 2nd BEST option for Rally Spot Duty Officer, much easier to get (since he’s available in the Tavern), and still much better than inserting a random Army General as Rally Spot Duty Officer.

  1. Specialty: Rally Spot Duty Officer

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. All Troop Attack Increase (when Rally Spot Officer): +5%

    2. All Troop HP Increase (when Rally Spot Officer): +5%

    3. March Size Increase (when Rally Spot Officer): +9%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022.

  5. Culture: Japan

  6. Introduced: December, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow Specialties, since getting Zhaig Liang is almost impossible, and getting every percent possible to maximize March Size Increase is extremely important, it probably makes sense to take him to the 4-Yellow Specialties Level.

  8. Duty Officer: He can make the SUPER Duty Officer minimum requirements (Leadership 1,400 & Attack 1,400) at Level 38, although it requires getting at least 502 on Attack Cultivation (which is difficult, but not impossible to do). If you’d prefer to save gems on cultivating, you can wait until Level 39.



Skill Books for Specialized Duty Officers

Since duty officers are not involved with PvP or PvM, there are no useful Skill Books for Duty Officers. So, for the Specialized Duty Officers, do not waste Skill Books on them, it will NOT help anything.

This is also true for the Archer Tower Duty Officer, even though it seems like they should be involved in the fight, like the In-City Defense (Main Wall) General, they are NOT directly involved in any battles because they do NOT receive experience from defending attacks like the In-City Defense (Main Wall) General and the Subordinate City Generals (Mayors).



Equipment (Gear) for Specialized Duty Officers

Most of the time, gear also does not matter for a Specialized Duty Officer. The only time it will matter is when you need to promote a duty officer to the 4th or 5th level (SPECIAL DUTY OFFICER or SUPER DUTY OFFICER).

There are some strange mechanics for appointing duty officers… let’s say you appoint a new Duty Officer at the Junior Duty Officer Rank and over time you level them up so that they should qualify for a promotion to the next level, Medium Duty Officer. You would think the game would automatically change that, right? Well, think again, because it does NOT.

When you have improved a Duty Officer enough to qualify for the next level, you will need to dismiss and re-appoint them for their ranking to change. At first, I thought “this must be a bug”, but it is not...

The two (2) highest rankings (SPECIAL DUTY OFFICER and SUPER DUTY OFFICER) involve a minimum power requirement (either 3.1 million or 3.3 million). Even at level 40, it's not possible for an ANY Army General to make those minimum power requirements unless they are wearing “Red Gear” (Dragon, Ares or Achaemenidae).

I believe the mechanics are functioning as described above, so that the “Red Gear” (Dragon, Ares, or Acaemenidae) can be temporarily placed on a Duty Officer. Once appointed to their Duty Officer position at SPECIAL DUTY OFFICER or SUPER DUTY OFFICER rank, the gear can be removed (and put back on another general) without losing the ranking of the Duty Officer.



Composite Rankings for Specialized Duty Officers

When deciding which Specialized Duty Officer to develop first, it may be helpful to compare them against each other.

The four (4) levels of composite rankings are listed below.



Specialized Duty Officers (PvP &/or Peace-Time) Rankings (at maximum Ascending Enhancements and 4-Yellow Specialties Level)

  1. Otto the Great - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 564)

  2. Jiang Ziya - Grade: A (91.7% - 517)

  3. Ashoka - Grade: B+ (86.3% - 487)

  4. Pericles - Grade: B+ (84.4% - 476)

  5. Maurice of Nassau - Grade: B (82.6% - 466)

  6. Hammurabi - Grade: B (81.6% - 460)

  7. Zhang Liang - Grade: B (80.0% - 451)

  8. Mikhail Kutuzov - Grade: C+ (72.0% - 406)

  9. Stilicho - Grade: C (70.2% - 396)

  10. Sulla - Grade: C (70.0% - 395)

  11. Askia Muhammad I - Grade: D+ (56.9% - 321)

  12. Skanderbeg - Grade: D+ (56.7% - 320)

  13. Ban Chao - Grade: D (50.7% - 286)

  14. John I of Portugal - Grade: D (46.1% - 260)

  15. Gwon Ryul - Grade: D (44.0% - 248)

  16. Eulji Mundeok - Grade: D- (38.8% - 219)

  17. Abd al-Rahman I - Grade: D- (37.6% - 212)

  18. Oleg of Novgorod - Grade: D- (37.6% - 212)

  19. Toyotomi Hideyoshi - Grade: D- (36.3% - 205)

  20. Zhuge Liang - Grade: D- (25.0% - 141)

  21. Menshikov - Grade: D- (25.0% - 141)



Specialized Duty Officers (PvP &/or Peace-Time) Rankings (at 4-Yellow Specialties Level)

  1. Zhang Liang - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 179)

  2. Maurice of Nassau - Grade: A+ (96.1% - 172)

  3. Pericles - Grade: A (92.7% - 166)

  4. Otto the Great - Grade: B+ (87.2% - 156)

  5. Askia Muhammad I - Grade: C+ (72.6% - 130)

  6. Skanderbeg - Grade: C (68.7% - 123)

  7. Mikhail Kutuzov - Grade: C- (65.4% - 117)

  8. Ban Chao - Grade: C- (62.0% - 111)

  9. Jiang Ziya - Grade: D+ (61.5% - 110)

  10. Sulla - Grade: D+ (60.9% - 109)

  11. Stilicho - Grade: D+ (60.9% - 109)

  12. Ashoka - Grade: D+ (54.7% - 98)

  13. Toyotomi Hideyoshi - Grade: D (42.5% - 76)

  14. Hammurabi - Grade: D- (39.1% - 70)

  15. John I of Portugal - Grade: D- (38.5% - 69)

  16. Abd al-Rahman I - Grade: D- (38.5% - 69)

  17. Gwon Ryul - Grade: D- (38.5% - 69)

  18. Oleg of Novgorod - Grade: D- (38.5% - 69)

  19. Zhuge Liang - Grade: D- (17.9% - 32)

  20. Menshikov - Grade: D- (17.9% - 32)

  21. Eulji Mundeok - Grade: D- (17.9% - 32)



Specialized Duty Officers (PvP &/or Peace-Time) Rankings (at 3-Orange Specialties Level)

  1. Zhang Liang - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 109)

  2. Otto the Great - Grade: A (91.7% - 100)

  3. Maurice of Nassau - Grade: B+ (86.2% - 94)

  4. Pericles - Grade: B- (78.9% - 86)

  5. Ban Chao - Grade: C- (63.3% - 69)

  6. Askia Muhammad I - Grade: C- (63.3% - 69)

  7. Skanderbeg - Grade: D+ (55.0% - 60)

  8. Ashoka - Grade: D (51.4% - 56)

  9. Sulla - Grade: D (44.0% - 48)

  10. Mikhail Kutuzov - Grade: D (44.0% - 48)

  11. Stilicho - Grade: D (44.0% - 48)

  12. Jiang Ziya - Grade: D (43.1% - 47)

  13. Toyotomi Hideyoshi - Grade: D- (41.3% - 45)

  14. John I of Portugal - Grade: D- (34.9% - 38)

  15. Abd al-Rahman I - Grade: D- (34.9% - 38)

  16. Gwon Ryul - Grade: D- (34.9% - 38)

  17. Oleg of Novgorod - Grade: D- (34.9% - 38)

  18. Hammurabi - Grade: D- (32.1% - 35)

  19. Zhuge Liang - Grade: F (14.7% - 16)

  20. Menshikov - Grade: F (14.7% - 16)

  21. Eulji Mundeok - Grade: F (14.7% - 16)



Specialized Duty Officers (PvP &/or Peace-Time) Rankings (at 3-Purple Specialties Level)

  1. Zhang Liang - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 106)

  2. Maurice of Nassau - Grade: A- (87.7% - 93)

  3. Otto the Great - Grade: B+ (85.8% - 91)

  4. Pericles - Grade: C+ (75.5% - 80)

  5. Ban Chao - Grade: C- (64.2% - 68)

  6. Askia Muhammad I - Grade: D+ (57.5% - 61)

  7. Ashoka - Grade: D (51.9% - 55)

  8. Skanderbeg - Grade: D (50.9% - 54)

  9. Sulla - Grade: D (41.5% - 44)

  10. Mikhail Kutuzov - Grade: D (41.5% - 44)

  11. Stilicho - Grade: D (41.5% - 44)

  12. Jiang Ziya - Grade: D- (40.6% - 43)

  13. Toyotomi Hideyoshi - Grade: D- (39.6% - 42)

  14. Hammurabi - Grade: D- (32.1% - 34)

  15. John I of Portugal - Grade: D- (32.1% - 34)

  16. Abd al-Rahman I - Grade: D- (32.1% - 34)

  17. Gwon Ryul - Grade: D- (32.1% - 34)

  18. Oleg of Novgorod - Grade: D- (32.1% - 34)

  19. Zhuge Liang - Grade: F (14.2% - 15)

  20. Menshikov - Grade: F (14.2% - 15)

  21. Eulji Mundeok - Grade: F (14.2% - 15)


If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below. Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.



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