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Part 5A - Mounted PvM [Pushing] Lead General Rankings





For PvM Pushing (the strongest bosses you can kill), Caesar, Athaelflaed, Theodora and Baibers, all PvM specialists, have been ranked along with the Mounted PvP Generals.

Unlike Mounted PvP, generals that focus on Mounted Attack Increase, will do better in this ranking, since secondary damage does not help in PvM. Also, Toughness Buffs only help to reduce wounded, but do NOT prevent wounded (bring wounded to zero).


  • There are DIFFERENT Mounted Generals for PvP that are covered in Part 4.

  • There are also DIFFERENT Mounted Generals for PvM TREASURE HUNTING that are covered in Part 7.

For Mounted PvM Pushing Generals, the most important goal is getting to zero wounded on B12+ boss monsters as quickly as possible. So, the old saying, “the best defense is a good offense”, will be very relevant for this Army General category. Thusly, Mounted Attack Increase and Monster Mounted Attack Increase have been very heavily weighted in the calculations below.

Note: The top 3-5 largest Keeps in the Alliance may want to make the Mounted Monster Killing (for Pushing) General [PvM - Pushing] a higher priority, since they will likely be leading boss rallies most of the time.



General Methodology

There's a multiplier for each Attribute. All those multipliers are applied the same way to ALL Army General Attributes in each category.

That includes:

  • Basic Attributes Score - Leadership, Attack, Defense, & Politics

  • Base Skill Score - Also can be known as the "Built-In" Skill

  • Three (3) Skill Books - For the Lead General's Best Three (3) Possible Skill Books.

  • Specialties Score - As appropriate for that Specific Ranking, i.e. 4-Yellow, 3-Orange, 3-Purple, etc.)

  • Ascending Enhancement Score - this number is only added for the Ascending Enhancement Rankings.

If that were written out in a formula, it would be:


TLGS = Total Lead General Score

BAS = Basic Attributes Score

BSS = Base Skill Score

3SB = Three (3) Skill Book Score

TSS = Total Specialties Score

AES = Ascending Enhancement Score



Specialty Level for Featured Rankings:

The Featured Rankings for this Army General Category have been ranked by the 4-Yellow Specialty Score that is used for the "Primary Six (6)" Army Generals Featured Rankings. See the Developing Army General Specialties in this article for more information.

The Primary Six (6) Army Generals are:

If the 4-Yellow Specialties Ranking is not realistic for this Army General Category, then see the 3-Orange Specialty Rankings and/or the 3-Purple Specialty Rankings that have been included below the Featured Rankings Section.

The Ascending Enhancement Rankings are above the Featured Rankings Section.



Mounted Generals (for PvM Pushing) Rankings (at maximum Ascending Enhancements and 4-Yellow Specialties Level)

  1. Zhao Yun - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 540)

  2. Martinus [D] - Grade: A+ (98.9% - 534)

  3. George A. Custer - Grade: A+ (98.1% - 530)

  4. Aethelflaed - Grade: A+ (98.0% - 529)

  5. Mordred - Grade: A+ (97.4% - 526)

  6. Roland - Grade: A+ (97.2% - 525)

  7. Lysander - Grade: A+ (97.2% - 525)

  8. Prince Eugene - Grade: A+ (96.3% - 520)

  9. Sun Ce - Grade: A+ (95.9% - 518)

  10. Gaius Octavius - Grade: A+ (95.9% - 518)

  11. Caesar [D] - Grade: A+ (95.6% - 516)

  12. Bertrand du Guesclin - Grade: A (95.0% - 513)

  13. Hannibal - Grade: A (94.1% - 508)

  14. Maximilian I - Grade: A (93.1% - 503)

  15. Caesar [ND] - Grade: A- (90.9% - 491)

  16. Ii Naomasa - Grade: A- (90.2% - 487)

  17. Yue Fei - Grade: B+ (86.5% - 467)

  18. Li Jing - Grade: B+ (86.3% - 466)

  19. Barbarossa - Grade: B+ (86.1% - 465)

  20. Cyrus the Great - Grade: B+ (85.2% - 460)

  21. Ulysses S. Grant [D] - Grade: B (82.6% - 446)

  22. Robert Guiscard - Grade: B (80.4% - 434)

  23. El Cid [D] - Grade: B- (78.0% - 421)

  24. Basil II - Grade: B- (77.4% - 418)

  25. Wei Qing - Grade: B- (75.7% - 409)

  26. Washington - Grade: B- (75.6% - 408)

  27. Theodora - Grade: C+ (74.8% - 404)

  28. Takeda Shingen - Grade: C+ (74.6% - 403)

  29. Prince Rhaeger - Grade: C+ (74.3% - 401)

  30. Martinus [ND] - Grade: C+ (74.1% - 400)

  31. El Cid [ND] - Grade: C+ (73.3% - 396)

  32. King Arthur - Grade: C+ (73.3% - 396)

  33. Baibars - Grade: C (69.1% - 373)

  34. Ulysses S. Grant [ND] - Grade: C- (67.0% - 362)

  35. Genghis Khan - Grade: C- (65.4% - 353)

  36. Khalid - Grade: C- (64.8% - 350)

  37. Honda Tadakatsu - Grade: C- (63.1% - 341)

  38. Isabella I [D] - Grade: D+ (60.2% - 325)

  39. Vlad al Ill - Grade: D+ (55.9% - 302)

  40. Isabella I [ND] - Grade: D (50.9% - 275)

[D] = Dragon

[ND] = No Dragon



Featured Rankings Format

Rank #. General Name – Letter Grade (Percent - Total Score) – Description

  1. Specialist Against:

  2. Conflict Group:

  3. Strongest Buffs:

  4. Dragon:

  5. Acquisition

  6. Culture:

  7. Introduced:

  8. Recommended Specialty Level:



Mounted General (for PvM Pushing) Rankings (at 4-Yellow Specialties Level)

1. George A. Custer – Grade: A+ (100.0% - 447) – Excellent Mounted Troop Buffs, and an excellent (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him an excellent PvM Pushing option. Despite the wording of his “Built-In” Skill, he is able to use the March Size Increase Skill Book. He also has the 5th highest Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +170%).

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT1A

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +100% (+170% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +10% (+22% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Mounted HP Increase: +40%

    4. Mounted Defense Increase: +20%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: America

  7. Introduced: June, 2022

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow.


2. Martinus [D] – Grade: A+ (99.1% - 443) – Excellent Mounted Troop Buffs, and a solid (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him an excellent PvM Pushing option. Since the Monster Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book is available for this set-up, not being able to use the Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book is less of a problem. He’s tied with Hannibal for the 3rd highest possible Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +171%). He is an excellent PvM General, but keep in mind, he needs ANY dragon to max out buffs and will likely need to share a dragon with a PvP General.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +126% (+171% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +20%

    5. Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Yes, ANY Dragon

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the BEST option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) activity, but his token fragments seem very rare compared to others.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow, especially since he's the highest rated option available in the Tavern, and will help get him to maximum Ascending Enhancements faster.


3. Mordred – Grade: A+ (97.3% - 435) – Excellent Mounted Troop Buffs, and a very strong (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him an excellent PvM Pushing option. Additionally, he has the highest Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +180%).

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT1B

  3. Strongest Buffs:

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +110% (+180% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +50%

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +30%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: November, 2022

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow.


4. Zhao Yun – Grade: A+ (96.6% - 432) – Excellent Mounted Troop Attack Buffs, and a very strong (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him an excellent Mounted PvM Pushing option. Additionally, he has the 2nd highest Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +175%).

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT2

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +105% (+175% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Mounted Defense Increase: +20%

    4. Mounted HP Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: China

  7. Introduced: July, 2022

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow, especially since he’s ranked 1st at the Ascending Enhancements Level.


5. Sun Ce – Grade: A (93.7% - 419) – Excellent Mounted Troop Attack Buffs, and an excellent (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him an excellent Mounted PvM Pushing option. Additionally, he has the 7th highest possible Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +165%).

Note: The wording of his Built-In Skill exactly matches BISC Group MT2 (Zhou Yun, Hannibal, Yue Fei, Basil II, & El Cid) but he's compatible with all of them. So, either Evony made a mistake, or for some unknown reason, he's in a new BISC Group. I suspect they made a mistake and will "fix" this soon.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT2

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +95% (+165% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Mounted Defense Increase: +40%

    4. Mounted HP Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: China

  7. Introduced: January, 2023

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow, he makes an excellent Lead or Assistant General.


6. Hannibal – Grade: A (91.5% - 409) – He received a huge upgrade in Version 4.0 (released 11-06-2021). Excellent Mounted Troop Attack Buffs, and a solid (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him a very strong Mounted PvM Pushing option. Also, he’s tied with Martinus for the 3rd highest possible Monster Mounted Attack Increase score available (at +171%). Unlike Martinus, he does NOT need a Dragon to max out Buffs, so he’s probably a better choice for many players.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT2A

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +101% (+171% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +56%

    4. Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 2nd best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Relic Chamber Rewards (RCR) Activity.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: First introduced in October, 2018, then changed to Hamilcar Barca in July, 2019. Hannibal was reintroduced around July/August 2019, then received a major upgrade in November, 2021.

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably 4-Yellow, since he’s the one of the best options that doesn’t require a dragon.


7. Prince Eugene – Grade: A- (90.6% - 396) – Very strong Mounted Troop Buffs, and a strong (Basic Attribute) Attack Score make him a very strong PvM Pushing General. But, keep in mind that he CANNOT use the Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book, which hurts his score.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +90% (+135% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +45%

    5. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +35%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: June, 2022

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably none, he’s probably not worth investing Runestones because there are superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.


8. Caesar [D] – Grade: A- (90.6% - 405) – A PvM specialist, he does ok on this list, but I expected him to end up higher. At B12+, he can reduce the number of wounded being taken, but higher ranked generals will get to zero wounded faster. Overall, he is a very strong PvM Pushing General, but keep in mind, he needs ANY Dragon to max out Buffs.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT10

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +100% (+131% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    3. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    5. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Yes, ANY Dragon

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: August, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, but only if you plan to use him as a Monster Killing for Treasure (PvM) General. For most people, 3-Orange because Runestone Chests are difficult to acquire.


9. Gaius Octavius – Grade: A- (90.4% - 404) – He does surprisingly well on this list. Very strong Mounted Troop Attack Buffs and a solid (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him a very strong Mounted PvM Pushing option. Additionally, he has the 6th highest possible Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +166%).

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT1

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +90% (+166% w/ Skill Books and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    3. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +30%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: August, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, but for most people 3-Orange because Runestone Chests are difficult to acquire.


10. Roland – Grade: A- (89.7% - 401) – Very strong Mounted Troop Attack Buffs and a solid (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him a very strong Mounted PvM Pushing option. Additionally, he’s tied with Lysander for the 9th highest possible Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +155%).

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT1

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +85% (+155% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +25%

    4. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +35%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 3rd best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Relic Chamber Rewards (RCR) activity.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: April, 2020

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, but for most players 3-Orange.


11. Bertrand du Guesclin – Grade: A- (89.5% - 400) – Strong Mounted Attack Buffs, and a very strong (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him a very strong PvM Pushing General. Additionally, he has the 8th highest possible Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +160%).

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT1

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +90% (+160% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Mounted HP Increase: +30%

    4. Mounted Defense Increase: +30%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: March, 2022

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, but for most people 3-Orange because Runestone Chests are difficult to acquire. He’s ranked 3rd at the 3-Orange Specialties Level.

12. Aethelflaed – Grade: A- (89.0% - 398) – A PvM specialist, so she does ok on this list, but not as well as I expected. At B12+, she can reduce the number of wounded being taken, but higher ranked generals will get to zero wounded faster. Overall, she is a very strong PvM Pushing General.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT10

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +95% (+120% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +10%

    5. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +95%

  4. Dragon: ANY Dragon

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events. She’s also 1 of the 8 army generals available in the Europe Epic Historic General Chest at level 50 in the "Dawn of Civilization" Activity ($20 for easy mode, or $5 if you work hard at it and complete every task or spend gems for the last few levels).

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: February, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, but only if you plan to use her as a Monster Killing for Treasure (PvM) General. For most people 3-Orange because Runestone Chests are difficult to acquire.

13. Li Jing – Grade: B+ (86.8% - 388) – He does much better on this list than I expected. Since he CAN use the Monster Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book, not being able to use the Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book becomes less of a problem. Overall, a strong PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +105% (+150% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +10%

    5. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +20%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 4th best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) activity.

  6. Culture: China

  7. Introduced: September, 2018

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

14. Caesar [ND] – Grade: B+ (85.0% - 380) – He doesn’t derive much power from bringing a Dragon, so when he’s not equipped with a Dragon still a strong Mounted PvM Pushing option.

Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

Conflict Group: MT10

  1. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

  2. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +85% (+116% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase)

    1. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    2. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +10%

  3. Dragon: No Dragon

  4. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: August, 2021

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, but only if you plan to use him as a Monster Killing for Treasure (PvM) General, and have Dragon for him to use.

15. Lysander – Grade: B+ (83.9% - 375) – Very strong Mounted Troop Attack Buffs and a solid (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him a strong Mounted PvM Pushing option. Additionally, he’s tied with Roland for the 9th highest possible Monster Mounted Attack Increase available (at +155%).

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT1

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +85% (+155% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Mounted HP Increase: +20%

    4. Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: April, 2022

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably none, he’s probably not worth investing Runestones because there are superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

16. Maximilian I – Grade: B (81.9% - 366) – Very strong Mounted Buffs and a good (Basic Attribute) Attack Score combine to make him a solid PvM Pushing option. But, keep in mind, he makes a much better Mounted PvP General.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT5

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +70% (+146% w/ Skill Books and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    3. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +10%

    5. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +30%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: December, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow Specialties, but only if he is used as your Mounted PvP General where he’s ranked 1st.

17. Barbarossa – Grade: B (81.9% - 366) – Almost purely Mounted Buff focused, he’s a solid Mounted PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT1A

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +61% (+131% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +16%

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +36%

    5. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +26%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 5th best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) Activity. Additionally, he’s been added to the list of possible prizes in the Royal Thief Activity (replacing Mehmed II).

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably none, he’s probably not worth investing Runestones because there are superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

Note: Barbarossa can only use the Level 4 March Size Increase Skill Book. The level 1-3 March Size Increase Skill Books do not work on him. Adjust your skill book choices accordingly. Or, maybe you’re feeling lucky?

T-18. Ii Naomasa – Grade: B (79.6% - 356) – Excellent (Basic Attribute) Attack Score and good Mounted Troop Buffs combine to make a good Mounted PvM Pushing option. He can’t use the Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book, so that hurts his score.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3A

  3. Strongest Buffs:

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +60%

    2. Mounted (Movement) Speed Increase: +0% (+20% w/ Skill Book)

    3. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Mounted HP Increase: +95% (+120% w/ Skill Book)

    5. Mounted Defense Increase: +20%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Japan

  7. Introduced: October, 2022

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably none, he’s probably not worth investing Runestones because there are superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

T-18. El Cid [D] – Grade: B (79.6% - 356) – Very strong Mounted and All Troop Attack Buffs make him a good Mounted PvM Pushing option. However, he needs ANY Dragon to max out buffs.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT2

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +65% (+151% w/ Skill Books and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +16%

    3. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Yes, ANY Dragon

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events. He’s also 1 of the 8 army generals available in the Europe Epic Historic General Chest at level 50 in the Dawn of Civilization Event ($20 for easy mode, or $5 if you work hard at it and complete every task or spend gems for the last few levels).

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: July, 2020

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

20. Cyrus the Great – Grade: B- (79.4% - 355) – Strong Mounted Attack Buffs make him a good PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT1

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +65% (+141% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    3. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022, he's probably the 7th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: July, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

21. Yue Fei – Grade: B- (79.0% - 353) – Strong Mounted Attack Buffs make him a good option for PvM Pushing.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT2

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +60% (+136% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    3. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +20%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022, he's probably the 6th best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Relic Chamber Rewards (RCR) activity.

  6. Culture: China

  7. Introduced: August, 2020

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

22. Ulysses S. Grant [D] – Grade: B- (78.5% - 351) – Good Mounted Attack Buffs make him a good PvM Pushing option. However, he needs to bring ANY dragon to max out buffs.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT4

    1. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    2. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +66% (+136% w/ Skill Books)

    3. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

  3. Dragon: Yes, ANY Dragon

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 8th best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) activity.

  5. Culture: America

  6. Introduced: July, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably none, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

23. Robert Guiscard – Grade: B- (77.4% - 346) – Since he CAN use the Monster Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book, not being able to use the Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book becomes less of a problem. Overall, he’s a reasonable Mounted PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +65% (+110% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Mounted HP Increase: +30%

    5. Mounted Defense Increase: +20%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 9th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: June, 2020

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

24. Martinus [ND] – Grade: B- (76.5% - 342) – He derives much of his power from bringing a Dragon, so without one, he becomes rather mediocre.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +65% (+110% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +0% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +20%

    5. Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: No Dragon

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) Activity.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow, as long as you have a Dragon for him to use.

25. Basil II – Grade: C+ (75.2% - 336) – Good (Basic Attribute) Attack Score, a strong All Troop Attack Buff, and good Mounted Troop Buffs combine to make him a reasonable Mounted PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT2B

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +50% (+126% w/ Skill Books and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    3. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Mounted Defense Increase: +15%

    5. Mounted HP Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: May, 2022

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: For most people, 3-Orange, but only if you are using him as a Ground or Mounted PvP General.

26. El Cid [ND] – Grade: C+ (74.0% - 331) – He derives a relatively small amount of power from bringing a Dragon, so not having a Dragon doesn’t hurt him as much as some others on the list.

  1. Specialist Against: Opponents that are heavy on Ground Troops.

  2. Conflict Group: MT2

  3. Strongest Buffs:

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +50% (+120% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. All Troop Attack Increase: +16%

    4. Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: No Dragon

  5. Acquisition: DIFFICULT, only available in the 5th Daily Event Packs ($100) and possibly during the King’s Scheme, Ekaterina’s Garden, King’s Party, or other pay events. He’s also 1 of the 8 Army Generals available in the Europe Epic Historic General Chest at level 50 in the Dawn of Civilization Activity ($20 for easy mode, or $5 if you work hard at it and complete every task or spend gems for the last few levels).

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: July, 2020

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably none, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

28. Wei Qing – Grade: C+ (73.4% - 328) – Overall, he’s a fair Mounted PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT7

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +55% (+131% w/ Skill Books and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    3. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 10th best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) activity.

  6. Culture: China

  7. Introduced: September, 2019

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

27. Prince Rhaeger – Grade: C+ (72.3% - 323) – A good all-around general that can be used for any troop type, but has the most specialties focused on mounted troops, this makes him a reasonable Mounted PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: AT1

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Mounted Attack Increase: +20% (+121% w/ Skill Books and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +31%

    3. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 11th best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) activity.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

29. Takeda Shingen – Grade: C (70.0% - 313) – He makes a fair PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT6

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +56% (+132% w/ Skill Books and All Troop Attack Increase)

    2. All Troop Attack Increase: +6%

    3. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +20%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 13th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Japan

  7. Introduced: January, 2019

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

T-30. King Arthur – Grade: C- (67.6% - 302) – Good Basic Attribute scores, very weak Mounted Buffs, and a substantial March Size Increase all combine make to him a weaker PvM option, but still probably better than any general not listed.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MS1

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +10% (+80% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +25%

    3. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 16th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Introduced: May, 2018

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

T-30. Genghis Khan – Grade: C- (67.6% - 302) – Weak Basic Attribute scores, low Mounted Buffs, and a substantial March Size Increase all add up to make him a weaker PvM option, but still probably better than any general not listed.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MS1

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +20% (+90% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +31%

    3. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +10% (+55% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 15th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: June, 2018

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

32. Washington – Grade: C- (67.3% - 301) – Terrible Basic Attribute scores, and reasonably good Mounted Buffs combine to make him a fair PvM Pushing option. Since he CAN use the Monster Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book, not being able to use the Mounted Attack Increase Skill Book becomes less of a problem.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +81% (+126% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +10% (+55% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +36%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 12th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: America

  7. Introduced: July, 2018

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

33. Baibars - Grade: C- (65.5% - 293) – Mostly a Double Drop rate general for PvM Treasure Hunting. He makes a fair PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT11

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +45% (+115% w/ Skill Books)

    2. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +25%

    3. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 14th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Arabia

  7. Introduced: July, 2018

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, but only if you plan to use him as a Monster Killing for Treasure (PvM) General. For most people, 3-Orange because Runestone Chests are difficult to acquire.

34. Honda Tadakatsu – Grade: C- (63.8% - 285) – Overall, a fair PvM Pushing option.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +35% (+105% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +70%

    4. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, he's probably the 17th best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) activity.

  6. Culture: Japan

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

35. Ulysses S. Grant [ND] – Grade: C- (63.3% - 283) – Without a Dragon, he’s not very good.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT4

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +25% (+95% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +6% (+18% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: No Dragon

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) Activity.

  6. Culture: America

  7. Introduced: July, 2019

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: Probably none, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

36. Theodora – Grade: C- (62.4% - 279) – Mostly a Double Drop rate general for PvM Treasure hunting. Makes a weaker PvM Pushing option, but still probably better than any general not listed.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT11A

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +45% (+70% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Increase Double Drop from Monsters: +25% (+43% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Fairly EASY, but she’s only available as a 1st purchase bonus. I believe the minimum spending amount is $1.00 US.

  6. Culture: Other

  7. Introduced: August, 2021

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: 3-Orange, but only if you plan to use her as a Monster Killing for Treasure (PvM) General.

37. Khalid – Grade: C- (62.2% - 278) – Overall, a weaker PvM option, but still probably better than any general not listed. Most of his specialties are focused on siege, so he’s a much better Siege PvP General.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +40% (+110% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 18th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Arabia

  7. Introduced: November, 2018

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

38. Isabella I [D] – Grade: D+ (59.7% - 267) – A weaker PvM option with very weak Mounted Buffs, but she’s still probably better than any general not listed. She is much stronger as a Siege PvP General. Strangely, requires any SACRED Dragon to max out buffs (Dragons are usually required for much stronger generals).

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT4A

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +10% (+80% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +20% (+32% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: Yes, any SACRED Dragon

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022, she's probably the 19th best option available in the Tavern. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) Activity.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: May, 2019

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, she’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

39. Xiang Yu – Grade: D+ (57.0% - 255) – The only purple (not gold) quality general on the list. Weak Basic Attribute scores, weak specialties, and fair Mounted Buffs combine to make him a weaker PvM option, but still probably better than any general not listed.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT3

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +45% (+90% w/ Skill Book)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +10%

  4. Dragon: Not required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 20th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: China

  7. Introduced: Unknown (before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

40. Vlad al Ill – Grade: D (50.1% - 224) – Overall, a weaker PvM Pushing option, but still probably better than any general not listed.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: NG

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +20% (+90% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +0% (+12% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: No Dragon

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) Activity.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: May, 2019

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, she’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.

41. Isabella I [ND] – Grade: D (48.5% - 217) – Without a Dragon, she's even worse, but she’s still probably better than any Army General not listed.

  1. Specialist Against: Boss Monsters

  2. Conflict Group: MT4A

  3. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialty Level):

    1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +10% (+80% w/ Skill Books)

    2. March Size Increase: +20% (+32% w/ Skill Book)

  4. Dragon: No Dragon

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). Available in the Tavern as of 01-27-2022. Also, still available in the Great General’s Chest (GGC) Activity.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: May, 2019

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, she’s not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards.



Mounted General (for PvM Pushing) Rankings (at 3-Orange Specialties Level)

  1. George A. Custer - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 364)

  2. Mordred - Grade: A (93.4% - 340)

  3. Sun Ce - Grade: A (91.8% - 334)

  4. Martinus [D] - Grade: A- (91.5% - 333)

  5. Roland - Grade: A- (90.9% - 331)

  6. Zhao Yun - Grade: A- (90.1% - 328)

  7. Bertrand du Guesclin - Grade: A- (89.8% - 327)

  8. Prince Eugene - Grade: A- (89.3% - 325)

  9. Gaius Octavius - Grade: A- (89.0% - 324)

  10. Aethelflaed - Grade: B+ (87.1% - 317)

  11. Hannibal - Grade: B+ (86.3% - 314)

  12. Martinus [ND] - Grade: B+ (84.6% - 308)

  13. Caesar [D] - Grade: B+ (84.3% - 307)

  14. Li Jing - Grade: B+ (84.1% - 306)

  15. Maximilian I - Grade: B+ (83.5% - 304)

  16. Yue Fei - Grade: B+ (83.5% - 304)

  17. Lysander - Grade: B (83.0% - 302)

  18. Cyrus the Great - Grade: B (81.9% - 298)

  19. Basil II - Grade: B (81.3% - 296)

  20. Ulysses S. Grant [D] - Grade: B (81.0% - 295)

  21. Robert Guiscard - Grade: B (81.0% - 295)

  22. Ii Naomasa - Grade: B (80.2% - 292)

  23. El Cid [D] - Grade: B- (79.1% - 288)

  24. Barbarossa - Grade: B- (78.8% - 287)

  25. Prince Rhaeger - Grade: B- (77.7% - 283)

  26. Caesar [ND] - Grade: B- (77.5% - 282)

  27. Wei Qing - Grade: C+ (74.5% - 271)

  28. Ulysses S. Grant [ND] - Grade: C+ (74.2% - 270)

  29. King Arthur - Grade: C+ (73.9% - 269)

  30. El Cid [ND] - Grade: C+ (72.3% - 263)

  31. Takeda Shingen - Grade: C (70.6% - 257)

  32. Genghis Khan - Grade: C (70.6% - 257)

  33. Honda Tadakatsu - Grade: C (69.2% - 252)

  34. Xiang Yu - Grade: C (67.9% - 247)

  35. Khalid - Grade: C- (67.3% - 245)

  36. Baibars - Grade: C- (67.0% - 244)

  37. Isabella I [D] - Grade: C- (66.5% - 242)

  38. Theodora - Grade: C- (65.7% - 239)

  39. Washington - Grade: C- (64.6% - 235)

  40. Isabella I [ND] - Grade: D+ (59.6% - 217)

  41. Vlad al Ill - Grade: D+ (57.7% - 210)

[D] = Dragon

[ND] = No Dragon



Mounted General (for PvM Pushing) Rankings (at 3-Purple Specialties Level)

  1. George A. Custer - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 350)

  2. Mordred - Grade: A (93.7% - 328)

  3. Sun Ce - Grade: A- (91.1% - 319)

  4. Martinus [D] - Grade: A- (90.6% - 317)

  5. Roland - Grade: A- (90.3% - 316)

  6. Bertrand du Guesclin - Grade: A- (90.3% - 316)

  7. Zhao Yun - Grade: A- (89.4% - 313)

  8. Gaius Octavius - Grade: A- (89.1% - 312)

  9. Prince Eugene - Grade: A- (88.6% - 310)

  10. Aethelflaed - Grade: B+ (87.4% - 306)

  11. Hannibal - Grade: B+ (86.3% - 302)

  12. Maximilian I - Grade: B+ (85.1% - 298)

  13. Caesar [D] - Grade: B+ (84.6% - 296)

  14. Basil II - Grade: B+ (84.0% - 294)

  15. Martinus [ND] - Grade: B (83.4% - 292)

  16. Yue Fei - Grade: B (83.4% - 292)

  17. Li Jing - Grade: B (82.9% - 290)

  18. Lysander - Grade: B (82.9% - 290)

  19. Ulysses S. Grant [D] - Grade: B (82.6% - 289)

  20. Ii Naomasa - Grade: B (82.0% - 287)

  21. Cyrus the Great - Grade: B (81.7% - 286)

  22. Robert Guiscard - Grade: B (80.0% - 280)

  23. El Cid [D] - Grade: B (79.7% - 279)

  24. Barbarossa - Grade: B- (79.1% - 277)

  25. Prince Rhaeger - Grade: B- (77.4% - 271)

  26. Caesar [ND] - Grade: B- (77.4% - 271)

  27. King Arthur - Grade: B- (75.7% - 265)

  28. Ulysses S. Grant [ND] - Grade: C+ (75.4% - 264)

  29. Wei Qing - Grade: C+ (74.0% - 259)

  30. Takeda Shingen - Grade: C+ (73.4% - 257)

  31. El Cid [ND] - Grade: C+ (72.6% - 254)

  32. Genghis Khan - Grade: C (70.6% - 247)

  33. Khalid - Grade: C (70.0% - 245)

  34. Honda Tadakatsu - Grade: C (69.7% - 244)

  35. Xiang Yu - Grade: C (69.4% - 243)

  36. Isabella I [D] - Grade: C (69.1% - 242)

  37. Baibars - Grade: C- (67.4% - 236)

  38. Washington - Grade: C- (67.1% - 235)

  39. Theodora - Grade: C- (66.9% - 234)

  40. Isabella I [ND] - Grade: C- (62.0% - 217)

  41. Vlad al Ill - Grade: D+ (58.0% - 203)

[D] = Dragon

[ND] = No Dragon



Skill Book Preferences for Mounted Monster Killing for Pushing

  1. Monster Mounted Attack Increase: +45%

  2. Mounted Attack Increase: +25%

  3. March Size Increase: +12%

  4. Increase Double Drop from Monsters (Luck): +18%

  5. Monster March Speed Increase: +45%

  6. March Speed Increase: +25%

  7. Monster Mounted HP Increase: +45%

  8. Monster Mounted Defense Increase: +45%

  9. Mounted HP Increase: +25%

  10. Mounted Defense Increase: +25%

Keep in mind, the Monster Mounted HP Increase and Monster Mounted Defense Increase Skill Books will help reduce the number of wounded in the "BOSS MONSTER GAPS” at K32-34/B12/B13 (see explanation below), but they will NOT help get the number of wounded to zero.

One note of caution, the Mounted (Movement) Speed Increase Skill Book does NOT work for PvM. This has been tested and proven with published data.



Dragons for Mounted Monster Killing (PvM) for Pushing

Whenever possible, dragons should be placed on PvP Generals (mostly because I hate moving dragons). VERY few players have five (5) dragons, so the dragons should assigned per the following:

  1. Ranged PvP - Celtic Demon (1st Dragon - Red) or upgrade to Ladon (6th Dragon - Turquoise)

  2. Mounted PvP - Fafnir (2nd Dragon - Purple) or upgrade to Nidhogg (5th Dragon - Dark Blue)

  3. In-City Defense (Main Wall) - Dragon of Thebes (4th Dragon - Gold)

  4. Ground PvP - Norway Ridge (3rd Dragon - Light Blue) or upgrade to Amaterasu (7th Dragon - White)

  5. Siege PvP - Fafnir (2nd Dragon - Purple) or upgrade to Colchian (8th Dragon - Green)

  6. Mounted PvM for Pushing - Fafnir (2nd Dragon - Purple)

  7. Subordinate City Battle (PvP) - Norway Ridge (3rd Dragon - Light Blue)

If Nidhogg (5th Dragon - Dark Blue) can be obtained by reaching the Top 100 in the regular season of Battle of Chalons, then the Fafnir (on Mounted PvP) can be replaced and re-assigned to the Siege PvP General, because it also provides extra Siege Attack Bonuses. But Top 100 in BoC typically requires being a HEAVY spender, spending enough to buy four (4) packages per day (or about US $85/day or about US $2,500-$5,000/month).

Additionally, the Fafnir (on Siege PvP) can be replaced by the Colchian Dragon, if the 2nd round of All-Star Battlefield can be reached. But that typically requires being a VERY HEAVY spender, spending enough to buy five (5) packages per day (or about US $185/day or about US $5,000-$6,000/month).

The Fafnir can then be re-assigned to the Mounted PvM for Pushing General.



Boss Monster Gaps

  • The 1st “BOSS MONSTER GAP” is between Boss Levels 11 and 12 (Level 12 boss monsters are in the 75-95 million power range; Kamaitachis; L1 Junior Hydras; L3 Nians; L3 Golems, L3 Lava Turtles, L3 Witches & L3 Warlords; the last 4 Vikings on Normal; the L1 Icebreaker Viking, etc.). Boss Level 12s (B12s) seem to require 1.6 to 2 million T12 Mounted Troops and a REALLY GOOD PvM general to kill them without any wounded. At K33, the largest unbuffed march size is 1.1 million (and still getting 4,000+ wounded with T12 Mounted), so a single person does not seem to be able to kill B12 with T12 troops without getting wounded. So, T13 troops (1.1 million) and a really good PvM general are needed.

  • The 2nd “BOSS MONSTER GAP” is between Boss Levels 12 and 13 (Level 13 boss monsters are in the 96-155 million power range; L3 Ymirs; Fafnirs; L2 Hydras; L2 Knight Bayards; L2 Cerberus; L4 Nians; L4 Golems, L4 Lava Turtles, L4 Witches & L4 Warlords; the L2 Berserker Viking, etc.). Boss Level 13s (B13s) seem to require 1.6 to 2 million T13 Mounted Troops and a REALLY GOOD PvM general to kill them without any wounded. At K34, the largest unbuffed march size is 1.2 million (and still getting 4,000+ wounded with T13 Mounted), so a single person does not seem to be able to kill B13 with T13 troops without getting wounded. So, T14 troops (1.2 million) and a really strong PvM general are needed.


Please let me know if I missed any good Mounted PvM (for Pushing) Generals, or if you have an unlisted general you would like run through the algorithm to get a grade/score.

If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below. Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.



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4 comentários

Josh Weitz
Josh Weitz
25 de jun. de 2023

I calculated Guesclin without ascension (counting only Main Skil, Books, Specialties) and I am getting 35 + 70 + 45 = +150 Mounted Attack. You credit him with +160. Your methods are great for determining Assistant Generals.

25 de jun. de 2023
Respondendo a

Check his 2nd Specialty, it's 20% instead of 10%.

35 + 70 + 10 + 20 + 25 = 160


Josh Weitz
Josh Weitz
23 de jun. de 2023

Why is ascension not considered when you calculate attack increase?

24 de jun. de 2023
Respondendo a

Those stats are under the "4-Yellow Specialty Rankings". I haven't done the full stats for the "Maximum Ascending Enhancements and 4-Yellow Specialties Level".

The good news is that I'm working on a new ranking system that based on total stats, so at some point, there may be total stats for all the Ranking Levels. Unfortunately, right now, there's no ETA for implementing the new system for Lead Generals.


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