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Part 1G - In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Supremacy & Conquest Equipment with Koryo & Abbas Sets


Updated: Apr 4, 2024




In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment

Score Weightings for In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP in the v4.0.0 Summary Ranking System

Defending In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP:

  • Defending Offense: 37%

  • Defending Toughness: 38%

  • Defending Enemy Debilitation (Debuffs): 25%


The Koryo Set is by far the best option available for "Supremacy" Level In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Gear.

The 2KR/2AB Mixed Set seems to be the strongest option for "Conquest" Level In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Gear.



Five (5) of the best options for "Supremacy" Level In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Gear are compared below.



Koryo Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

The Koryo Set is by far the best option available for "Supremacy" Level In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Gear.

Koryo Set Availability:

  • The Helmet and Armor were made available with the 2022 April Fool's Day Event which started on 03-25-2022.

  • The Boots and Leg Armor were made available with the 2022 Easter Event which started on 04-06-2022.

  • The Bracers and Horn Bow were made available with the 2022 Carnival Week Event which started on 04-22-2022.

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +560% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: A+ (100.0% - 968)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +493% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +640% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: A+ (100.0% - 1,099)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +40% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +30% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +40% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +100% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +55% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +30% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +30% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: D (51.9% - 360)

Defending Total: A+ (100.0% - 2,427)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Koryo Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Koryo Horn Bow

Siege Attack Increase 35% 42

Ranged Attack Increase 35% 42

In-City Siege Attack Increase 40% 48

In-City Ranged Attack Increase 35% 42

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 30% 72

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 366

Helmet Koryo Helmet

In-City All Troop Defense Increase 35% 105

Ground HP Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 25% 17

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 247

Armor Koryo Armor

In-City Siege Attack Increase 45% 54

Ground Defense Increase 35% 24

Mounted Defense Increase 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 40% 32

All Toop HP Increase 15% 45

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 259

Leg Armor Koryo Leg Armor

Ranged Defense Increase 35% 28

Siege Defense Increase 35% 28

Siege Defense Increase 40% 32

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 40% 32

Siege Attack Increase 20% 24

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 224

Boots Koryo Boots

Ranged HP Increase 35% 28

Siege HP Increase 35% 28

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 30% 24

March Speed Increase 35% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 196

Special Koryo Bracers

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

In-City All Troop Attack Increase 15% 60

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 40% 28

Siege Range Bonus 15% 30

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 274

Set Bonus Full Koryo Set Bonuses

In-City Ground HP Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Ground Defense Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Mounted HP Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Mounted Defense Increase (2/6) 30% 24

Ranged Attack Increase (4/6) 20% 24

Siege Attack Increase (4/6) 20% 24

In-City All Troop HP Increase (6/6) 25% 75

In-City All Troop Defense Increase (6/6) 25% 75

Sub-Total 294

Total Score 1,860

Grade A+ (100.0%)

Note: If you see a better combination, please let me know in the comments section below.



Abbas Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

There are several Civilization Sets that score better than the Achaemenidae Set, including the Abbas, Augustus Set, Heian Set, and Han Dynasty Set. Currently the Abbas, Augustus & Heian Sets score significantly higher than the Han Dynasty Set when used as In-City Defense (Main Wall) General Gear.

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +370% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: C- (66.1% - 640)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +290% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +295% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: D (52.0% - 571)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +95% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +65% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +100% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +85% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +80% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +75% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +90% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: A+ (100.0% - 693)

Defending Total: B- (78.5% - 1,904)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Abbas Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Abbas Mace

Ranged Attack Increase 40% 48

Siege Attack Increase 40% 48

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 50% 35

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 35% 24

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 275

Helmet Abbas Helmet

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 50% 40

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 40% 28

Marching Ranged Attack Increase 40% 0

Siege HP Increase 30% 24

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 172

Armor Abbas Armor

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 20% 16

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 20% 16

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 45% 36

Marching Siege Attack Increase 45% 0

Siege Defense Increase 30% 28

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 176

Leg Armor Abbas Leg Armor

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 40% 28

Ranged Defense Increase 30% 24

Siege Defense Increase 30% 24

Ranged HP Increase 30% 24

Siege HP Increase 30% 24

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 228

Boots Abbas Boots

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 50% 35

Ranged Attack Increase 30% 36

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

March Speed Increase 40% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 211

Special Abbas Bracers

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 40% 28

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 40% 28

Siege Range Bonus 15% 30

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 262

Set Bonus Full Abbas Set Bonuses

Ranged Attack Increase (2/6) 15% 18

Siege Attack Increase (2/6) 15% 18

Rally Capacity Increase (4/6) 15% 0

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack (6/6) 15% 45

Sub-Total 81

Total Score 1,405

Grade B- (75.5%)



There are several Civilization Sets that score better than the Achaemenidae Set, including the Abbas, Augustus Set, Heian Set, and Han Dynasty Set. Currently the Abbas, Augustus & Heian Sets score significantly higher than the Han Dynasty Set when used as In-City Defense (Main Wall) General Gear.

Augustus Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +473% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: B+ (84.5% - 818)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +240% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +200% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: D- (39.2% - 431)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +135% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +45% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +75% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +135% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +55% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +100% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +25% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: A+ (96.8% - 671)

Defending Total: B- (79.1% - 1,920)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Abbas Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Augustus Scepter

All Troop Attack Increase 25% 100

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 25% 30

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 20% 14

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 20% 14

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 278

Helmet Augustus Helmet

Ranged Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 25% 20

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 202

Armor Augustus Armor

Ground HP Increase 40% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 30% 21

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 185

Leg Armor Augustus Leg Armor

Mounted Attack Increase 40% 48

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 25% 17

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 231

Boots Augustus Boots

Ground Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 30% 21

March Speed Increase 40% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 193

Special Augustus Bracers

All Troop Attack Increase 15% 60

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 20% 14

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 20% 14

March Size Increase 15% 0

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 208

Set Bonus Full Augustus Set Bonuses

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack (2/6) 10% 30

March Size Increase (4/6) 20% 0

All Troop Attack Increase (6/6) 12% 48

Sub-Total 78

Total Score 1,375

Grade C+ (73.9%)



There are several Civilization Sets that score better than the Achaemenidae Set, including the Abbas, Augustus Set, Heian Set, and Han Dynasty Set. Currently the Abbas, Augustus & Heian Sets score significantly higher than the Han Dynasty Set when used as In-City Defense (Main Wall) General Gear.

Heian Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +355% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: C- (63.4% - 614)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +370% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +410% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: C (69.1% - 759)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +10% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +10% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +85% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +110% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +85% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +110% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: B- (76.8% - 532)

Defending Total: B- (78.5% - 1,905)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Heian Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Heian Tachi

Siege Attack Increase 60% 72

Marching Siege Attack Increase 30% 0

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 25% 17

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 260

Helmet Heian Helmet

Siege Defense Increase 40% 32

Siege HP Increase 35% 28

Ranged HP Increase 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 35% 24

Marching Ranged Attack Increase 25% 0

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 216

Armor Heian Armor

Siege Defense Increase 40% 28

Ranged Defense Increase 40% 28

Siege HP Increase 40% 32

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 25% 17

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 244

Leg Armor Heian Leg Armor

Siege Attack Increase 40% 48

Siege Defense Increase 35% 24

Ranged Defense Increase 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 30% 21

Marching Ranged Attack Increase 25% 0

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 218

Boots Heian Boots

Siege HP Increase 40% 28

Marching Siege Attack Increase 35% 0

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 25% 20

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 25% 20

March Speed Increase 40% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 148

Special Heian Bracers

Siege Attack Increase 35% 42

Marching Ranged Attack Increase 30% 0

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 25% 17

Siege Range Bonus 15% 30

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 226

Set Bonus Full Heian Set Bonuses

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack (2/6) 10% 30

Rally Capacity Increase (4/6) 15% 0

Siege Attack Increase (6/6) 20% 24

Siege HP Increase (6/6) 20% 16

Siege Defense Increase (6/6) 20% 14

Sub-Total 84

Total Score 1,396

Grade C+ (75.1%)



There are several Civilization Sets that score better than the Achaemenidae Set, including the Abbas, Augustus Set, Heian Set, and Han Dynasty Set. Currently the Abbas, Augustus & Heian Sets score significantly higher than the Han Dynasty Set when used as In-City Defense (Main Wall) General Gear.

Han Dynasty Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +305% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: D+ (54.4% - 527)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +310% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +235% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: D (48.7% - 535)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +30% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +140% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +85% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +75% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +105% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: C+ (75.2% - 521)

Defending Total: C- (65.2% - 1,583)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Han Dynasty Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Han Dynasty Halberd

Mounted Attack Increase 60% 72

Marching Siege Attack Increase 35% 0

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 30% 21

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 237

Helmet Han Dynasty Helmet

All Troop HP Increase 20% 60

Siege HP Increase 40% 32

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 40% 28

Marching Ranged Attack Increase 25% 0

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 200

Armor Han Dynasty Armor

All Troop HP Increase w/ Dragon 20% 60

Marching Mounted Attack Increase 30% 0

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

Marching Mounted HP Increase 25% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 168

Leg Armor Han Dynasty Leg Armor

All Troop Defense Increase 15% 45

Ranged HP Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 45% 31

Marching Mounted Attack Increase 25% 0

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 180

Boots Han Dynasty Boots

All Troop Defense Increase w/ Dragon 20% 60

Marching Ground HP Increase 40% 0

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 35% 24

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 188

Special Han Dynasty Bracers

All Troop Attack Increase w/ Dragon 15% 60

Marching Siege Attack Increase 30% 0

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 20% 14

March Size Increase 13% 0

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 194

Set Bonus Full Han Dynasty Set Bonuses

Mounted Attack Increase (2/6) 30% 36

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense (4/6) 25% 60

Reduce Enemy Ground HP (6/6) 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense (6/6) 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP (6/6) 25% 17

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense (6/6) 25% 17

Sub-Total 164

Total Score 1,331

Grade C+ (71.6%)



Five (5) of the best options for "Conquest" Level In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Gear are compared below.



2-Koryo / 2-Abbas Mixed "Conquest" Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

The 2KR/2AB Mixed Set seems to be the strongest option for "Conquest" Level In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Gear.

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +340% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: D+ (60.7% - 588)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +420% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +469% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: B- (78.7% - 865)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +105% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +65% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +65% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +75% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +40% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: C- (67.2% - 466)

Defending Total: B- (79.1% - 1,919)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

2-Koryo / 2-Abbas Mixed "Conquest" Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Achaemenidae Sword

Ground Attack Increase 45% 54

In-City Ground Defense Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 40% 32

All Troop Load Increase 27% 0

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 206

Helmet Koryo Helmet

In-City All Troop Defense Increase 35% 105

Ground HP Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 25% 17

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 247

Armor Courageous Achaemenidae Armor

Siege Attack Increase 22% 26

Siege Defense Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 35% 24

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 159

Leg Armor Abbas Leg Armor

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 40% 28

Ranged Defense Increase 30% 24

Siege Defense Increase 30% 24

Ranged HP Increase 30% 24

Siege HP Increase 30% 24

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 228

Boots Koryo Boots

Ranged HP Increase 35% 28

Siege HP Increase 35% 28

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 30% 24

March Speed Increase 35% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 196

Special Abbas Bracers

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 40% 28

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 40% 28

Siege Range Bonus 15% 30

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 262

Set Bonus 2-Piece Koryo Set Bonuses

In-City Ground HP Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Ground Defense Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Mounted HP Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Mounted Defense Increase (2/6) 30% 24

2-Piece Abbas Set Bonuses

Ranged Attack Increase (2/6) 15% 18

Siege Attack Increase (2/6) 15% 18

2-Piece Achaemenidae Set Bonus

All Troop Attack Increase (2/6) 10% 40

Sub-Total 172

Total Score 1,470

Grade B- (79.0%)



3-Koryo / 1-Abbas Mixed "Conquest" Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +390% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: C (69.7% - 675)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +420% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +469% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: B- (78.7% - 865)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +70% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +105% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +25% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +75% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: D (49.6% - 344)

Defending Total: B- (77.6% - 1,884)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

3-Koryo / 1-Abbas Mixed "Conquest" Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Achaemenidae Sword

Ground Attack Increase 45% 54

In-City Ground Defense Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 40% 32

All Troop Load Increase 27% 0

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 206

Helmet Koryo Helmet

In-City All Troop Defense Increase 35% 105

Ground HP Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 25% 17

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 247

Armor Courageous Achaemenidae Armor

Siege Attack Increase 22% 26

Siege Defense Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 35% 24

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 159

Leg Armor Abbas Leg Armor

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 40% 28

Ranged Defense Increase 30% 24

Siege Defense Increase 30% 24

Ranged HP Increase 30% 24

Siege HP Increase 30% 24

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 228

Boots Koryo Boots

Ranged HP Increase 35% 28

Siege HP Increase 35% 28

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 30% 24

March Speed Increase 35% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 196

Special Koryo Bracers

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

In-City All Troop Attack Increase 15% 60

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 40% 28

Siege Range Bonus 15% 30

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 274

Set Bonus 2-Piece Koryo Set Bonuses

In-City Ground HP Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Ground Defense Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Mounted HP Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Mounted Defense Increase (2/6) 30% 24

2-Piece Achaemenidae Set Bonus

All Troop Attack Increase (2/6) 10% 40

Sub-Total 136

Total Score 1,446

Grade B- (77.7%)



3-Koryo Mixed "Conquest" Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Summary (Alternate Methodology - v4.0.2)

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +412% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: C+ (73.7% - 713)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +362% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +409% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: C (68.2% - 750)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +70% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +70% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +70% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +60% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: D (48.8% - 338)

Defending Total: C+ (74.2% - 1,801)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

3-Koryo Mixed "Conquest" Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Achaemenidae Sword

Ground Attack Increase 45% 54

In-City Ground Defense Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 40% 32

All Troop Load Increase 27% 0

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 206

Helmet Koryo Helmet

In-City All Troop Defense Increase 35% 105

Ground HP Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 30% 21

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 25% 17

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 247

Armor Courageous Achaemenidae Armor

Siege Attack Increase 22% 26

Siege Defense Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 35% 24

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 159

Leg Armor Fearless Achaemenidae Leg Armor

Ground HP Increase 22% 17

Siege Attack Increase 22% 26

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 159

Boots Koryo Boots

Ranged HP Increase 35% 28

Siege HP Increase 35% 28

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 30% 24

March Speed Increase 35% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 100% 80

Sub-Total 196

Special Koryo Bracers

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

In-City All Troop Attack Increase 15% 60

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 40% 28

Siege Range Bonus 15% 30

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 100% 120

Sub-Total 274

Set Bonus 2-Piece Koryo Set Bonuses

In-City Ground HP Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Ground Defense Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Mounted HP Increase (2/6) 30% 24

In-City Mounted Defense Increase (2/6) 30% 24

2-Piece Achaemenidae Set Bonus

All Troop Attack Increase (2/6) 10% 40

Sub-Total 136

Total Score 1,377

Grade C+ (74.0%)



The Achaemenidae Set remains the best "Red Gear" option.

Achaemenidae Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +374% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: C- (66.8% - 647)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +182% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +264% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: D- (39.2% - 431)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +15% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +55% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +90% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +120% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +70% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +35% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: C- (67.2% - 466)

Defending Total: C- (63.6% - 1,544)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

For the In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Achaemenidae Set, a choice needs to be made for the Special (Ring) slot.

  • For the Special (Ring) Slot, both rings is are very good, so what to do? I've selected the Courageous Achaemenidae Ring. My primary In-City Defense (Main Wall) General is Leonidas I, so I've chosen to live with any negative effects of the Increase Siege Range Attribute on my Ground Troops. However, if you are using Leo III, William Marshal, or George Dewey, then the Courageous Achaemenidae Ring will be the superior choice.

The set-up below is for a Ground Troop focused In-City Defense Army General (for repelling Ranged Troop Attacks). The weapon should be switched out as required for the Primary Troop type of the In-City Defense (Main Wall) General being utilized.

The first set below represents the stronger Achaemenidae Set choices, and the alternate options (with scores) are listed below the primary choices.

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Achaemenidae Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Achaemenidae Sword

Ground Attack Increase 45% 54

In-City Ground Defense Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 40% 32

All Troop Load Increase 27% 0

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 206

Helmet Courageous Achaemenidae Helmet

Mounted Attack Increase 22% 26

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 35% 24

In-City Ranged Attack Increase 20% 24

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 162

Armor Courageous Achaemenidae Armor

Siege Attack Increase 22% 26

Siege Defense Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 35% 24

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 159

Leg Armor Fearless Achaemenidae Leg Armor

Ground HP Increase 22% 17

Siege Attack Increase 22% 26

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 35% 24

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 159

Boots Courageous Achaemenidae Boots

Ground Defense Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 35% 28

In-City Ranged Attack Increase 20% 24

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 161

Special Courageous Achaemenidae Ring

Mounted Defense Increase 30% 24

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 40% 32

Siege Range Bonus 10% 20

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 208


Fearless Achaemenidae Ring

Ranged Defense Increase 30% 24

Ranged Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 40% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 40% 28

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 212

Set Bonus Full Achaemenidae Set Bonuses

All Troop Attack Increase (2/6) 10% 40

Monster Mounted Attack Increase (4/6) 25% 0

Monster Mounted Defense Increase (4/6) 25% 0

Monster Ground Attack Increase (4/6) 25% 0

Monster Ground Defense Increase (4/6) 25% 0

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack (6/6) 15% 45

Sub-Total 85

Total Score: 1,140

Grade: D+ (61.3%)

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Other Achaemenidae Set Options (Not Listed Above)

Helmet Fearless Achaemenidae Helmet

Ground HP Increase 22% 17

Mounted HP Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 35% 28

In-City Mounted Attack Increase 20% 24

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 150

Armor Fearless Achaemenidae Armor

Ground Defense Increase 22% 17

Ground HP Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 35% 24

In-City Ranged Attack Increase 20% 24

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 146

Leg Armor Courageous Achaemenidae Leg Armor

Ranged Attack Increase 22% 26

Siege HP Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 35% 28

In-City Ranged Defense Increase 20% 16

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 151

Boots Fearless Achaemenidae Boots

Ranged HP Increase 22% 17

Mounted HP Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 35% 28

March Speed Increase 34% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 126



Ares Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Overall, the full Ares Set is a much weaker In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP set, so it's not recommended to use the Ares Set for this Army General.

Summary Methodology v4.0.2

Defending PvP

Defending Troop Attack Increase: +299% (Including All Troop Attack & Refining)

Defending Offense Potency: D (53.4% - 517)

Defending Troop HP Increase: +248% (Including All Troop HP & Refining)

Defending Troop Defense Increase: +348% (Including All Troop Defense & Refining)

Defending Toughness: D (52.5% - 577)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack: +30% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack: +30% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP: +33% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP: +33% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP: +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Defending Enemy Debilitation: D- (20.1% - 139)

Defending Total: D (50.8% - 1,233)

Attribute Methodology v3.4.2

The set-up below is for a Ground Troop focused In-City Defense Army General (for repelling Ranged Troop Attacks). The weapon should be switched out as required for the Primary Troop type of the In-City Defense (Main Wall) General being utilized.

The first set below represents the stronger Ares Set choices, and the alternate option for each piece (with scores) are listed below the primary choices.

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Ares Set [In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP]

Weapon Ares Sword

Ground Attack Increase 45% 54

In-CIty Ground Defense Increase 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 33% 23

All Troop Load Increase 27% 0

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 197

Helmet Courageous Ares Helmet

Ground Attack Increase 22% 26

Ground HP Increase 22% 17

Siege Defense Increase 22% 17

In-City Ground Defense Increase 20% 16

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 140

Armor Fearless Ares Armor

Ground Defense Increase 22% 17

Ground HP Increase 22% 17

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 30% 24

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 30% 24

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 146

Leg Armor Courageous Ares Leg Armor

Ranged Defense Increase 22% 17

Mounted HP Increase 22% 17

Siege Attack Increase 22% 26

In-City Ranged Defense Increase 20% 16

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 140

Boots Courageous Ares Boots

Ground Defense Increase 22% 17

Siege HP Increase 22% 17

In-City Siege Attack Increase 20% 24

All Troop Load Increase 34% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 122

Special Courageous Ares Ring

Mounted Defense Increase 30% 24

Siege Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 33% 23

Siege Range Bonus 10% 20

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 199

Set Bonus Full Ares Set Bonuses

Attacking All Troop Attack Increase (2/6) 15% 0

Monster Mounted Attack Increase (4/6) 25% 0

Monster Mounted Defense Increase (4/6) 25% 0

Monster Ground Attack Increase (4/6) 25% 0

Monster Ground Defense Increase (4/6) 25% 0

March Size Increase (6/6) 10% 0

Sub-Total 0

Total Score: 944

Grade: D (50.8%)

Format: Gear Attribute Amount (at 5 Stars) Score

Other Ares Set Options (Not Listed Above)

Helmet Fearless Ares Helmet

Ranged Attack Increase 22% 26

Mounted HP Increase 22% 17

Siege Attack Increase 22% 26

Marching Mounted Attack Increase 15% 0

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 133

Armor Courageous Ares Armor

Mounted Attack Increase 22% 26

Mounted Defense Increase 22% 17

Marching Mounted HP Increase 15% 0

Ranged HP Increase 22% 17

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 124

Leg Armor Fearless Ares Leg Armor

Ground HP Increase 22% 17

Mounted Attack Increase 22% 26

Marching Ground Defense Increase 15% 0

Marching Mounted Defense Increase 15% 0

(Refined) Primary HP Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 107

Boots Fearless Ares Boots

Ranged HP Increase 22% 17

Mounted Defense Increase 22% 17

Marching Mounted Attack Increase 15% 0

March Speed Increase 34% 0

(Refined) Primary Defense Increase 80% 64

Sub-Total 98

Special Fearless Ares Ring

Ground Defense Increase 30% 24

Ranged Attack Increase 30% 36

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 33% 26

March Size Increase 12% 0

(Refined) Primary Attack Increase 80% 96

Sub-Total 182


If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below.

Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.

Thanks for Reading,

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