Keys to Winning (and a High Score)
Essential Epic Buffs for Healing Strategy
Great Epic Buffs for Healing Strategy
Good Epic Buffs for Healing Strategy
Other Epic Buffs for Healing Strategy
Runes for Healing Strategy

Mayan Warrior
Easiest enemy to defeat.
Defeat as many as possible on all levels.
If defeated, there will a choice between three (3) or four (4) Level 1 or 2 Blue Buffs.
Four (4) choices are only possible if Lucky Upgrading (an Epic Purple Buff) is active.
Mayan Guard
More difficult to defeat and causes more wounded troops.
If defeated, there will a choice between three (3) or four (4) Level 2 or 3 Blue Buffs.
Four (4) choices are only possible if Lucky Upgrading (an Epic Purple Buff) is active.
Mayan High Priest
Very difficult to defeat and causes many more wounded troops.
They get even harder after level 12. At levels 19 & 20 they are extremely hard to defeat.
If defeated, the portal to the next level will appear, and there will be a choice between three (3) or four (4) Level 3 Blue Buffs or Epic Purple Buffs. The choices will typically contains 1-2 Epic Purple Buffs and 1-2 level 3 Blue Buffs.
Four (4) choices are only possible if Lucky Upgrading (an Epic Purple Buff) is active.
Each building will usually show up 2-4 times in the twenty (20) levels:
Great Buildings
Life Stream - Healing, I recommend choosing the option on the left, for 20% healing all troops.
Mayan Camp - I usually try to recruit a secondary march first, then a tertiary march. If more than two (2) are available, go with more of the Primary Troop Marches (Troop Slots).
Good Buildings
Mayan Calendar Stone - 75% chance of getting something not helpful, that's ok, keep trying anyway.
Other Buildings
Mayan Market - Only buy the Runes listed under "Great Runes". There probably won't be any available, and that's OK.
Portal - Go to next level. On most levels it appears after defeating the Mayan High Priest.
Typhoon Totem - To get a score over 11,000, you will need to occupy all the Totems.
Cresent Totem - To get a score over 11,000, you will need to occupy all the Totems.
Poisonwood Totem - To get a score over 11,000, you will need to occupy all the Totems. Hopefully, you have at least one (1) Holy Wrath Rune and can kill it immediately. But, get a couple of these in the wrong spot, and once again... say it with me, it's time to start the stage over...
Troop type doesn't seem to matter much, I've seen scores over 11,000 attained with all four (4) troop types or a mix of troop types. It's much more important to put the right set of purple buffs together.
When selecting troops for a march , Go all-in on one (1) Troop Type. Try Mounted first, but you can try it with all four (4) troop types or a mix of Troop Types.
Start with your best five (5) Army Generals (for the Primary Troop Type), and pick 0-100 of the other three (3) troop types, and all the rest should be the Primary Troop Type. If five (5) Army Generals for the Primary Troop Type are not available, choose the best overall Army Generals after choosing all the available Primary Troop Army Generals.
A primarily Mounted, the set-up would look something like this:
Ground Troops - 0
Ranged Troops - 0
Mounted Troops - All troops, hopefully over 1,000,000.
Siege Troops - 0
If Mounted is Primary:
Ground will be Secondary Troop Type, many buffs will be for two troop types, ground and mounted are almost always together.
Ranged will the Tertiary Troop Type.
Siege will be the Quaternary Troop Type.
If Ground is Primary:
Mounted will be Secondary Troop Type.
Ranged will the Tertiary Troop Type.
Siege will be the Quaternary Troop Type.
If Ranged is Primary:
Siege will be Secondary Troop Type.
Mounted will the Tertiary Troop Type.
Ground will be the Quaternary Troop Type.
If Siege is Primary:
Ranged will be Secondary Troop Type.
Mounted will the Tertiary Troop Type.
Ground will be the Quaternary Troop Type.
Buff Categories by Color:
Epic Gold (Yellow or Beige) Buffs (most powerful)
A maximum of two (2) can be received.
Only available before Levels 1 and 11.
Not available after defeating any opponent.
Epic Purple Buffs
No maximum
Available after defeating a Mayan High Priest.
Blue Buffs - Level 3
Available after defeating a Mayan Guard or Mayan High Priest.
Blue Buffs - Level 2
Available after defeating a Mayan Warrior or Mayan Guard.
Blue Buffs - Level 1 (least powerful)
Available after defeating a Mayan Warrior.
Three (3) Blue Buff choices become available after defeating a Mayan Warrior, or Mayan Guard. Some Blue Level 3 options will be available after defeating a Mayan High Priest.
Pick Blue Buffs in the following order:
Primary Troop Attack
Primary Troop Defense or HP
Secondary Troop Attack
Tertiary Troop Attack
Secondary Troop Defense or HP
Tertiary Troop Defense or HP
And Getting a High Score
There are five (5) Stages, the best way to get a high score will be to play the same Stage over and over until it goes perfectly, then go to the next Stage.
Stage 1: Levels 1-3. To keep playing Stage 1 don't go past Level 3. Every time resetting to Level 1 the Army Generals and Troops must be selected again... Bummer.
Stage 2: Levels 3-8. To keep playing Stage 2 don't go past Level 8.
Stage 3: Levels 8-14. To keep playing Stage 3 don't go past Level 14.
Stage 4: Levels 14-18. To keep playing Stage 4 don't go past Level 18.
Stage 5: Levels 18-20. Stage 5 can be played forever.
Occupy ALL of the Totems for extra points (to get over 11,000). Absolute maximum score is around 11,500 points. Maximum score without occupying any Totems will be around 10,500.
Dispel as much fog as possible before attacking anything.
Clear all levels of fog and opponents, and use ANY available buildings before moving to the next level.
Always try to maintain a minimum troop level of 80% in every march (Troop Slot). There should be many opportunities to heal 15-20% of your troops (with Recovery Runes and Life Stream Buildings). If these opportunities are not coming, it's probably time to start the Stage over.
It seems best to send 3-5 Marches (Troop Slots) to minimize damage to each March (Troop Slot). The stronger the March (no injured troops), the less likely it is to take wounded. So, send as many marches as possible that are at 80% or higher.
If Primary Troops Marches (Troop Slots) get below 70% with no Runes or Life Streams to improve the situation immediately, it may be time to start the Stage over. Certainly, ANY Marches (Troop Slots) under 70% shouldn't be use again until some healing can be found.
Select a Strategy and stick with it:
Brute Force
The Brute Force Strategy
The big weakness of the Brute Force Strategy is that it does NOT deal with damage caused by occupying Totems. Maximum score without occupying any totems will be around 10,500. To deal with the Totem damage many good Healing and Recovery Runes will be needed.
Gold is your friend. Get as much as possible.
Check your "Stage Buffs" (at the bottom middle of the screen) early and often. Maintain "Stage Buffs" of at least 20x the level number for everything, but especially Attack, HP & Defense for the Primary Troop Type. If Buffs get below this, troops will die, and you guessed it... it will be time to start the stage over.
Stage 8: at least +160% to everything
Stage 12: at least +240% to everything
Stage 16: at least +320% to everything
Stage 20: at least +400% to everything
Essential Epic Buffs for Brute Force Strategy
[G1] or [G11] = Gold Epic Buff - Only two (2) can be selected, one is available at levels 1 & 11.
[P] = Purple Epic Buff - Somewhat random, 0-3 (0-4 if Lucky Upgrading has been activated) will be available after defeating each Mayan High Priest at the end of most levels. Most times 1 or 2 will appear, sometimes 0 or 3 will appear (or 4 may be possible with Lucky Upgrading activated).
Essential Gold Buffs (Brute Force)
If you want to score over 10,000, there are some Gold Buffs that are absolutely necessary:
Money Bags [G1] - Key Buff 1 of 3. This Buff needs to be chosen first, so if it or Brutal Strike are not available in the first three (3) choices, keep starting over until one is available.
Brutal Strike [G1] - Add 5% All Troop Attack for every 1% of troops lost (up to +500%). This can be substituted for Money Bags above.
War Zealot [G11] - Increases All Troops Attack, Defense and HP by 5% for each battle won (can be stacked up to 10 times). Doubles the effect value when it reaches the maximum stacks (up to +100%). This needs to be one of the three (3) choices available after level 10 and before starting level 11. If it's not available, it's time to start thinking about... you guessed it, starting the Stage over.
Essential Purple Buffs (Brute Force)
If you want to score over 9,000, there are some buffs that are absolutely necessary:
Gold in Fog [P] - Key Buff 2 of 3, gives gold for every fog dispelled. To get a very high score (over 10,000), this needs to show up in the first five (5) levels. If it hasn't shown up before level 12, it's probably time to start over.
Hand of Famine [P]: Ahhh yeah, Key Buff 3 of 3, let the smashing begin!!!! +10% to All Troop HP & Defense, +0.5% Increase to All Troop Attack, HP, & Defense per Mayan Gold owned, and Increases Mayan Gold by 25%. Comes with a minor penalty that's not even worth worrying about. To get a very high score (over 10,000), this needs to show up in the first (10) levels. If it hasn't shown up before level 12, it's probably time to start over.
Triple Lines [P] - 333% All Troop Attack, Defense and HP Increase. This seems to stack, so if it shows up more than once, keep picking it. If you can get three (3) or more, you're pretty much invincible! It seems to be EXACTLY three (3) marches, not three (3) or more marches.
It's probably better to start the stage over, if:
At least two (2) of the six (6) above are not available in the first two (2) levels
At least three (3) of the six (6) above are not available in the first seven (7) levels
At least four (4) of the six (6) above are not available in the first ten (10) levels
At least five (5) of the six (6) above are not available in the first twelve (12) levels
Great Epic Buffs for Brute Force Strategy
Great Gold Buffs (Brute Force)
Strength in Numbers [G] - Add 10% ALL troops to ALL marches.
Great Purple Buffs (Brute Force)
Hand of Plague [P] - Ranged Buffs are ok, but the All Troop Attack & HP Buff per Rune owned is the really helpful part. It seems to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Main Force Suppression [P] - Increase primary troops attack defense and HP by 40% and 20% for the three (3) other troop types. It seems to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Mixed Force [P] - Increase all troop attack by 35% for each troop type sent into battle. It seems to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Laws of Survival [P] - Dispels poisonous fog without taking damage. Additionally, more gold (from Gold in Fog) and 5 points for every poisonous fog dispelled. Don't pick it more than once, it does NOT stack.
Adaptation [P] - Good Buffs no matter how many troops you have left in a march (troop slot). It seems to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Hand of War [P]: +30% Increase to All Troop HP, +25% Increase to Ground Attack, and +70% All Troop Attack. A -20% gold penalty comes with it, but it's probably worth it.
Ring of the Rhine [P] - Boosts Attack 1.5% for every Mayan Gold. The only problem is that it's also subtracting from Defense 1% for every Mayan Gold. It seems to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Good Epic Buffs for Brute Force Strategy
Good Gold Buffs (Brute Force)
Logistic Supply [G1] - Restores 3% all troops when entering a new level. Helpful but, probably not helpful enough.
Giant Killer [G11] - Add 10% Attack to the difficult enemies (Guards and High Priests). Helpful but, probably not helpful enough.
Good Purple Buffs (Brute Force)
Field Hospital [P] - It does seem to stack, so if you can get it five (5) times, you're invincible! That's a bit of a joke, since the most i've seen it is twice.
Lucky Upgrading [P] - Give four (4) choice after defeating any opponent. Even better if you can get it early (on Levels 1-3). Don't pick it more than once, it doesn't stack.
Power of Blood [P] - 10% Increase to Mounted & Ground Attack, and 25% Increase to Mounted Basic Attributes.
Chain Lightning [P] - 10% Increase to Ground & Mounted Attack, and 25% Increase to Ground Basic Attributes.
Battering Arrow [P] - 10% Increase to Ranged & Siege Attack, and 25% Increase to Ranged Basic Attributes.
Unbreakable Wall [P] - 10% Increase to Siege & Ranged Attack, and 25% Increase to Siege Basic Attributes.
Other Epic Buffs for Brute Force Strategy
Other Gold Buffs (Brute Force)
Art of Commanding [G11] - Max 20% all troop lost in battle, won't help much in the last few stages when it really matters.
Rangers [G1] - 20% Increase to Mounted & Ground Defense, 15% Increase to Siege Attack. Reasonable Troop buffs, but they are too small to matter much.
Arrow Shower [G1] - Ranged & Siege Troop Buffs. Reasonable Troop buffs, but they are too small to matter much.
Offense Defense Balance [G1] - Troop Buffs. Reasonable Troop buffs, but they are too small to matter much.
Heavy Artillery [G1] - 30% Increase to Siege Attack & HP, 15% Increase to Ground and Mounted Defense. Reasonable Troop buffs, but they are too small to matter much.
Desperate Gambler [G11] - Gives 2 "other" buffs, I'm not sure if they are purple or blue. If it gives two (2) Purple Buffs it may be worth it, but it seems more like it gives two (2) Blue Buffs. I've never been desperate enough to pick it.
Desperate Measures [G1] - DO NOT PICK THIS!! It looks great, but is actually TERRIBLE!! The healing tradeoff is really bad.
Other Purple Buffs (Brute Force)
Lucky Strike [P] - There probably won't be anything worth buying in the Market Building, so it's pretty much useless.
Unstoppable Force [P] - 30% chance to destroy target, but 3% chance for against Mayan High Priest, so it's not very good.
Hand of Death [P] - The death is the player's death that happens rather quickly once you can't heal anymore. AVOID, unless on Level 19 and out of all healing related Runes.
Runes for Brute Force Strategy
Runes drop about 25-40% of the time, either after defeating an enemy, or opening a chest. Occasionally, they will drop after dispelling a fog.
Great Runes (Brute Force)
Junior, Medium, or Senior Recovery - These are great use them whenever needed to heal troops from around 70-80% to around 95-100%.
Holy Wrath - Destroy the Poisonwood Totem before is does any damage. Is great to have 1-3 of these.
Prediction - 100% to all troop attack defense and HP, good for use against one (1) enemy only. You'll probably want 1-2 of these. Use one (1) on the final boss on Level 19 and one (1) on the final boss on Level 20.
Good Runes (Brute Force)
Junior, Medium, or Senior Healing - Good to have but, probably not necessary to win. The Recovery Runes are much better.
Dispelling - Unlocks all fog around any opponent. Can be used 100% of the time. Very useful to have but, not necessary to win. It's very helpful to dispel all fog before deciding which opponents to challenge first.
Teleportation - Teleports an opponent to an open spot (if there is one). Can be used about 90% of the time. Very useful to have but, not necessary to win. It's very helpful to dispel all fog before deciding which opponents to challenge first.
Junior, Medium, or Senior True Sight - Good to have but, not necessary to win. Use all of them before level 17, there's no fog on levels 18-20.
Junior, Medium, or Senior Justice - Good to have but, not necessary to win. Use all of them before level 17, there are no Mayan Warriors on levels 18-20.
Other Runes (Brute Force)
Rebirth - Doesn't hurt to have it but, not necessary to win. If you're doing it right your troops will never get below 80%. Just keep them in case Hand of Plague shows up.
Junior, Medium, or Senior Blade - These are pretty much useless. Just keep them in case Hand of Plague shows up.
The Healing Strategy
Healing and Immunity are your friends. Get as much healing and immunity as possible.
Essential Epic Buffs for Healing Strategy
[G1] or [G11] = Gold Epic Buff - Only two (2) can be selected, one (1) is available at levels 1 & 11.
[P] = Purple Epic Buff - Somewhat random, 0-3 (0-4 if Lucky Upgrading has been activated) will be available after defeating each Mayan High Priest at the end of most levels. Most times 1 or 2 will appear, sometimes 0 or 3 will appear (or 4 may be possible with Lucky Upgrading activated).
Essential Gold Buffs (Healing)
If you want to score over 11,000, there are some Gold Buffs that are absolutely necessary:
Logistic Supply [G1] - Key Buff 1 of 3, restores 3% all troops when entering a new level. This Buff needs to be chosen first, so if it's not available in the first three (3) choices, keep starting over until it is available.
Rehabilitation [G11] - Restores 1% all troops when entering a new level. This needs to be one of the three (3) choices available after level 10 and before starting level 11.
Art of Commanding [G11] - Max 20% all troop lost in battle. Can be substituted for Rehabilitation above.
Essential Purple Buffs (Healing)
If you want to score over 11,000, there are some buffs that are absolutely necessary:
Triple Lines [P] - Key Buff 2 of 3, 333% All Troop Attack, Defense and HP Increase. This seems to stack, so if it shows up more than once, keep picking it. If you can get three (3) or more, you're pretty much invincible! It seems to be EXACTLY three (3) marches, not three (3) or more marches.
Field Hospital [P] - Key Buff 2 of 3, heals 20% of troops lost in battle. It stacks, so if you can get it five (5) times, you're invincible!
Laws of Survival [P] - Dispels poisonous fog without taking damage. Additionally, five (5) points for every poisonous fog dispelled. Don't pick it more than once, it does NOT stack.
It's probably better to start the Stage over, if:
At least two (2) of the six (6) above are not available in the first two (2) levels
At least three (3) of the six (6) above are not available in the first seven (7) levels
At least four (4) of the six (6) above are not available in the first ten (10) levels
At least five (5) of the six (6) above are not available in the first twelve (12) levels
Great Epic Buffs for Healing Strategy
Great Gold Buffs (Healing)
Strength in Numbers [G11] - Add 10% ALL troops to ALL marches.
War Zealot [G11] - Increases All Troops Attack, Defense and HP by 5% for each battle won (can be stacked up to 10 times). Doubles the effect value when it reaches the maximum stacks (up to +100%).
Brutal Strike [G1] - Add 5% All Troop Attack for every 1% of troops lost (up to +500%).
Great Purple Buffs (Healing)
Hand of Plague [P] - Ranged Buffs are ok, but the All Troop Attack & HP Buff per Rune owned is the really helpful part. It does seem to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Gold in Fog [P] - Gives gold for every fog dispelled.
Hand of Famine [P]: +10% to All Troop HP & Defense, +0.5% Increase to All Troop Attack, HP, & Defense per Mayan Gold owned, and Increases Mayan Gold by 25%. Comes with a minor penalty that's not even worth worrying about.
Main Force Suppression [P] - Increase primary troops attack defense and HP by 40% and 20% for the three (3) other troop types. It does seem to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Hand of War [P]: +30% Increase to All Troop HP, +25% Increase to Ground Attack, and +70% All Troop Attack. A -20% gold penalty comes with it, but it's probably worth it.
Adaptation [P] - Good Buffs no matter how many troops you have left in a march (Troop Slot). It does seem to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Mixed Force [P] - Increase all troop attack by 35% for each troop type sent into battle. It does seem to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Lucky Upgrading [P] - Gives four (4) choices after defeating any opponent. Even better if you can get it early (on Levels 1-3). Don't pick it more than once, it does NOT stack.
Good Epic Buffs for Healing Strategy
Good Gold Buffs (Healing)
Giant Killer [G11] - Add 10% Attack to the difficult enemies (Guards and High Priests). Helpful but, probably not helpful enough.
Good Purple Buffs (Healing)
Ring of the Rhine [P] - Boosts Attack 1.5% for every Mayan Gold. The only problem is that it's also subtracting from Defense 1% for every Mayan Gold. It does seem to stack, so it can be selected more than once.
Power of Blood [P] - 10% Increase to Mounted & Ground Attack, and 25% Increase to Mounted Basic Attributes.
Chain Lightning [P] - 10% Increase to Ground & Mounted Attack, and 25% Increase to Ground Basic Attributes.
Battering Arrow [P] - 10% Increase to Ranged & Siege Attack, and 25% Increase to Ranged Basic Attributes.
Unbreakable Wall [P] - 10% Increase to Siege & Ranged Attack, and 25% Increase to Siege Basic Attributes.
Other Epic Buffs for Healing Strategy
Other Gold Buffs (Healing)
Rangers [G1] - 20% Increase to Mounted & Ground Defense, 15% Increase to Siege Attack. Reasonable Troop buffs, but they are too small to matter much.
Arrow Shower [G1] - Ranged & Siege Troop Buffs. Reasonable Troop buffs, but they are too small to matter much.
Offense Defense Balance [G1] - Troop Buffs. Reasonable Troop buffs, but they are too small to matter much.
Heavy Artillery [G1] - 30% Increase to Siege Attack & HP, 15% Increase to Ground and Mounted Defense. Reasonable Troop buffs, but they are too small to matter much.
Money Bags [G1] - For the Healing Strategy, this Buff is not very important, and should be avoided.
Desperate Gambler [G11] - Gives 2 "other" buffs, I'm not sure if they are purple or blue. If it gives two (2) Purple Buffs it may be worth it, but it seems more like it gives two (2) Blue Buffs. I've never been desperate enough to pick it...
Desperate Measures [G1] - DO NOT PICK THIS!! It looks great, but is actually TERRIBLE!! The healing tradeoff is really bad.
Other Purple Buffs (Healing)
Lucky Strike [P] - There probably won't be anything worth buying in the Market Building, so it's pretty much useless.
Unstoppable Force [P] - 30% chance to destroy target, but 3% chance for against Mayan High Priest, so it's not very good.
Hand of Death [P] - The death is the player's death that happens rather quickly once you can't heal anymore. AVOID, unless on Level 19 and out of all healing related Runes.
Runes for Healing Strategy
Runes drop about 25-40% of the time, either after defeating an enemy, or opening a chest. Occasionally, they will drop after dispelling a fog.
Great Runes (Healing)
Junior, Medium, or Senior Recovery - These are great use them whenever needed to heal troops from around 70-80% to around 95-100%.
Prediction - 100% to all troop attack defense and HP, good for use against one (1) enemy only. You'll probably want 1-2 of these. Use one (1) on the final boss on Level 19, and one (1) on the final boss on Level 20.
Junior, Medium, or Senior Healing - Good to have but, probably not necessary to win. The Recovery Runes are much better.
Good Runes (Healing)
Holy Wrath - Destroy the Poisonwood Totem before is does any damage. Is great to have 1-3 of these.
Junior, Medium, or Senior Blade - Save them to use on Level 20.
Dispelling - Unlocks all fog around any opponent. Can be used 100% of the time. Very useful to have but, not necessary to win. It's very helpful to dispel all fog and occupy the totem before deciding which opponents to challenge first.
Teleportation - Teleports an opponent to an open spot (if there is one). Can be used about 90% of the time. Very useful to have but, not necessary to win. It's very helpful to dispel all fog and occupy the totem before deciding which opponents to challenge first.
Other Runes (Healing)
Junior, Medium, or Senior True Sight - Good to have but, not necessary to win. Use all of them before level 17, there's no fog on levels 18-20.
Junior, Medium, or Senior Justice - Good to have but, not necessary to win. Use all of them before level 17, there are no Mayan Warriors on levels 18-20.
Rebirth - Doesn't hurt to have it but, not necessary to win. If you're doing it right your troops will never get below 80%. Just keep them in case Hand of Plague shows up.
One More Thing
The Revelation of Maya Leaderboard tracks all participants highest score (on your server), so don't worry about replaying and getting a lower score, it doesn't erase the higher score that was previously earned.
If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below. Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.
Unstoppable Force is the best buff and the one you want to get at least 2 or 3 times! It makes things sooo much easier. With a little bit of luck you only need to repeat stage 19 and 20 a view times to have zero wounded at the end (last time I was lucky at sec. try with only 2 Unstoppable Force buffs).
I go for Tripple Lines and Unstoppable Force as much as possible. The rest is not important. Look out for enough healing (make sure to have enough runes to heal all troops to max right before stage 20) and only pick siege buffs. Never use the troops you get from camps. thats it.
The hard part…
Siege is bad, stay away! triggered me, believe me you will change your mind soon 😂
I scored 11040