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Evony: Blazons... What's Up With That?




Are Blazons confusing? Yes, absolutely! So, let's break it down and go step-by-step.



Each Blazon randomly generates at Level 1 with two (2) Attributes.

Each Blazon can have eight (8) different Attributes:

  1. Troop Load

  2. Troop Training Capacity

  3. Troop Bonus Against Monsters

  4. Marching (Attacking) Troop Bonus

  5. In-Rally Troop Bonus

  6. Defending Troop Bonus

  7. Reinforcing Troop Bonus

  8. Troop Bonus (with No Modifier)



Equipping Blazons

To equip the Blazons, there's an interface screen that can be accessed in any of the four (4) troop buildings (Barracks, Archer Camp, Stables, & Workshop), click on one of the buildings, and then click the "Blazon" button.




There are four (4) groups:

  • Circle icon for Ground Troops

  • Triangle icon for Ranged Troops

  • Diamond icon for Mounted Troops

  • Hexagon icon for Siege Troops

Types of Blazons

There are six (6) Blazon slots for each of the four (4) troop types.

The six (6) Blazon slots correspond to the six (6) types of Blazons:

  • Earth

  • Wind

  • Fire

  • Ocean

  • Light

  • Shadow

Blazon Sets

Each of the six (2) types above, belongs in one (1) of two (2) Sets:

Troop Type Attacking Set Defending Set

Ground Troops: Justice Set or Sacrifice Set

Ranged Troops: Valor Set or Compassion Set

Mounted Troops: Honor Set or Soul Set (PvM - Monsters)

Siege Troops: Honesty Set or Humility Set

So total, there are 48 types of Blazons (4 troop types x 6 Blazon types x 2 Sets). They group into eight (8) Sets with six (6) Blazons each.



Good Blazon Attributes



Good Blazon Attributes for Ground Troops

The Justice Set is the Attacking Set for Ground Troops and has the following bonuses:

  • 2/6 When Attacking, Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack +20%

  • 4/6 When Attacking, Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense +20%

  • 6/6 Marching Ground Attack, HP, and Defense +10%

Look for Justice Light and Shadow Blazons with:

  1. Marching Ground Attack Increase +0.7%

  2. Ground Attack Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ground Attack Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

Look for Justice Fire and Wind Blazons with:

  1. Marching Ground HP Increase +0.7%

  2. Ground HP Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ground HP Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

Look for Justice Ocean and Earth Blazons with:

  1. Marching Ground Defense Increase +0.7%

  2. Ground Defense Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ground Defense Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

The Sacrifice Set is the Defending Set for Ground Troops and has the following bonuses:

  • 2/6 When Defending, Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack +25%

  • 4/6 When Defending, Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense +25%

  • 6/6 Defending Ground Attack, HP, and Defense +15%

Look for Sacrifice Light and Shadow Blazons with:

  1. Defending Ground Attack Increase +0.9%

  2. Ground Attack Increase +0.6%

Look for Sacrifice Fire and Wind Blazons with:

  1. Defending Ground HP Increase +0.9%

  2. Ground HP Increase +0.6%

Look for Sacrifice Ocean and Earth Blazons with:

  1. Defending Ground Defense Increase +0.9%

  2. Ground Defense Increase +0.6%



Good Blazon Attributes for Ranged Troops

The Valor Set is the Attacking Set for Ranged Troops and has the following bonuses:

  • 2/6 When Attacking, Reduce Enemy Ground Attack +20%

  • 4/6 When Attacking, Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense +20%

  • 6/6 Attacking Ranged Attack, HP, and Defense +10%

Look for Valor Light and Shadow Blazons with the following Attributes:

  1. Marching Ranged Attack Increase +0.7%

  2. Ranged Attack Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ranged Attack Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

Look for Valor Fire and Wind Blazons with the following Attributes:

  1. Marching Ranged HP Increase +0.7%

  2. Ranged HP Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ranged HP Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

Look for Valor Ocean and Earth Blazons with the following Attributes:

  1. Marching Ranged Defense Increase +0.7%

  2. Ranged Defense Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ranged Defense Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

The Compassion Set is the Defending Set for Ranged Troops and has the following bonuses:

  • 2/6 When Defending, Reduce Enemy Ground Attack +25%

  • 4/6 When Defending, Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense +25%

  • 6/6 Defending Ranged Attack, HP, and Defense +15%

Look for Compassion Light and Shadow Blazons with the following Attributes:

  1. Defending Ranged Attack Increase +0.9%

  2. Ranged Attack Increase +0.6%

Look for Compassion Fire and Wind Blazons with the following Attributes:

  1. Defending Ranged HP Increase +0.9%

  2. Ranged HP Increase +0.6%

Look for Compassion Ocean and Earth Blazons with the following Attributes:

  1. Defending Ranged Defense Increase +0.9%

  2. Ranged Defense Increase +0.6%



Good Blazon Attributes for Mounted Troops

The Honor Set is the Attacking Set for Mounted Troops and has the following bonuses:

  • 2/6 When Attacking, Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack +20%

  • 4/6 When Attacking, Reduce Enemy Ground Defense +20%

  • 6/6 Attacking Mounted Attack, HP, and Defense +10%

Look for Honor Light and Shadow Blazons with the following attributes:

  1. Marching Mounted Attack Increase +0.7%

  2. Mounted Attack Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Mounted Attack Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

Look for Honor Fire and Wind Blazons with the following attributes:

  1. Marching Mounted HP Increase +0.7%

  2. Mounted HP Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Mounted HP Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

Look for Honor Ocean and Earth Blazons with the following attributes:

  1. Marching Mounted Defense Increase +0.7%

  2. Mounted Defense Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Mounted Defense Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

The Soul Set is the PvM Set for Mounted Troops and has the following bonuses:

  • 2/6 Mounted HP on Monsters +30%

  • 4/6 Mounted Defense on Monsters +30%

  • 6/6 Mounted Attack on Monsters +30%

Look for Soul Light and Shadow Blazons with the following attributes:

  1. Mounted Attack on Monsters Increase +1.0%

  2. Marching Mounted Attack Increase +0.7%

  3. Mounted Attack Increase +0.6%

  4. In-Rally Mounted Attack Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

Look for Soul Fire and Wind Blazons with the following attributes:

  1. Mounted HP on Monsters Increase +1.0%

  2. Marching Mounted HP Increase +0.7%

  3. Mounted HP Increase +0.6%

  4. In-Rally Mounted HP Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%

Look for Soul Ocean and Earth Blazons with the following attributes:

  1. Mounted Defense on Monsters Increase +1.0%

  2. Marching Mounted Defense Increase +0.7%

  3. Mounted Defense Increase +0.6%

  4. In-Rally Mounted Defense Increase (doesn't work with solo attacks) +0.8%



Good Blazon Attributes for Siege Troops

The Honesty Set is the Attacking Set for Siege Troops and has the following bonuses:

  • 2/6 When Attacking, Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack +5%

  • 4/6 When Attacking, Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense +5%

  • 6/6 Attacking Ranged Attack, HP, and Defense +10%

Look for Honesty Light and Shadow Blazons with:

  1. Marching Seige Attack Increase +0.7%

  2. Siege Attack Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ranged Attack Increase (doesn't work with solo attack) +0.8%

Look for Honesty Fire and Wind Blazons with:

  1. Marching Siege HP Increase +0.7%

  2. Siege HP Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ranged HP Increase (doesn't work with solo attack) +0.8%

Look for Honesty Ocean and Earth Blazons with:

  1. Marching Siege Defense Increase +0.7%

  2. Siege Defense Increase +0.6%

  3. In-Rally Ranged Defense Increase (doesn't work with solo attack) +0.8%

The Humility Set is the Defending Set for Siege Troops and has the following bonuses:

  • 2/6 When Defending, Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack +10%

  • 4/6 When Defending, Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense +10%

  • 6/6 Defending Siege Attack, HP, and Defense +10%

Look for Humility Light and Shadow Blazons with:

  1. Defending Siege Attack Increase +0.9%

  2. Siege Attack Increase +0.6%

Look for Humility Fire and Wind Blazons with:

  1. Defending Siege HP Increase +0.9%

  2. Siege HP Increase +0.6%

Look for Humility Ocean and Earth Blazons with:

  1. Defending Siege Defense Increase +0.9%

  2. Siege Defense Increase +0.6%



Six (6) Steps to Great Blazons



Assemble the Eight (8) Sets

The eight (8) Set bonuses are huge and pretty easy to get. Just find one (1) of each type of Blazon, the level and quality of the Blazon doesn't matter. Mix the (2) sets if you need to, just get all 24 slots filled as soon as possible.

Equip the Sets in the Blazon Interface Screen:

For Multiple Sets, you'll need to set-up the presets in the upper left corner. Very similar to the way Monarch Gear Presets work.

Preset recommendations for each Troop Type:

  1. Attacking Set

  2. Defending Set

  3. Reinforcing Set



Find a Good Blazon of Each Type

It looks like about one (1) in 50-100 will be good. The rest will be garbage and used for leveling up the good Blazons.

Just like Refining Gear or Refining Dragons, some Attributes are good, some are mediocre, and some are bad.

A good Blazon has two (2) of the best attributes (that are listed in the previous section), like:

  • Marching Ranged Attack Increase

  • Marching Ranged Attack Increase


  • Defending Ground HP Increase

  • Defending Ground HP Increase


  • Mounted Defense on Monsters Increase

  • Marching Mounted Defense Increase


  • Defending Siege Attack Increase

  • Defending Siege Attack Increase

NOTE: When you find a good Blazon, hit the "lock" Button in the upper right corner to make sure you don't accidentally use it to level up another Blazon.

A mediocre Blazon typically has two (2) different compatible Attributes, like:

  • Marching Ranged Attack Increase

  • Ranged Attack Increase


  • In-Rally Ground HP Increase

  • Marching Ground HP Increase


  • Mounted Defense Increase on Monsters

  • In-Rally Mounted Defense Increase


  • Defending Siege Attack Increase

  • Siege Attack Increase

A bad Blazon has at least one (1) Non-Helpful Attributes or two (2) opposite Attributes, like:

  • Ranged Attack Increase

  • Ranged Troop Training Capacity Increase


  • Defending Ground Defense Increase

  • Marching Ground Defense Increase


  • Mounted Troop Load Increase

  • Mounted HP Increase


  • In-Rally Siege Machine Attack Increase

  • Reinforcing Siege Machine Attack Increase



Level Up the Good Blazons

Collect all the mediocre and bad Blazons, and use them to level up the good Blazons.

Click on the good Blazon you'd like to upgrade (level up).

Then in the lower right corner of the screen, click the green "Upgrade" button.

Any Blazon, no matter the level, can be used to level-up any other Blazon, so if you find a better Level 1 Blazon to replace, let's say, a Level 10 Blazon, the Level 10 can be used to upgrade the Level 1 Blazon to Level 9 (return on Investment will be 80.0%-86.7% of the resources required to make the higher Blazon).

To see a previously used (high level) Blazon in the "upgrade" list (so that it can be used to upgrade a lower level Blazon) ALL three (3) requirements below MUST be met:

  1. It CANNOT be used in one (1) of the four (4) currently active sets (Ground, Ranged, Mounted, Siege).

  2. It CANNOT be part of saved preset.

  3. It CANNOT be locked.



Blazons Used for Upgrading

Level 1 = 100 points (100%)

Level 2 = 260 points (86.7 %)

Level 3 = 660 points (82.5%)

Level 4 = 1,220 points (81.3%)

Level 5 = 2,020 points (80.8%)

Level 6 = 3,060 points (80.5%)

Level 7 = 4,260 points (80.4%)

Level 8 = 5,700 points (80.3%)

Level 9 = 7,460 points (80.2%)

Level 10 = 9,620 points (80.1%)

New Blazon from Level 1 to Level 9.

Add twenty-four (24) Level 1 Blazons to get the new Blazon to Level 10 and add a random 3rd Attribute.

Level 11 = 12,260 points (80.1%)

New Blazon from Level 1 to Level 10.

New Blazon gets random 3rd Attribute.

Add two-hundred twenty-eight (228) Level 1 Blazons to get the new Blazon to Level 15 and add a random 4th Attribute.

Level 12 = 15,380 points (80.1%)

New Blazon from Level 1 to Level 11.

New Blazon gets random 3rd Attribute.

Add one-hundred ninety-seven (197) Level 1 Blazons to get the new Blazon to Level 15 and add a random 4th Attribute.

Level 13 = 19,060 points (80.1%)

New Blazon from Level 1 to Level 11.

New Blazon gets random 3rd Attribute.

Add one (1) Level 1 Blazon to get the new Blazon to Level 12.

Add one-hundred fifty-nine (159) Level 1 Blazons to get the new Blazon to Level 15 and add a random 4th Attribute.

Level 15 = 28,020 points (80.0%)

New Blazon from Level 1 to Level 13.

New Blazon gets random 3rd Attribute.

Add sixty-nine (69) Level 1 Blazons to get the new Blazon to Level 15 and add a random 4th Attribute.



Blazon Leveling Requirements

Level 1 - all Blazons start at Level 1


Level 2 - requires two (2) Level 1 Blazons

Level 3 - requires five (5) Level 1 Blazons

Level 4 - requires seven (7) Level 1 Blazons

Running Total - 14 Blazons (15 including the original Blazon)


Level 5 - requires ten (10) Level 1 Blazons

Level 6 - requires thirteen (13) Level 1 Blazons

Level 7 - requires fifteen (15) Level 1 Blazons

Level 8 - requires eighteen (18) Level 1 Blazons

Level 9 - requires twenty-two (22) Level 1 Blazons

Running Total - 92 Blazons (93 including the original Blazon)


Level 10 - requires twenty-seven (27) Level 1 Blazons - 3rd Random Attribute is Added

Running Total - 119 Blazons (120 including the original Blazon)

Level 11 - requires thirty-three (33) Level 1 Blazons

Level 12 - requires thirty-nine (39) Level 1 Blazons

Level 13 - requires forty-six (46) Level 1 Blazons

Level 14 - requires fifty-two (52) Level 1 Blazons


Level 15 - requires sixty (60) Level 1 Blazons - 4th Random Attribute is Added

Running Total - 349 Blazons (350 including the original Blazon)

Level 16 - requires seventy (70) Level 1 Blazons

Level 17 - requires eighty (80) Level 1 Blazons

Level 18 - requires ninety (90) Level 1 Blazons

Level 19 - requires one-hundred (100) Level 1 Blazons

Level 20 - requires one-hundred-ten (110) Level 1 Blazons

Running Total - 799 Blazons (800 including the original Blazon)



Get a Compatible 3rd Attribute at Level 10

Each Blazon can have eight (8) different Attributes, assuming the chances are all the same, it would be 12.5% chance for each Attribute or 1:8. Each Blazon Type should have at least two (2) compatible Attributes, so 25% or 1:4 chance to get something compatible.

If an incompatible attribute is generated at Level 10, you can either keep it, or go back to step #2 and use it to level up a good Blazon for another try.

Upgrading a Level 1 Blazon with a Level 10 Blazon yields a Level 9 Blazon, then adding twenty-four (24) more Blazons gets the new Blazon to Level 10.

Four (4) tries at a level 10 Blazon would take approximately:

119 + 3 x 24 = 191 Blazons

If a compatible Attribute is generated, go to Step #5.



Get a Compatible 4th Attribute at Level 15

Again, each Blazon can have eight (8) different Attributes, assuming the chances are all the same, it would be 12.5% chance for each Attribute or 1:8. Each Blazon Type should have at least two (2) compatible Attributes, so 25% or 1:4 chance to get something compatible.

If a compatible attribute is generated at Level 15, congratulations you now have one (1) really awesome Blazon.

Upgrading a Level 1 Blazon with a Level 15 Blazon on yields a Level 13 Blazon, then adding sixty-nine (69) more Blazons gets the new Blazon to Level 15.

Getting a compatible Attribute twice at 1:4 (25%) is 1:16 (6.25%). Sixteen (16) tries at a level 15 Blazon would take approximately:

349 + 15 x 69 = 1,384 Blazons

If an incompatible Attribute appears you can either keep it, or go back to step #2 and use it to level up a good Blazon for another try.



Continue Upgrading to Level 20

If a second compatible attribute is generated at Level 15, congratulations you now have one (1) really awesome Blazon that's ready to go to Level 20. Another 450 Level 1 Blazons are needed to get a Level 15 Blazon to Level 20.



The Perfect Blazon

Again, each Blazon can have eight (8) different Attributes, assuming the chances are all the same, it would be 12.5% chance for each Attribute or 1:8. Each Blazon Type has one (1) perfect Attribute (usually Marching, Defending, Reinforcing, or for Mounted, Against Monsters).

Getting the perfect Attribute twice at 1:8 (12.5%) is 1:64 (1.56%). Sixty-four (64) tries at a level 15 Blazon would take approximately:

349 + (63 x 69) + 450 = 5,146 Blazons


If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below.

Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.

Thanks for Reading,

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