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Evony Answers: Attribute Ranking Methodology, Detailed Explanation


Updated: Jul 11, 2024





The EvonyAnswers (EvAns) Attribute Ranking System is geared towards the 99% of players that are not Very Heavy or Crazy Heavy Spenders.

If you are in the Evony 1%, the Attribute Rankings are probably NOT the best for you, you should primarily be using the SUMMARY Rankings.

You're probably in the Evony 1%, if you:

  • Are VIP 20 or above.

  • Have eight (8) or more Dragons.

  • Have opened Level 5 of the Dragon Cliff.

  • Have three (3) or more complete sets of Civilization Gear.

  • You play battlefield every week and your Alliance is typically in the top 64 in your Continent.

  • You play battlefield every week and your Alliance has four (4) or more Very Heavy or Crazy Heavy Spenders.



Past Version Adjustments

In v4.2.1, the following was revised:

1.  In v2.0.0, there was a larger than expected gap between the two (2) Ranking Systems. The March Size Increase Multiplier has been increased again in an attempt to lessen the gap:

v4.2.0 v4.2.1

5.0 6.0

In practice, players at Keep Level 42 who have completed Military Academy Level 7 Research will see the importance of March Size increase substantially.

In v4.2.0, the following was revised:

1.  Added Covenants Attributes to the appropriate Army Generals. This will start to create a gap between Army Generals with Covenants and those without, especially in the Assistant General Rankings.

2.  Added the Skin Bonus Attributes for the appropriate Army Generals.

3.  To account for the increase in overall Keep Buffs, the March Size Increase Multiplier has been increased as follows:

v4.1.1 v4.2.0

2.667 5.0

This increase account for buffs up to around +3200%. Current K45 maximum buffs are thought to be around +4500%. So for those players with buffs over +3200%, March Size Increase would be even more important.

In v4.1.1, the following was revised:

1.  The Reduce Enemy Troop Attack, HP and Defense Multipliers have been adjusted so that they are much closer together, making the priority order in which they are placed much less important.

Reduce Enemy Attack Priority

Priority v4.1.0 v4.1.1

1st 1.0 1.0

2nd 0.75 0.88

3rd 0.5 0.76

4th 0.25 0.64

All 2.5 3.28

Reduce Enemy Toughness Priority

Priority v4.1.0 v4.1.1

1st 0.8 0.8

2nd 0.6 0.7

3rd 0.4 0.6

4th 0.2 0.5

All 2.0 2.6

2.  The Troop Preservation and Enemy Troop Debilitation Multipliers have been increased so that the 8% level (which is applicable to many Army Generals) will register as one (1) point instead of zero (0) points.

Troop Preservation

v4.1.0 v4.1.1

Troop Death into Wounded Increase 0.11111 0.25555

Troop Death into Wounded Increase (Marching/Attacking) 0.11111 0.12555

Troop Death into Souls Increase 0.11111 0.12555

Enemy Troop Debilitation

v4.1.0 v4.1.1

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.11111 0.25555

Enemy In-City Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.11111 0.12555

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase (Marching/Attacking) 0.11111 0.12555

In v4.1.0, the following was revised:

1.  The "Three (3) Skill Book Score" was changed to the "Four (4) Skill Book Score", and now represents a standardized set of top four (4) Skill Books: March Size Increase, Primary Attack Increase, Primary HP Increase, and Primary Defense Increase. Even though there are now effectively six (6) Skill Book slots, the 6th Skill Book is statistically insignificant.

Until more is known about the behavior of Range Increase and Troop (Movement) Speed Increase Skill Books, those multiplier will remain at zero.

Future Version Adjustments

In future versions, the following items will probably be revised:

1.  For most keeps, the Lead and Assistant Army Generals only account for 25% or less of the Total March Power.

In the current system, the modified March Size "multiplier" is applied only to Attack, HP & Defense Bonuses from the Army General in question. The problem is that the extra Troops accompanying the rally are fully Buffed with all Keep Buffs, not just buffs from the particular Army General.

When looking at the ratio of a single Army General's Buffs to the Keep's Total Buffs, a good conservative approximation for Keeps in the K36 to K40 range would be 3:1 or 4:1. So, the 25% March Size effectiveness would be counteracted by the 4x "Full Buff" ratio.

For Keeps in the K41 to K45 range, the ratio is more like 5:1, 6:1, 7:1 or 8:1. So, as average Keep Buffs go from +2,000% to +4,500%, March Size Increase will become more and more important.

If that were written out in a formula:

Old March Size was: March Size Increase (MSI) = (1+MSI/4)

Current March Size is: March Size Increase (MSI) = (1+5*MSI/4)

Future March Size would be: March Size Increase (MSI) = (1+6*MSI/4) or (1+7*MSI/4) or (1+8*MSI/4)

2.  The ratio for HP to Defense needs to be revisited. I've recently been doing a lot of testing with a single layer battle simulator. The Simulator needs more refining, and then more testing needs to be done to get better data, so this is a longer term project.

3.  At some point, the "Alpha" penalty may be reduced or deleted because it amplifies the delta (difference/distance) between the Army Generals' scores/grades. When first implementing this, I thought it was a good idea. Since then, I've come to believe that it artificially distorts the fact that most Evony Army Generals are very close in power by design, and for most keeps, Army Generals only account for 20-25% of the Total March Power.



Attribute Ranking Methodology

Rules & Assumptions

  1. Army Generals are assumed to be Level 45 with Ascending Enhancements and Specialties as listed for each category.

  2. There are twelve (12) Primary Attributes that account for a vast majority of the points in the Attribute Scoring System. There's a Multiplier for each Army General Attribute to convert to the Approximate Score Weightings listed above. Each Multiplier is listed below. Any Non-Primary Attributes (not specifically listed below) are assumed to be counted for significantly less, but still affect the scoring, slightly.

    1. March Size Increase. See "Future Version Adjustments" below for more discussion on this item.

    2. Primary (Mounted) Attack Increase.

    3. Primary (Mounted) HP Increase.

    4. Primary (Mounted) Defense Increase.

    5. Reduce Enemy Ground, Ranged, Mounted, and Siege Attack.

    6. Reduce Enemy Ground, Ranged, Mounted, and Siege Toughness (HP + Defense).

  3. HP is worth 10% more than Defense.

  4. All-Troop Attack, HP & Defense Increases (from Basic Attributes Leadership, Attack & Defense) are included in the totals after 190% is subtracted off the top of the the three (3) primary bonuses (Leadership (HP), Attack & Defense). There are three (3) primary reasons for this:

    1. Even a very weak hypothetical opponent, would have Army Generals that have at least 190% Attack, HP & Defense Bonuses. So why count the first 190% when it going to be cancelled out by the opponent's Army General anyway?

    2. It's similar to the investing concept "Alpha". A good explanation of Alpha is on

    3. A portion of it also serves to simulate typical Enemy Debuffing. See "Future Version Adjustments" below for more discussion on this item.

  5. The four (4) highest scoring Skill Books possible for each Army General are included in the totals. See "Past Version Adjustments" below for more discussion on this item.

  6. All calculated numbers are rounded DOWN to the next whole number.

Attribute Methodology

There's a multiplier for each Attribute to convert to the Score Weightings listed in each section below. All Attributes are converted into Attribute Scores with the appropriate multiplier, then all the Attribute Scores are added up to get the Total Category Score. The Category Scores are then added up to get the Total Lead General Score.

ASC = ATT x 100 x MLT

ASC = Attributes Score

ATT = Attribute

100 = Convert from Percentage to Whole Numbers

MLT = Multiplier (Each Multiplier is listed below.)

Category Scores

The Attributes Scores (ASCs) are broken up into seven (7) categories, so that it's possible to calculate different Lead and Assistant Army General Development Levels.

  • Basic Attributes Score (BAS) - Leadership, Attack, Defense, & Politics.

  • Base Skill Score (BSS) - Also known as the "Built-In" Skill Score.

  • Four (4) Skill Books (4SB) - The Lead General's score for the best four (4) possible Skill Books: March Size Increase and Primary Attack, HP & Defense Increase.

  • Covenants Score (CVS) - As appropriate for that Specific Ranking (i.e. 6, 4 or 2 Covenants)

  • Specialties Score (SPS) - As appropriate for that Specific Ranking (i.e. 4 Yellow, 3 Orange, or 3 Purple).

  • Ascending Enhancement Score (AES) - Only added for the Red Rankings.

  • Skins Scores (SKS) - If applicable and only added for the Red Rankings.

The Category Scores are added together (as appropriate) to get the Total Lead General Score.


TLGS = Total Lead General Score

BAS = Basic Attributes Score

BSS = Base Skill Score

4SB = Four (4) Skill Book Score

SPS = Specialties Score

AES = Ascending Enhancement Score

SKS = Skin Score

Development Levels

All Lead General Development Levels include: Basic Attributes Score (BAS), Base Skill Score (BSS), and Four (4) Skill Book Score (4SB).

For Lead Generals, there are four (4) different Development Levels as follows:

  • Red: Maximum (10-Star) Ascending Enhancements, six (6) Covenants, four (4) Yellow Specialties, and Skins

  • Yellow: Six (6) Covenants and four (4) Yellow Specialties

  • Orange: Four (4) Covenants and three (3) Orange Specialties

  • Purple: Two (2) Covenants and three (3) Purple Specialties

All Assistant General Development Levels include: Base Skill Score (BSS).

For Assistant Generals, there are three (3) different Development Levels as follows:

  • Yellow: Six (6) Covenants and four (4) Yellow Specialties

  • Orange: Four (4) Covenants and three (3) Orange Specialties

  • Purple: Two (2) Covenants and three (3) Purple Specialties



All Attribute percentage numbers are first multiplied by 100 to convert from percentage to whole numbers, then the Multiplier is applied to get the Attribute Score. The Score is always rounded DOWN to the nearest whole number.



Ground Score Weightings

Previous Version (v3)

Approximate Score Weightings for Ground PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v3 were:

Attacking Ground PvP v3:

  • Ground Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 60%

  • Ground Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 34%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 3%

  • Other Stuff:  3%

Reinforcing Ground PvP v3:

  • Ground Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 59%

  • Ground Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 35%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 3%

  • Other Stuff:  3%

Current Version (v4)

Approximate Score Weightings for Ground PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v4 are:

Attacking Ground PvP v4:

  • Ground Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 64%

  • Ground Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 34%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

  • Other Stuff: 1%

Reinforcing Ground PvP v4:

  • Ground Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 63%

  • Ground Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 35%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

  • Other Stuff: 1%

Attacking or Reinforcing Ground PvP Attribute Multipliers

All Attribute percentage numbers are first multiplied by 100 to convert from percentage to whole numbers, then the Multiplier (below) is applied to get the Attribute Score. The Score is always rounded DOWN to the nearest whole number.

Attribute Multiplier Amount Score


All Troop Attack 2.14833 +10% 21

Ground Attack 1.81500 +25% 45

Ranged Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Siege Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Mounted Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Mounted / Ground (In-Battle Movement) Speed Bonus 0.60000 +20% 12

March Size Increase 2.66667 +12% 32

Rally Capacity 0.50000 +10% 5

March Speed Increase (Getting to Battle) 0 +10% 0

Ranged Range Bonus 0 +100 0

Siege Range Bonus [Flat] 0 +200 0

Siege Range Bonus [%] 0 +15% 0

Toughness (Defense or HP)

All Troop HP 1.67101 +10% 16

Ranged HP 1.17100 +25% 29

Mounted HP 0.16667 +10% 1

Siege HP 0.16667 +10% 1

Ground HP 0.16667 +10% 1

All Troop Defense 1.55391 +10% 15

Ranged Defense 1.05390 +25% 26

Mounted Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Siege Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Ground Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Troop Preservation

Troop Death into Wounded Increase 0.25555 +8% 2

Troop Death into Wounded Increase when Attacking 0.12555 +8% 1

Troop Death into Souls Increase 0.12555 +8% 1

Troop Death into Souls Increase in Main City 0 +8% 0

Attacking Enemy Attack Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack 3.54240 +10% 35

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 1.20000 +10% 12

Reduce Enemy Range Attack 1.05600 +10% 10

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 0.91200 +10% 9

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 0.76800 +10% 7

Attacking Enemy Toughness (Defense or HP) Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop HP 2.80800 +10% 28

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 0.96000 +10% 9

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 0.84000 +10% 8

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 0.72000 +10% 7

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 0.60000 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 2.80800 +10% 28

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 0.96000 +10% 9

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 0.84000 +10% 8

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 0.72000 +10% 7

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 0.60000 +10% 6

Reinforcing Enemy Attack Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack 3.54240 +10% 35

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 1.20000 +10% 12

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 1.05600 +10% 10

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 0.91200 +10% 9

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 0.76800 +10% 7

Reinforcing Enemy Toughness (Defense or HP) Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop HP 2.80800 +10% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 0.96000 +10% 9

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 0.84000 +10% 8

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 0.72000 +10% 7

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 0.60000 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 2.80800 +10% 28

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 0.96000 +10% 9

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 0.84000 +10% 8

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 0.72000 +10% 7

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 0.60000 +10% 6

Enemy Troop Debilitation

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.25555 +8% 2

Enemy In-City Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.12555 +8% 1

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase when Attacking 0.12555 +8% 1



Ranged Score Weightings

Previous Version (v3)

Approximate Score Weightings for Ranged PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v3 were:

Attacking Ranged PvP v3:

  • Ranged Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 60%

  • Ranged Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 34%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 3%

  • Other Stuff:  3%

Reinforcing Ranged PvP v3:

  • Ranged Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 59%

  • Ranged Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 35%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 3%

  • Other Stuff:  3%

Current Version (v4)

Approximate Score Weightings for Ranged PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v4 are:

Attacking Ranged PvP v4:

  • Ranged Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 64%

  • Ranged Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 34%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

  • Other Stuff: 1%

Reinforcing Ranged PvP v4:

  • Ranged Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 63%

  • Ranged Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 35%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

  • Other Stuff: 1%

Attacking or Reinforcing Ranged PvP Attribute Multipliers

All Attribute percentage numbers are first multiplied by 100 to convert from percentage to whole numbers, then the Multiplier (below) is applied to get the Attribute Score. The Score is always rounded DOWN to the nearest whole number.

Attribute Multiplier Amount Score


All Troop Attack 2.84933 +10% 28

Ranged Attack 2.51600 +25% 62

Mounted Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Siege Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Ground Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Ranged Range Bonus 0.12000 +100 12

Siege Range Bonus [Flat] 0.02500 +200 5

Siege Range Bonus [%] 0.50000 +10% 5

March Size Increase 2.66667 +12% 32

Rally Capacity 0.50000 +10% 5

Mounted / Ground (In-Battle Movement) Speed Bonus 0 +20% 0

March Speed Increase (Getting to Battle) 0 +10% 0

Toughness (Defense or HP)

All Troop HP 1.46101 +10% 13

Ranged HP 0.96100 +25% 20

Mounted HP 0.16667 +10% 1

Siege HP 0.16667 +10% 1

Ground HP 0.16667 +10% 1

All Troop Defense 1.25151 +10% 12

Ranged Defense 0.75150 +25% 18

Mounted Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Siege Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Ground Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Troop Preservation

Troop Death into Wounded Increase 0.25555 +8% 2

Troop Death into Wounded Increase when Attacking 0.12555 +8% 1

Troop Death into Souls Increase 0.12555 +8% 1

Troop Death into Souls Increase in Main City 0 +8% 0

Attacking Enemy Attack Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack 1.63836 +10% 16

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 0.55500 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 0.48840 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 0.42180 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 0.35520 +10% 3

Attacking Enemy Toughness (Defense or HP) Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop HP 1.31069 +10% 13

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 0.44400 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 0.39072 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 0.33744 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 0.28416 +10% 2

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 1.31069 +10% 13

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 0.44400 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 0.39072 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 0.33744 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 0.28416 +10% 2

Reinforcing Enemy Attack Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack 1.63836 +10% 16

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 0.55500 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 0.48840 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 0.42180 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 0.35520 +10% 3

Reinforcing Enemy Toughness (Defense or HP) Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop HP 1.31069 +10% 13

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 0.44400 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 0.39072 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 0.33744 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 0.28416 +10% 2

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 1.31069 +10% 13

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 0.44400 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 0.39072 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 0.33744 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 0.28416 +10% 2

Enemy Troop Debilitation

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.25555 +8% 2

Enemy In-City Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.12555 +8% 1

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase when Attacking 0.12555 +8% 1



Mounted Score Weightings

Previous Version (v3)

Approximate Score Weightings for Mounted PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v3 were:

Attacking Mounted PvP v3:

  • Mounted Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 60%

  • Mounted Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 34%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 3%

  • Other Stuff:  3%

Reinforcing Mounted PvP v3:

  • Mounted Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 58%

  • Mounted Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 36%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 3%

  • Other Stuff:  3%

Current Version (v4)

Approximate Score Weightings for Mounted PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v4 are:

Attacking Mounted PvP v4:

  • Mounted Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 52%

  • Mounted Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 46%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

  • Other Stuff: 1%

Reinforcing Mounted PvP v4:

  • Mounted Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 50%

  • Mounted Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 48%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

  • Other Stuff: 1%

Attacking & Reinforcing Mounted PvP Attribute Multipliers

All Attribute percentage numbers are first multiplied by 100 to convert from percentage to whole numbers, then the Multiplier is applied to get the Attribute Score. The Score is always rounded DOWN to the nearest whole number.

Attribute Multiplier Amount Score


All Troop Attack 2.13833 +10% 21

Mounted Attack 1.80500 +25% 45

Ground Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Siege Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Ranged Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Mounted (In-Battle Movement) Speed Bonus 0 +20% 0

March Size Increase 5.00000 +12% 40

Rally Capacity 0.50000 +10% 5

March Speed Increase (Getting to Battle) 0 +10% 0

Ranged Range Bonus 0 +100 0

Siege Range Bonus [Flat] 0 +200 0

Siege Range Bonus [%] 0 +15% 0

Toughness (Defense or HP)

All Troop HP 1.46101 +10% 14

Mounted HP 0.96100 +25% 24

Ground HP 0.16667 +10% 1

Siege HP 0.16667 +10% 1

Ranged HP 0.16667 +10% 1

All Troop Defense 1.36491 +10% 13

Mounted Defense 0.86490 +25% 21

Ground Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Siege Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Ranged Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Troop Preservation

Troop Death into Wounded Increase 0.25555 +8% 2

Troop Death into Wounded Increase when Attacking 0.12555 +8% 1

Troop Death into Souls Increase 0.12555 +8% 1

Troop Death into Souls Increase in Main City 0 +8% 0

Attacking Enemy Attack Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack 2.17530 +10% 21

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 0.82900 +10% 8

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 0.72952 +10% 7

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 0.63004 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 0.53056 +10% 5

Attacking Enemy Toughness (Defense or HP) Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop HP 1.72432 +10% 17

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 0.66320 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 0.58030 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 0.49740 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 0.41450 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 1.72432 +10% 17

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 0.66320 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 0.58030 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 0.49740 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 0.41450 +10% 4

Reinforcing Enemy Attack Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack 2.17530 +10% 21

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 0.82900 +10% 8

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 0.72952 +10% 7

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 0.63004 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 0.53056 +10% 5

Reinforcing Enemy Toughness (Defense or HP) Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop HP 1.72432 +10% 17

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 0.66320 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 0.58030 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 0.49740 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 0.41450 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 1.72432 +10% 17

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 0.66320 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 0.58030 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 0.49740 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 0.41450 +10% 4

Enemy Troop Debilitation

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.25555 +8% 2

Enemy In-City Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.12555 +8% 1

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase when Attacking 0.12555 +8% 1



Siege Score Weightings

Previous Version (v3)

Approximate Score Weightings for Siege PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v3 were:

Attacking Ranged PvP v3:

  • Ranged Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 60%

  • Ranged Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 34%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 3%

  • Other Stuff:  3%

Reinforcing Ranged PvP v3:

  • Ranged Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 59%

  • Ranged Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 35%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 3%

  • Other Stuff:  3%

Current Version (v4)

Approximate Score Weightings for Siege PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v4 are:

Attacking Ranged PvP v4:

  • Ranged Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 68%

  • Ranged Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 30%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

  • Other Stuff: 1%

Reinforcing Ranged PvP v4:

  • Ranged Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 67%

  • Ranged Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 31%

  • Enemy Debuffs: 1%

  • Other Stuff: 1%

Attacking or Reinforcing Siege PvP Attribute Multipliers

All Attribute percentage numbers are first multiplied by 100 to convert from percentage to whole numbers, then the Multiplier (below) is applied to get the Attribute Score. The Score is always rounded DOWN to the nearest whole number.

Attribute Multiplier Amount Score


All Troop Attack 3.20733 +10% 32

Siege Attack 2.87400 +25% 71

Mounted Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Ranged Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Ground Attack 0.11111 +10% 1

Siege Range Bonus [Flat] 0.06000 +200 12

Siege Range Bonus [%] 0.50000 +10% 5

March Size Increase 2.66667 +12% 32

Rally Capacity 0.50000 +10% 5

Ranged Range Bonus 0 +100 0

Mounted / Ground (In-Battle Movement) Speed Bonus 0 +20% 0

March Speed Increase (Getting to Battle) 0 +10% 0

Toughness (Defense or HP)

All Troop HP 1.17501 +10% 11

Siege HP 0.67500 +25% 16

Mounted HP 0.16667 +10% 1

Ranged HP 0.16667 +10% 1

Ground HP 0.16667 +10% 1

All Troop Defense 1.10751 +10% 11

Siege Defense 0.60750 +25% 15

Mounted Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Ranged Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Ground Defense 0.16667 +10% 1

Troop Preservation

Troop Death into Wounded Increase 0.25555 +8% 2

Troop Death into Wounded Increase when Attacking 0.12555 +8% 1

Troop Death into Souls Increase 0.12555 +8% 1

Troop Death into Souls Increase in Main City 0 +8% 0

Attacking Enemy Attack Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack 2.06640 +10% 20

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 0.7000 +10% 7

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 0.61600 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 0.53200 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 0.44800 +10% 4

Attacking Enemy Toughness (Defense or HP) Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop HP 1.63800 +10% 16

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 0.56000 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 0.49000 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 0.42000 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 0.35000 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 1.63800 +10% 16

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 0.56000 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 0.49000 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 0.42000 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 0.35000 +10% 3

Reinforcing Enemy Attack Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop Attack 2.06640 +10% 20

Reduce Enemy Siege Attack 0.7000 +10% 7

Reduce Enemy Mounted Attack 0.61600 +10% 6

Reduce Enemy Ground Attack 0.53200 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Ranged Attack 0.44800 +10% 4

Reinforcing Enemy Toughness (Defense or HP) Debuff

Reduce Enemy All Troop HP 1.63800 +10% 16

Reduce Enemy Siege HP 0.56000 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Ranged HP 0.49000 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted HP 0.42000 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Ground HP 0.35000 +10% 3

Reduce Enemy All Troop Defense 1.63800 +10% 16

Reduce Enemy Siege Defense 0.56000 +10% 5

Reduce Enemy Ranged Defense 0.49000 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Mounted Defense 0.42000 +10% 4

Reduce Enemy Ground Defense 0.35000 +10% 3

Enemy Troop Debilitation

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.25555 +8% 2

Enemy In-City Troop Wounded into Death Increase 0.12555 +8% 1

Enemy Troop Wounded into Death Increase when Attacking 0.12555 +8% 1



In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Attribute Multipliers




Mounted PvM Attribute Multipliers



If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below.

Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for Reading,

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