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Part 8A - Resource Gathering Lead General Rankings





Army Generals Analysis - PART 8A, reviewing Resource Gathering Generals.

Most of the Resource Gathering Generals are available in the Tavern (only Princess Lucy is not available there).

Everyone should probably reserve at least ten-twelve (10-12) spots (six 5-6 Lead & 5-6 Assistants) in their final general line-up for Resource Gathering Lead and Assistant Generals.

In addition to the names listed below, there is a Purple “Starter General” for each culture received early on (before K10), that may also have Resource Gathering Bonuses. The Chinese version is Han Xin, who has a +15% Bonus to Resources when Gathering. If he was available to everyone, and I could find out what his specialties are, he would probably rank 3rd on this list.



Specialty Level for Featured Rankings

Instead of the typical 4-Yellow Specialty Score used for the primary six (6) army generals, the generals in this category have been ranked by the 3-Orange Specialty Score because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of army generals to 4-Yellow specialties. See the Developing Army General Specialties in this article for more information.

The Primary Six (6) Army Generals are:

The 3-Purple Specialty Rankings are in the section below the 3-Orange Specialty Section.

The Ascending Enhancement Rankings and 4-Yellow Specialties Ranking have been included above the 3-Orange Specialty Section.



Resource Gathering Rankings (at maximum Ascending Enhancements and 4-Yellow Specialties Level)

  1. Queen Jindeok - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 691)

  2. Amir Timur - Grade: C- (65.7% - 454)



Resource Gathering Rankings (at 4-Yellow Specialties Level)

  1. Queen Jindeok - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 609)

  2. Constance I - Grade: C- (64.7% - 394)

  3. Shimazu Yoshihiro - Grade: D+ (60.8% - 370)

  4. Amir Timur - Grade: D+ (54.7% - 333)

  5. Gaius Marius - Grade: D+ (53.9% - 328)

  6. Princess Lucy - Grade: D (51.4% - 313)

  7. Attila - Grade: D (41.5% - 253)



Featured Ranking Format

Ranking # - General Name – Letter Grade with (Percent & Total Score) in parentheses – Description

  1. Specialty:

  2. Strongest Buffs:

  3. Dragon:

  4. Acquisition:

  5. Culture:

  6. Introduced:

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: This is an important consideration for this army general category.



1. Queen Jindeok – Grade: A+ (100% - 537) – By far, the BEST option for Resource Gathering. She starts out with a strong "Built-In" Skill and gets stronger with her 2nd & 4th Specialties. Ideally, when reaching K35, you’ll want a minimum of six (6) copies of her.

  1. Specialty: All Resource Gathering

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties level):

    1. Extra Resources from World All Tile Gathering: +40%

    2. Extra Resources from Alliance Tile Gathering: +20%

    3. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    5. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    6. All Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +6%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 25 and above), by far the BEST option available in the Tavern.

  5. Culture: Korea

  6. Introduced: February, 2019

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: Maybe 4-Yellow, since there are no better gathering generals. But, for most people 3-Orange because very few people will play the game long enough or spend enough money to get this category of Army Generals to 4-Yellow Specialties. See the Developing Army General Specialties in this article for more information.


2. Constance I – Grade: C (70.4% - 378) – A purple general, and probably the 2nd best option for Lead Resource Gathering General. However, she does NOT make a good Assistant General because her “Base / Built-In” Skill conflicts with Queen Jindeok’s.

  1. Specialty: All Resource Gathering

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties level):

    1. Extra Resources from World All Tile Gathering: +20%

    2. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    5. Extra Resources from World Lumber Tile Gathering: +12%

    6. All Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +6%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 25 and above), the 2nd best option available in the Tavern.

  5. Culture: Europe

  6. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: None, she’s not worth investing Runestones because Queen Jindeok is vastly superior.

3. Shimazu Yoshihiro – Grade: C- (66.5% - 357) – Another Purple General that specializes in Food gathering. He also makes a great Assistant Gathering General for Food Gathering.

  1. Specialty: Food Gathering

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties level):

    1. Extra Resources from World Food Tile Gathering: +42%

    2. All Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +10%

    3. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    5. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    6. Troop Load Increase: +24%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 25 and above), the 3rd best option available in the Tavern.

  5. Culture: Japan

  6. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because Queen Jindeok is vastly superior.

4. Gaius Marius – Grade: D+ (60.1% - 323) – A purple general, and probably the 4th best option for gathering. He can be especially speedy when gathering Lumber or Stone, if those two (2) skill books are added. He can’t use the Ore Gather Speed Increase Skill Book since that is also his main “built-in” skill.

  1. Specialty: Lumber & Stone Gathering

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties level):

    1. Ore Gathering Speed Increase: +42%

    2. Lumber Gathering Speed Increase: +15% (+60% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Stone Gathering Speed Increase: +15% (+60% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Food Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

  3. Troop Load Increase: +24%

  4. Dragon: Not Required

  5. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 25 and above), probably the 4th best option available in the Tavern.

  6. Culture: Europe

  7. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  8. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones because Queen Jindeok is vastly superior.

5. Amir Timur - Grade: D+ (59.2% - 318) – Not the best option, but he’s probably better than any Army General not listed. Could be used as an Assistant Gathering General for the Alliance Resource Tile, or for looting resources from weaker players.

  1. Specialty: Resource Gathering or Looting Resources from Enemies.

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    2. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. All Troop Load Increase: +100%

    5. All Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +6%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 5th best option available in the Tavern.

  5. Culture: Other

  6. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones.

6. Princess Lucy - Grade: D+ (57.2% - 307) – Not the best Lead Gathering General, but she’s probably better than any Army General not listed. However, she makes a great Assistant Gathering General for any Resource.

  1. Specialty: All Resource Gathering

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties level):

    1. All Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +21%

    2. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively DIFFICULT, since she’s only available on the Wheel of Fortune. However, she’s fairly common compared to the Raged King, typically getting four to six (4-6) Princess Lucy’s for every one (1) Raged King.

  5. Culture: Other

  6. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: None, she’s not worth investing Runestones because Queen Jindeok is vastly superior.

7. Attila - Grade: D (46.0% - 247) – Not the best option, but he’s probably better than any Army General not listed. Could be used as an Assistant Gathering General for the Alliance Resource Tile, or for looting resources from weaker players.

  1. Specialist Against: Resource Gathering or Looting Resources from Enemies.

  2. Strongest Buffs (at 3-Orange Specialties Level):

    1. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    2. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    3. Single Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +0% (+45% w/ Skill Book)

    4. All Troop Load Increase: +75%

    5. All Resource Gathering Speed Increase: +6%

  3. Dragon: Not Required

  4. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 6th best option available in the Tavern.

  5. Culture: Other

  6. Introduced: Unknown (Before January, 2018)

  7. Recommended Specialty Level: None, he’s not worth investing Runestones.



Resource Gathering Rankings (at 3-Purple Specialties Level):

  1. Queen Jindeok - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 535)

  2. Constance I - Grade: C (69.2% - 370)

  3. Shimazu Yoshihiro - Grade: C- (65.6% - 351)

  4. Gaius Marius - Grade: D+ (60.0% - 321)

  5. Amir Timur - Grade: D+ (59.1% - 316)

  6. Princess Lucy - Grade: D+ (57.0% - 305)

  7. Attila - Grade: D (45.8% - 245)



Also included, is an example of a full line-up of Queen Jindeok's, Skill Books and Assistants.



Skill Book Recommendations for Resource Gathering Generals

Use three (3) of the four (4) Increase Gathering Speed Skill Books:

  1. Food Gathering Speed +45%

  2. Lumber Gathering Speed +45%

  3. Stone Gathering Speed +45%

  4. Ore Gathering Speed +45%


Please let me know if I missed any good Resource Gathering Generals, or if you have an unlisted general you would like run through the algorithm to get a grade/score.

If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below. Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.




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