Part 3B has been updated to v5.0.0 using the new EM.Power Methodology. The associated spreadsheet can be downloaded from this forum post: Best Attacking, Reinforcing and PvM Army General Combos.
If you need help customizing the spreadsheet for your particular keep, please let me know. I'm happy to help in return for a small donation.
Compatibility testing for Theodosius I has been completed and updated in Part 10D. He's in Group SG8, and is incompatible with Pallas & Gunther. Because of his March Size Increase, he's also incompatible with Melisande, Kleos, Matthais I, Isabella I, King Arthur, Genghis Khan, and the March Size Increase Skill Book on Other Army Generals.
Compatibility testing for Sigurd has been completed and updated in Part 3D. He's in Group RA10 and is incompatible with Godfrey of Bouillon (& Merlin). Incompatibility with Godfrey of Bouillon was expected based on the wording of their Base Skills, but as far as I can tell Merlin & Sigurd should NOT be incompatible. For now, the Merlin incompatibility has NOT been listed in Part 3D, and Evony customer support has been contacted for confirmation of the error.
Calculations indicate Sigard is the 2nd best Ranged Reinforcing Lead PvP Army General (behind Idunn). Additionally, he's the top Ranged Reinforcing Assistant by a large margin. Since Idunn's & Freyja's Reinforcing effectiveness has been called into question recently, it may be safer to use a combination without Idunn for reinforcing, at least until Idunn's & Freyja's full Reinforcing effectiveness can be verified or disproven by another source.
Compatibility testing for Ragnar has been completed and updated in Part 3D. He's in Group RA7A and is incompatible with Eleanor & Princess Kaguya.
Calculations indicate that Ragnar grades out as the best Ranged Attacking Lead PvP Army General. Ragnar & Sigurd will be the new top Ranged Attacking PvP General Combination.
Sigurd appears to be in the same conflict group as Godfrey of Bouillon. Compatibility testing for Sigurd should be completed tomorrow.
Compatibility testing for Washington (Prime) has been completed and updated in Part 4D. He's in Group MT9 and is incompatible with Barbarossa, George A. Custer, Andre Massena, Isabella I, King Arthur, Genghis Khan, and the March Size Increase Skill Book on Other Army Generals.
Preliminary calculations seem to indicate that Washington (Prime) will grade out as the best Mounted Attacking Lead PvP Army General, but will be even better as the top Mounted Attacking Assistant PvP Army General. It looks like Napoleon (Prime) & Washington (Prime) will be the new top Mounted Attacking PvP General Combination.
Wix has been unable to fix the latest problems preventing editing many of the articles, including the attacking/reinforcing army general rankings and combination rankings in the Parts 3, 4, 6 & 10. This is very discouraging and makes me want to shut to the site down, or maybe move to YouTube.
The v5.0.0 rating system is complete and ready to roll out. It's a march power based rating system, so it's for marching generals only.
Part 3 - Ranged PvP Generals
Part 4 - Mounted PvP Generals
Part 5 - Mounted PvM [Pushing] Generals
Part 6 - Ground PvP Generals
Part 10 - Siege PvP Generals
The site will be moved away from the two (2) different rating systems for Parts 3, 4, 5, 6 & 10 because it will allow the site to keep pace with Evony's new army general release schedule (3-4 new generals per month).
For now, the following rankings will remain on the Attribute (Points Based) Rating System:
Part 1 - In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Generals
Part 2 - Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors)
Part 7 - Mounted PvM [Treasure] Generals
Part 8 - Resource Gathering Generals
Part 9 - Duty Officer Generals
Part 11 - Peace-Time (Non-PvP) Generals
If Wix's sucky editing interface will cooperate, updates should start appearing on the site in the next few days. The Ranged (Part 3) updates will appear first, followed by the Mounted (Part 4), and then Ground (Part 6).
Wix has been having problems again and I can't edit many of the articles on the site.
This is very discouraging and makes me want to shut to the site down because it's too much trouble to deal with Wix's sucky website interface and I'm also making zero money from it...
Pretty much all of June ended up being devoted to building more accurate modeling tools. I believe I have a working single layer battle simulator now, as well as more accurate modeling of attacking and reinforcing marches at K40-45. I plan to update both methodologies to more accurately reflect the latest findings, then get back to updating the rankings. I need to finish the Ranged Rankings, then will move on to the Mounted Rankings, then the Ground Rankings.
For the last week or so, I've been working on a model for more accurately determining the relationship between March Size Increase and Attack, HP & Defense Increases. I'm still working on it, but plan to get back on updating the blog.
The v4.2.0 Ranged PvP Rankings have been completed. Parts 3A & 3B have been updated. Parts 3C to 3F will be updated over the next 4-5 days.
Compatibility testing for Merlin has been completed and updated in Part 5D. He's in Group RA11 and his only incompatibility is Mihai.
Preliminary calculations seem to indicate that Merlin will grade out as the best Ranged Attacking PvP Army General. It's highly likely that Merlin & Marcus Agrippa will be the new top Ranged Attacking PvP General Combination.
The v4.2.0 Mounted PvP Rankings have been completed. Parts 4A & 4B have been updated. Parts 4C to 4F will be updated over the next 4-5 days.
After researching Covenants more extensively, they are much more powerful than previously thought. Confirming that they work on Assistant Generals was a huge revelation. Going forward, it seems likely that Assistant Generals with Covenants will be ranked at the top of the list, and that there will be a gap between Assistant Generals with Covenants and those without Covenants.
The next published rankings (Mounted PvP) will be done under a new version of the EvAns Rating System (v4.2.0).
Major changes include:
Including Covenants.
Increasing the March Size Increase Multiplier to reflect the enormous increase Overall Keep Buff maximums for all Troop Types.
Updated Mounted PvP Rankings should start rolling out next week. Most of this week will be spent updating the Ground PvP Rankings.
Compatibility testing for Hestia and Beowulf has been completed and updated in Part 5D. They are both in Group MT5 with Maximilian I.
Preliminary calculations seem to indicate that Hestia will grade out as the 2nd best Mounted Attacking PvP Army General (behind Napoleon (Prime)). It's highly likely that Napoleon (Prime) & Hestia will be the new top Mounted Attacking PvP General Combination.
Wix has finally fixed the "Widget Didn't Load" error, so Apple users can return to using Safari.
Calculations for the Ground PvP Rankings have been completed. Part 6A has been updated. Updates for Parts 6B-6F should be completed in the next few days.
Compatibility testing for Frigg has been completed and updated in Part 6D.
Preliminary calculations seem to indicate that Frigg will grade out as the 2nd best Ground Reinforcing Army General (behind Freyja), narrowly beating out Sweyn Forkbeard for 2nd place.
Calculations for the Siege PvP Rankings have been completed. Those articles should start seeing updates in the next couple days.
The compatibility testing for Melisande has been completed and updated in Part 10D.
I've been running layer combat scenarios on DerrickDefies' Layer Battle Simulator to help further refine adjustments to the In-City Defense (Main Wall) Attribute Modifiers. I need to dig into the simulator further to figure out if it's dealing with "out-of-range" attacks correctly. So, I may skip updating the In-City Defense (Main Wall) Rankings for now, and work on updating the Siege Rankings instead.
The compatibility testing for Gunther and Kleos has been completed and updated in Part 10D.
I plan to obtain Melisande this coming weekend and will add her compatibility soon after.
The In-City Defense (Main Wall) Rankings are taking longer to complete because there have been a few adjustments to the rating system. Those updates should start arriving in the next day or two.
Preliminary calculations seem to indicate that Gunther will grade out as the best Attacking Siege Army General, and Melisande will grade out as the top Reinforcing Siege Army General.
That's not that surprising since Evony has done this twice before with these types of events, first with Douglas and Eleanor, then with Pallas and Kleos.
The compatibility testing for Isaac Brooks has been completed and updated in Part 1D. He doesn't seem to have any incompatibilities.
On Tuesday 4/16 Evony added a lot of new Army General capacity. I ended up with 25-35 new Army Generals slots.
Preliminary calculations seem to indicate that Isaac Brooks will grade out as the 2nd best In-City Defense (Main Wall) General.
After updating the In-City Defense (Main Wall) Generals and whatever new General(s) are added tomorrow, I plan to start updating the Subordinate City Mayor rankings.
I've been working on reorganizing the site to (hopefully) make it easier to navigate.
Other than that, it's almost the same update as two (2) months ago...
I'm again caught up on the Attacking and Reinforcing Lead Generals, but I've actually started work on the Ranged Combination Rankings. Let's see what new Army Generals are released 27 hours from now, I'm hoping it's something easy.
I was finally able to catch up on the Attacking and Reinforcing Lead Generals. Inching closer to updating the Combination Rankings. Let's see what new Army Generals are released tomorrow, I'm hoping it's something easy.
Target Dates for new updates:
11-21-2023 Linked Reference Articles (Methodology, Skill Books & Dragons)
12-05-2023 Ground PvP Assistants & Combinations
12-19-2023 Ranged PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-02-2023 Siege PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-16-2024 Mounted PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-30-2024 In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Assistants & Combinations
02-13-2024 Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors) : Add William Wallace
02-27-2024 Duty Officers
03-12-2024 Add Top Reinforcing Generals to In-City Defense (Main Wall)
Previously updated to the v4 rating system:
Lead Generals
Ranged Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Mounted Lead PvP Generals to v4.1.1
In-City Defense (Main Wall) Lead Generals v4.1.1
Ground Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Siege Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Subordinate City PvP (Debuff) Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvM Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ground PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Siege PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ranged PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Previously updated to the v4 rating system:
Lead Generals
Ranged Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Mounted Lead PvP Generals to v4.1.1
In-City Defense (Main Wall) Lead Generals v4.1.1
Ground Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Siege Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Ranged Lead PvP Generals v4.1.0
Mounted Lead PvP Generals v4.0.0
In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Subordinate City PvP (Debuff) Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvM Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ground PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Siege PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ranged PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Target Dates for new updates:
11-07-2023 Add new Ground & Siege Lead PvP Generals
11-14-2023 Linked Reference Articles (Methodology, Skill Books & Dragons)
11-28-2023 Ground PvP Assistants & Combinations
12-12-2023 Ranged PvP Assistants & Combinations
12-26-2023 Siege PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-09-2024 Mounted PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-23-2024 In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Assistants & Combinations
02-06-2024 Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors) : Add William Wallace
02-20-2024 Duty Officers
03-05-2024 Add Top Reinforcing Generals to In-City Defense (Main Wall)
Previously updated to the v4 rating system:
Lead Generals
Mounted Lead PvP Generals to v4.1.1
In-City Defense (Main Wall) Lead Generals v4.1.1
Ground Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Siege Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Ranged Lead PvP Generals v4.1.0
Mounted Lead PvP Generals v4.0.0
In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Subordinate City PvP (Debuff) Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvM Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ground PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Siege PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ranged PvP Equipment v4.0.0
I'm currently working on updating everything to the newest rating system v4.1.1.
Target Dates for v4.1.1 updates:
10-31-2023 Update Ranged Lead PvP to v4.1.1
11-14-2023 Linked Reference Articles (Methodology, Skill Books & Dragons)
11-28-2023 Ground PvP Assistants & Combinations
12-12-2023 Ranged PvP Assistants & Combinations
12-26-2023 Siege PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-09-2024 Mounted PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-23-2024 In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Assistants & Combinations
02-06-2024 Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors) : Add William Wallace
02-20-2024 Duty Officers
03-05-2024 Add Top Reinforcing Generals to In-City Defense (Main Wall)
I've gotten side-tracked with an item/drop valuation project, so the previously published schedule has slipped. An updated schedule is posted below.
Previously updated to the v4 rating system:
Lead Generals
In-City Defense (Main Wall) Lead Generals v4.1.1
Ground Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Siege Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Ranged Lead PvP Generals v4.1.0
Mounted Lead PvP Generals v4.0.0
In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Subordinate City PvP (Debuff) Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvM Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ground PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Siege PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ranged PvP Equipment v4.0.0
I'm currently working on updating everything to the newest rating system v4.1.1.
Target Dates for v4.1.1 updates:
10-24-2023 Update Mounted Lead PvP to v4.1.1
10-31-2023 Update Ranged Lead PvP to v4.1.1
11-14-2023 Linked Reference Articles (Methodology, Skill Books & Dragons)
11-28-2023 Ground PvP Assistants & Combinations
12-12-2023 Ranged PvP Assistants & Combinations
12-26-2023 Siege PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-09-2024 Mounted PvP Assistants & Combinations
01-23-2024 In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Assistants & Combinations
02-06-2024 Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors) : Add William Wallace
02-20-2024 Duty Officers
03-05-2024 Add Top Reinforcing Generals to In-City Defense (Main Wall)
Previously updated to the v4 rating system:
Lead Generals
Ground Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Siege Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Ranged Lead PvP Generals v4.1.0
Mounted Lead PvP Generals v4.0.0
In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Subordinate City PvP (Debuff) Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvM Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ground PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Siege PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ranged PvP Equipment v4.0.0
I'm currently working on updating everything to the newest rating system v4.1.1.
Target Dates for v4.1.1 updates:
10-01-2023 In-City Defense (Main Wall) Lead Generals
10-08-2023 Update Ranged & Mounted to v4.1.1
10-15-2023 Linked Reference Articles (Methodology, Skill Books & Dragons)
10-22-2023 Ground PvP Assistants & Combinations
10-29-2023 Ranged PvP Assistants & Combinations
11-05-2023 Siege PvP Assistants & Combinations
11-12-2023 Mounted PvP Assistants & Combinations
11-19-2023 In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Assistants & Combinations
11-26-2023 Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors) : Add William Wallace
12-10-2023 Duty Officers
12-24-2023 Add Top Reinforcing Generals to In-City Defense (Main Wall)
Site Revenue:
September 2023: Currently $25-30/Month from advertising. May or may not be enough to cover the annual site hosting fees of $320.
June 2024: Need to be making $200 per month revenue. May need to add paid subscriptions or consider shutting down the site.
December 2024: Need to be making $500 per month revenue. May need to add paid subscriptions and paid 1-on-1 consulting, or consider shutting down the site.
Long Term Projects:
December 2023: Reorganize Site by Army General's Specialty (Ground, Ranged, Mounted, etc.) instead of Categories (Gear, Lead Generals, Combinations, etc.).
February 2024: Reorganize the EvonyAnswers Forum and start using it more often.
April 2024: Add Arctic Barbarian Invasion Article.
June 2024: Add Duty Officer Gear Article.
August 2024: Add Battlefield Articles & Maps.
Previously updated to the v4 rating system:
Lead Generals
Siege Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Ranged Lead PvP Generals v4.1.0
Mounted Lead PvP Generals v4.0.0
In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Subordinate City PvP (Debuff) Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvM Equipment v4.0.0
Mounted PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ground PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Siege PvP Equipment v4.0.0
Ranged PvP Equipment v4.0.0
I'm currently working on updating everything to the newest rating system v4.1.1.
Target Dates for v4.1.1 updates:
09-24-2023 Ground Lead PvP Generals
10-08-2023 In-City Defense (Main Wall) Lead Generals
10-15-2023 Update Ranged & Mounted to v4.1.1
10-22-2023 Linked Reference Articles (Methodology, Skill Books & Dragons)
10-29-2023 Ground PvP Assistants & Combinations
11-05-2023 Ranged PvP Assistants & Combinations
11-12-2023 Siege PvP Assistants & Combinations
11-19-2023 Mounted PvP Assistants & Combinations
11-26-2023 In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Assistants & Combinations
12-10-2023 Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors) : Add William Wallace
12-24-2023 Duty Officers
I'm currently working on updating everything to the newest rating system v4.1.1.
Siege Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1
Ranged Lead PvP Generals v4.1.0
Mounted Lead PvP Generals v4.0.0
Target Dates going forward:
Ground Lead PvP Generals v4.1.1: 09-24-2023
In-City Defense (Main Wall) Lead Generals v4.1.1: 10-08-2023
Ranged & Mounted to v4.1.1: 10-15-2023
Linked Reference Articles (Methodology, Skill Books & Dragons): 10-22-2023
Ground PvP Assistants & Combinations v4.1.1: 10-29-2023
Ranged PvP Assistants & Combinations v4.1.1: 11-05-2023
Siege PvP Assistants & Combinations v4.1.1: 11-12-2023
Mounted PvP Assistants & Combinations v4.1.1: 11-19-2023
In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Assistants & Combinations v4.1.1: 11-26-2023
Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors) v4.1.1: 12-10-2023
Duty Officers v4.1.1: 12-24-2023
I do not show a conflict between Merlin and Godfrey. I do not have Sigurd to test with.
I'm really interested to see the new 5.0 ranking system. Having it be march based for most use cases makes a ton of sense, the results we are seeing in my alliance supports the idea that march size is the biggest determining factor in most situations. I would think the exceptions would be Wall Generals (all troops in the keep are used regardless of march size), Mayors (the debuffs matter far more than the troop strenght the general brings), Officers (which you pick primary for very very different attributes unrelated to march size), Mounted Treasure Hunters (which might be a hybrid of the need to maximize luck and march size?), Generals for efficiently joining rallies where you normally s…
You are my go-to resources for so much of Evony, and I give out your URL to my alliance and anyone who asks. Do you expect to get significantly different results with this new rating system? It's one thing if everyone's ratings go up or down by similar amounts, but I'd be very interested to know if the relative rankings change significantly, e.g., Genghis Khan going to top of the leader board for ranged generals!