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Evony Answers: Summary Ranking Methodology, Detailed Explanation


Updated: Jul 11, 2024




If you are not in the Evony 1%, the Attribute Rankings are probably the better for you.

The EvonyAnswers (EvAns) Summary Ranking System is geared towards the 1% of players that are at the very top of the Evony "ladder", they are most likely Very Heavy or Crazy Heavy Spenders.

You're probably in the Evony 1%, if you:

  • Are VIP 20 or above.

  • Have eight (8) or more Dragons.

  • Have opened Level 5 of the Dragon Cliff.

  • Have three (3) or more complete sets of Civilization Gear.

  • Play battlefield every week and your Alliance is typically in the top 64 in your Continent.

  • Play battlefield every week and your Alliance has four (4) or more Very Heavy or Crazy Heavy Spenders.



Past Version Adjustments

The Summary Methodology was added in v4 and did not exist in v3.

In v4.1.1, the following was revised:

1.  The Reduce Enemy Troop Attack, HP and Defense Multipliers have been adjusted so that they are much closer together, making the priority order in which they are placed much less important.

Reduce Enemy Attack Priority

Priority v4.1.0 v4.1.1

1st 1.0 1.0

2nd 0.75 0.88

3rd 0.5 0.76

4th 0.25 0.64

All 2.5 3.28

Reduce Enemy Toughness Priority

Priority v4.1.0 v4.1.1

1st 0.8 0.8

2nd 0.6 0.7

3rd 0.4 0.6

4th 0.2 0.5

All 2.0 2.6

In v4.1.0, the following was revised:

1.  The "Three (3) Skill Book Score" was changed to the "Four (4) Skill Book Score", and now represents a standardized set of top four (4) Skill Books: March Size Increase, Primary Attack Increase, Primary HP Increase, and Primary Defense Increase. Even though there are now effectively six (6) Skill Book slots, the 6th Skill Book is statistically insignificant. The 5th Skill Book(s), Range Increase / Troop (Movement) Speed, are assumed to cancel each other out.

Future Version Adjustments

In future versions, the following items will probably be revised:

1.  The multiplier for March Size Increase will probably increase significantly. The current multiplier is based on the actually March Size Increase effectiveness being around 25%.

In the current system, the modified March Size "multiplier" is applied only to Attack, HP & Defense Bonuses from the Army General in question. The problem is that the extra Troops accompanying the rally are fully Buffed with all Keep Buffs, not just buffs from the particular Army General. When looking at the ratio of a single Army General's Buffs to the Keep's Total Buffs, a good conservative approximation for Keeps in the K36 to K40 range would be 3:1 or 4:1. So, the 25% March Size effectiveness would be counteracted by the 4x "Full Buff" ratio.

For Keeps in the K41 to K45 range, the ratio is probably more like 5:1 or 6:1. So, as Keep Buffs go from +2,000% to +3,000%, March Size Increase will become more and more important.

If that were written out in a formula:

Current March Size is: March Size Increase (MSI) = (1+MSI/4)

New March Size would be: March Size Increase (MSI) = (1+3*MSI/4) or (1+4*MSI/4) or (1+5*MSI/4) or (1+6*MSI/4)



Summary Ranking Methodology

Rules & Assumptions

  • 1. All calculated numbers are rounded DOWN to the next whole number.

  • 2. There are twelve (12) Primary Attributes that comprise the Summary Scoring System. There's a multiplier for each Primary Attribute to convert to the Score Weightings listed in each section below. Any Non-Primary Attributes (not specifically listed below) are assumed to be zero and do not affect the scoring.

    • March Size Increase. See "Future Version Adjustments" above for more discussion on this item.

    • Primary (Mounted) Attack Increase.

    • Primary (Mounted) HP Increase.

    • Primary (Mounted) Defense Increase.

    • Reduce Enemy Ground, Ranged, Mounted, and Siege Attack.

    • Reduce Enemy Ground, Ranged, Mounted, and Siege Toughness (HP + Defense).

  • 3. Primary Attack, HP & Defense are always being fully Debuffed (at 50% effectiveness).

  • 4. HP is worth 10% more than Defense.

  • 5. Army Generals are maximized at Level 45 with 4-Yellow Specialties and full Ascending Enhancements (10-Stars).

    • All-Troop Attack, HP & Defense Increases (from Basic Attributes Leadership, Attack & Defense) are included in the totals.

  • 6. The four (4) highest scoring Skill Books possible for each Army General are included in the totals. See "Past Version Adjustments" above for more discussion on this item.

Summary Methodology

Attacking Troop PvP Offense

March Size Increase (MSI): +26%

Attacking Troop Attack Increase (ATAI): +378% (Including All Troop Attack)

Attacking Troop Offense (ATO): C+  (00.0% - 443)

ATO = ATAI x 100 x 0.5 x (1+MSI/4) x TOM

100 = Convert from % to Whole Numbers

0.5 = Fully Debuffed

MSI/4 = Actually Effectiveness of MSI is Around 25%

(1+MSI/4) = March Size Increase

TOM = Troop Offense Multiplier (Differs for each Troop Type), 1.89 was used for this example

Attacking Troop PvP Toughness

March Size Increase (MSI): +26%

Attacking Troop HP Increase (ATHI): +316% (Including All Troop HP)

Attacking Troop Defense Increase (ATDI): +315% (Including All Troop Defense)

Attacking Troop Toughness (ATT): C+  (00.0% - 383)

ATT = ((ATHI x 100 x 0.5 x (1+MSI/4) x 1.0) + (ATDI x 100 x 0.5 x (1+MSI/4) x 0.91)) x TTM

100 = Convert from % to Whole Numbers

0.5 = Fully Debuffed

MSI/4 = Actually Effectiveness of MSI is Around 25%

(1+MSI/4) = March Size Increase

1.0 = Importance Factor for HP (making it 10% more Important than Defense)

0.91 = Importance Factor for Defense (making it 10% less Important than HP)

TTM = Troop Toughness Multiplier (Differs for each Troop Type), 1.2 was used for this example

Attacking Troop PvP Offense & Toughness

Attacking Offense & Toughness Score (AO&T): C+  (00.0% - 760)


ATO = Attacking Offense

ATT = Attacking Toughness

Attacking Troop PvP Enemy Debuffs

Reduce Enemy Troop Attack (RETA)

Reduce Enemy RA Attack (RERA): +30% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Attack (RESA): +10% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Attack (REGA): +10% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Attack (REMA): +10% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy Troop Toughness (RETT)

Reduce Enemy RA Defense &/or HP (RERT): +30% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy GR Defense &/or HP (REGT): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy SG Defense &/or HP (REST): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Reduce Enemy MT Defense &/or HP (REMT): +0% (Including All Troop Debuffs)

Attacking Troop Enemy Debuffs (ATED): C+  (00.0% - 57)


RETA = RERA x 1.0 + RESA x 0.88 + REGA x 0.76 + REMA x 0.64

RETT = RERT x 0.8 + REGT x 0.7 + REST x 0.6 + REMT x 0.5

TEDM = Troop Enemy Debuff Multiplier (Differs for each Troop Type), 0.84 was used for this example

1.0 = Troop 1st Priority Attack Debuff Multiplier, RERA was used for this example

0.88 = Troop 2nd Priority Attack Debuff Multiplier, RESA was used for this example

0.76 = Troop 3rd Priority Attack Debuff Multiplier, REGA was used for this example

0.64 = Troop 4th Priority Attack Debuff Multiplier, REMA was used for this example

0.8 = Troop 1st Priority Toughness Debuff Multiplier, RERT was used for this example

0.7 = Troop 2nd Priority Toughness Debuff Multiplier, REGT was used for this example

0.6 = Troop 3rd Priority Toughness Debuff Multiplier, REST was used for this example

0.5 = Troop 4th Priority Toughness Debuff Multiplier, REMT was used for this example

Attacking Troop PvP Total Score

Attacking Troop Total Score (ATTS): C+  (00.0% - 887)


ATO = Attacking Troop Offense

ATT = Attacking Troop Toughness

ATED = Attacking Troop Enemy Debuffs



Score Weightings, Attribute Multipliers, and Enemy Debuff Priorities



Ground PvP Score Weightings

Attacking Ground PvP:

  • Ground Offense: 46%

  • Ground Toughness: 53%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

Reinforcing Ground PvP:

  • Ground Offense: 45%

  • Ground Toughness: 54%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

Ground PvP Attribute Multipliers

  • Ground Offense Multiplier (GOM): 1.815

  • Ground Toughness Multiplier (GTM): 1.170

  • Ground Enemy Debuff Multiplier (GEDM): 1.2

Ground PvP Enemy Debuff Priorities

Attacking Ground PvP:

Enemy Attack Debuff

  • 1st: Mounted

  • 2nd: Ranged

  • 3rd: Siege

  • 4th: Ground

Enemy HP or Defense Debuff

  • 1st: Ranged

  • 2nd: Siege

  • 3rd:  Mounted

  • 4th:  Ground

Reinforcing Ground PvP:

Enemy Attack Debuff

  • 1st: Mounted

  • 2nd: Ground

  • 3rd:  Siege

  • 4th:  Ranged

Enemy HP or Defense Debuff

  • 1st: Mounted

  • 2nd: Ground

  • 3rd:  Siege

  • 4th:  Ranged



Ranged PvP Score Weightings

Attacking Ranged PvP:

  • Ranged Offense: 64%

  • Ranged Toughness: 35%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

Reinforcing Ranged PvP:

  • Ranged Offense: 63%

  • Ranged Toughness: 36%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

Ranged PvP Attribute Multipliers

  • Ranged Offense Multiplier (ROM): 2.516

  • Ranged Toughness Multiplier (RTM): 0.835

  • Ranged Enemy Debuff Multiplier (REDM): 0.555

Ranged PvP Enemy Debuff Priorities

Attacking Ranged PvP:

Enemy Attack Debuff

  • 1st: Ground

  • 2nd: Siege

  • 3rd:  Mounted

  • 4th:  Ranged

Enemy HP or Defense Debuff

  • 1st: Ground

  • 2nd: Siege

  • 3rd:  Mounted

  • 4th:  Ranged

Reinforcing Ranged PvP:

Enemy Attack Debuff

  • 1st: Ground

  • 2nd: Siege

  • 3rd:  Ranged

  • 4th:  Mounted

Enemy HP or Defense Debuff

  • 1st: Mounted

  • 2nd: Ranged

  • 3rd:  Ground

  • 4th:  Siege



Mounted PvP Score Weightings

Attacking Mounted PvP:

  • Mounted Offense: 53%

  • Mounted Toughness: 46%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

Reinforcing Mounted PvP:

  • Mounted Offense: 51%

  • Mounted Toughness: 48%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

Mounted PvP Attribute Multipliers

  • Mounted Offense Multiplier (MOM): 1.870

  • Mounted Toughness Multiplier (MTM): 1.150

  • Mounted Enemy Debuff Multiplier (MEDM): 0.845

Mounted PvP Enemy Debuff Priorities

Attacking Mounted PvP:

Enemy Attack Debuff

  • 1st: Ranged

  • 2nd: Siege

  • 3rd: Ground

  • 4th: Mounted

Enemy HP or Defense Debuff

  • 1st: Ranged

  • 2nd: Ground

  • 3rd:  Siege

  • 4th:  Mounted

Reinforcing Mounted PvP:

Enemy Attack Debuff

  • 1st: Ranged

  • 2nd: Siege

  • 3rd:  Ground

  • 4th:  Mounted

Enemy HP or Defense Debuff

  • 1st: Ranged

  • 2nd: Siege

  • 3rd:  Ground

  • 4th:  Mounted



Siege PvP Score Weightings

Attacking Siege PvP:

  • Siege Offense: 68%

  • Siege Toughness: 31%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

Reinforcing Siege PvP:

  • Siege Offense: 67%

  • Siege Toughness: 32%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

Siege PvP Attribute Multipliers

  • Siege Offense Multiplier (SOM): 2.874

  • Siege Toughness Multiplier (STM): 0.675

  • Siege Enemy Debuff Multiplier (SEDM): 0.700

Siege PvP Enemy Debuff Priorities

Attacking Siege PvP:

Enemy Attack Debuff

  • 1st: Mounted

  • 2nd: Ground

  • 3rd:  Siege

  • 4th:  Ranged

Enemy HP or Defense Debuff

  • 1st: Siege

  • 2nd: Ranged

  • 3rd:  Mounted

  • 4th:  Ground

Reinforcing Siege PvP:

Enemy Attack Debuff

  • 1st: Siege

  • 2nd: Mounted

  • 3rd:  Ground

  • 4th:  Ranged

Enemy HP or Defense Debuff

  • 1st: Siege

  • 2nd: Ranged

  • 3rd:  Mounted

  • 4th:  Ground



In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Variables




Mounted PvM Attribute Variables



If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below.

Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.

Thanks for Reading,


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