Attribute Methodology
Attacking PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology (Featured Format)
Attacking PvP - Red Rankings
Attacking PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology (List Format)
Attacking PvP - Red Rankings
Attacking PvP - Yellow Rankings
Attacking PvP - Orange Rankings
Attacking PvP - Purple Rankings
Reinforcing PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology (List Format)
Reinforcing PvP - Red Rankings
Reinforcing PvP - Yellow Rankings
Reinforcing PvP - Orange Rankings
Reinforcing PvP - Purple Rankings
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In-Battle Mechanics
Summary Methodology
Attacking PvP Rankings, Summary Methodology (Featured Format)
Attacking PvP Total Score Rankings
Attacking PvP Rankings, Summary Methodology (List Format)
Attacking PvP Total Score Rankings
Attacking PvP Offense & Toughness Rankings
Attacking PvP Offense Rankings
Attacking PvP Toughness Rankings
Attacking PvP Enemy Debuff Rankings
Related Articles
Army General Analysis - PART 4C, reviewing Mounted Reinforcing Lead PvP Rankings, Summary Methodology.
Rankings have been updated to v4.2.0.
Major revisions include:
Increased the multiplier for March Size Increase, so that it better reflects the increased availability of Total Keep Buffs (from approximately +2000% to approximately +4000%).
Added Covenant Bonus Attributes for the appropriate Army Generals. Covenants work on both Lead and Assistant Generals, and provide a significant boost over Army General that do not have Covenants, especially when those Army Generals are used as Assistants. Covenant Scores are included for:
Napolean (Prime) [D/S]
Napolean (Prime) [ND/S]
Andre Massena
Hestia [D/S]
Hestia [ND/S]
Added the Skin Bonus Attributes for the appropriate Army Generals. Skin Scores are included for:
Martinus [D]
Martinus [ND]
Napolean (Prime) [D/S]
Napolean (Prime) [ND/S]
Formatting Change
To conserve space and stay under the Wix length limitations, if an Army General's Enemy Debuffs score is zero (0), the listing of the eight (8) individual Debuff stats as zero (0) has been deleted.
Army General Changes
Martinus recently had three (3) new Passive Buffs added (for Owning him). Passive Buffs function like Research and are working all the time, so they are NOT included in the scoring.
March Speed Increase when Owned: +10% (Base/Built-In Skill)
Monster Mounted Attack Increase when Owned: +5% (2nd Ascending Enhancement)
Monster Mounted Attack Increase when Owned: +5% (5th Ascending Enhancement)
Summary Ranking Methodology
If you are in the Evony 99%, the Attribute Rankings in Part 4A are probably more applicable to your Keep.
The EvonyAnswers (EvAns) Summary Ranking System is geared towards the 1% of players that are at the very top of the Evony "ladder", they are most likely Very Heavy or Crazy Heavy Spenders.
You're probably in the Evony 1%, if you:
Are VIP 18 or above.
Have eight (8) or more Dragons.
Have opened Level 5 of the Dragon Cliff.
Have three (3) or more complete sets of Civilization Gear.
Play battlefield every week and your Alliance is typically in the top 20 in your Continent.
Play battlefield every week and your Alliance has four (4) or more Very Heavy or Crazy Heavy Spenders.
Please check out the article below for a more detailed explanation:
Mounted Score Weightings
Score Weightings for Mounted PvP Summary Methodology:
Attacking Mounted PvP:
Mounted Offense: 53%
Mounted Toughness: 46%
Enemy Debuffs: 1%
Reinforcing Mounted PvP:
Mounted Offense: 51%
Mounted Toughness: 48%
Enemy Debuffs: 1%
Mounted Reinforcing Lead PvP General Rankings
Mounted Reinforcing Lead PvP General Rankings [at maximum (10-Star) Ascending Enhancements, six (6) Covenants, four (4) Yellow Specialties and Skins]

1. Andre Massena - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 947)
March Size Increase (MSI): +30%
Reinforcing Mounted Attack Increase (RMAI): +413% (Including All Troop Attack)
Reinforcing Offense (RO): A+ (100.0% - 512)
Reinforcing Mounted HP Increase (RMHI): +306% (Including All Troop HP)
Reinforcing Mounted Defense Increase (RMDI): +380% (Including All Troop Defense)
Reinforcing Toughness (RT): A+ (97.9% - 428)
Reinforcing Offense & Toughness Score (RO&T): A+ (100.0% - 940)
Reduce Enemy RA Attack (RERA): +5% (Including All Troop Debuffs)
Reduce Enemy SG Attack (RESA): +5% (Including All Troop Debuffs)
Reduce Enemy GR Attack (REGA): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)
Reduce Enemy MT Attack (REMA): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)
Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP (RERT): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)
Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP (REGT): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)
Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP (REST): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)
Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP (REMT): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)
Reinforcing Enemy Debuff (RED): F (12.7% - 7)
Reinforcing Total Score (RTS): A+ (100.0% - 947)

2. Laudon - Grade: A (93.1% - 882)
March Size Increase (MSI): +26%
Reinforcing Mounted Attack Increase (RMAI): +389% (Including All Troop Attack)
Reinforcing Offense (RO): A- (90.8% - 465)
Reinforcing Mounted HP Increase (RMHI): +327% (Including All Troop HP)
Reinforcing Mounted Defense Increase (RMDI): +365% (Including All Troop Defense)
Reinforcing Toughness (RT): A (95.4% - 417)
Reinforcing Offense & Toughness Score (RO&T): A (93.8% - 882)
Reinforcing Enemy Debuff (RED): F (0.0% - 0)
Reinforcing Total Score (RTS): A (93.1% - 882)

3. Prince Eugene - Grade: A- (91.3% - 865)
March Size Increase (MSI): +30%
Reinforcing Mounted Attack Increase (RMAI): +358% (Including All Troop Attack)
Reinforcing Offense (RO): B+ (86.7% - 444)
Reinforcing Mounted HP Increase (RMHI): +335% (Including All Troop HP)
Reinforcing Mounted Defense Increase (RMDI): +336% (Including All Troop Defense)
Reinforcing Toughness (RT): A+ (96.3% - 421)
Reinforcing Offense & Toughness Score (RO&T): A- (92.0% - 865)