Civilization Gear has replaced Achaemenidae & Ares Gear as the top equipment for most types of Army Generals.
But, many Achaemenidae pieces can be reused on Subordinate City PvP Generals (Mayors), see Part 2 of the Army General Rankings Series, and Part 7 of the Army General Equipment Analysis Series for more information.
Civilization Scrolls
Each piece of Civilization Equipment requires a Civilization Scroll to start crafting the item. Each Civilization Scroll requires thirty (30) Civilization Scroll Fragments before the fragments can be composed into a Civilization Scroll that is useable for crafting.
King's Party
The King's Party (spending activity) is the primary way of obtaining Civilization Scroll Fragments. A full set of thirty (30) scroll fragments for two (2) pieces of a Civilization Set are typically available during a Special Event.
Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests (Conquest) - Typically available at Level 4 of the King's Party. Level 4 is available for spending around $200 US in the same Special Event (usually a 10-13 day time period).
Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests (Supremacy) - Typically available at Level 10 of the King's Party. Level 10 is available for spending around $2,100 US in the same Special Event (usually a 10-13 day time period).
Each Civilization Scroll Chest obtained from the King's Party enables selecting thirty (30) Civilization Gear Scroll Fragments from any of the fourteen (14) Civilization Sets.
Spinning for Fragments
Another way to obtain Civilization Scroll Fragments are the Spinner Activities. Each spin allows players win either one (1) Civilization Scroll Fragment Chest or a full set of thirty (30) fragments.
There have been several iterations of Spinner Activities introduced:
Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests
Two types of Civilization Scroll Fragments & Chests:
Conquest Civilization Scroll Fragments & Chests
Special (Ring)
Leg Armor
Supremacy Civilization Scroll Fragments & Chests
It appears that the Tyche's Wheel of Fortune has been deemed unworkable by the game designers and has been replaced with the Wheel of Civilization (WOC). It's pretty much the same activity, but instead of specific Civilization Gear Scroll Fragments, the new Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests are available.
Each Civilization Scroll Fragment Chest, obtained from the Wheel of Civilization (WOC), enables selecting one (1) Civilization Gear Scroll Fragment from any of the first eleven (11) Civilization Sets.
Sets currently available in the WOC Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests (Conquest & Supremacy):
Plantagenet Set - Ranged/Mounted PvP
Freedom Hero Set - Siege/Ranged PvP
Furinkazan Set - Ground PvP
Han Dynasty Set - Mounted PvP
Koryo Set - In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP
Rurik Set - Mounted/Ground PvM
Abbas Set - Siege/Sub-City PvP
Bourbon Set - Mounted PvP
Augustus Set - Siege/Sub-City PvP
Antonine Set - Ground/Mounted PvP
Heian Set - Siege PvP
Sets currently NOT available in the WOC Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests (Conquest & Supremacy):
Thebes Set - Ranged PvP
Aztec Set - Ground PvP
Sassanian Set - Ranged/Siege PvP
Amplifying Civilization Gear (adding Diamond Stars 6-10)
Overall, Civilization Gear Amplification is actually easier than I thought it would be, and the bonuses are smaller I was expecting.
Of course, Amplifying Conquest Gear will be much easier than Amplifying Supremacy Gear. So, the Special Slot on your most often used Gear Set, is probably going to be the best place to start. For most players, that's probably the Ranged PvP Set or In-City Defense (Main Wall) Set, and for more advance players, that's probably the Ground PvP Set.
Amplification Requirements
Star Level Gear Fragments Meteoric Stones
6 8 100
7 12 160
8 16 220
9 24 320
10 30 400
Total 90 1,200
Star Atlas
The Star Atlas provides another opportunity for adding small bonuses to the Civilization Gear Set.
Each Amplified (Diamond) Star achieved also provides one (1) opportunity to improve the Star Atlas. There are five (5) Stars times six (6) pieces of gear in each set, so thirty (30) opportunities to improve the Star Atlas. There are fifteen (15) Stars locations in the Star Atlas, so each location will probably have two (2) levels.
Future Possibilities for Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests
It's possible Evony will make Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests available from Boss Monster drops sometime before the end of 2023. I suspect the Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests will only drop occasionally, and only from B18 or B19 Boss Monsters (Ammit and Styphalian Bird).
The chance for Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests (Conquest) to drop will probably be around 3-5%.
The chance for Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests (Supremecy) to drop will probably be around 1-2%.
Army General Equipment (Gear) Analysis
Part 1A - Ranged PvP "Supremacy" Equipment with Thebes, Sasanian, Plantagenet & Freedom Hero Sets
Last Updated on 07-16-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 1B - Ranged PvP "Conquest" Equipment with Thebes, Sasnarian & Plantagenet Gear
Last Updated on 07-16-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 2A - Siege PvP "Supremacy" Equipment with Abbas, Heian, Sasanian & Freedom Hero Sets
Last Updated on 06-26-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 2B - Siege PvP "Conquest" Equipment with Abbas, Heian & Sasanian Gear
Last Updated on 06-26-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 3A - Ground PvP "Supremacy" Equipment with Aztec, Antonine, Furinkazan & Freedom Hero Sets
Last Updated on 06-29-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 3B - Ground PvP "Conquest" Equipment with Aztec, Antonine & Furinkazan Gear
Last Updated on 06-29-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 4A - Mounted PvP "Supremacy" Equipment with Bourbon, Han Dynasty, Plantagenet, Freedom Hero & Furinkazan Sets
Last Updated on 07-19-2023 to the v4.1.0 Rating System
Part 4B - Mounted PvP "Conquest" Equipment with Bourbon, Han Dynasty & Freedom Hero Gear
Last Updated on 07-19-2023 to the v4.1.0 Rating System
Part 5 - In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Supremacy & Conquest Equipment with Koryo & Abbas Sets
Last Updated on 07-05-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 6A - Mounted PvM Pushing "Supremacy" Equipment with Rurik, Plantagenet, & Han Dynasty Sets
Last Updated on 07-10-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 6B - Mounted Monster Killing (PvM) "Conquest" Equipment with Rurik, Bourbon & Freedom Hero Gear
Last Updated on 07-11-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 7 - Subordinate City PvP (Debuff) Supremacy & Conquest Equipment with Augustus & Abbas Sets
Last Updated on 07-14-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
Part 8 - Resource Gathering Equipment
Last Updated on 07-14-2023 to the v3.4.2 Rating System
The plan is to add the following sections in the next few weeks:
Part 9 - Specialized Duty Officer Equipment
Part 10 - Other Army General Equipment
Peace-Time In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment
Peace-Time Subordinate City General (Mayor) Equipment
The Civilization Equipment has been typically released at a pace of about one (1) piece per week since it was first introduced in October 2021.
All seventy-eight (78) pieces of the first thirteen (13) Civilization Sets have been introduced, and were all available in game as of 03-17-2023 with the 2023 Carnival Celebration Event.
The 1st Civilization Set, the Plantagenet Set is a Ranged/Mounted PvP Set.
It was first introduced during the 1st week of October 2021.
It became fully available during the 1st week of November 2021.
The 2nd Civilization Set, the Freedom Hero Set is a Siege/Ranged/Mounted PvP Set. It's a good all-around set, and has also been included in most of the articles for a baseline comparison.
It was first introduced on 11-18-2022 with the 2021 Thanksgiving Event.
It became fully available on 12-16-2022 with the 2021 Christmas Event.
The 3rd Civilization Set, the Furinkazan Set is a Ground PvP Set.
It was first introduced on 12-31-2021 with the 2022 New Year Event.
It became fully available on 01-27-2022 with the 2022 Spring Festival Event.
The 4th Civilization Set, the Han Dynasty Set is a Mounted PvP Set.
It was first introduced on 02-10-2022 with the 2022 Valentine's Day Event.
It became fully available on 03-11-2022 with the 2022 St. Patricks Day Event.
The 5th Civilization Set, the Koryo Set is an In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Set.
It was first introduced on 03-25-2022 with the 2022 April Fool's Day Event.
It became fully available on 04-22-2022 with the 2022 Carnival Week Event.
The 6th Civilization Set, the Rurik Set is an Mounted/Ground PvM Set.
It was first introduced on 05-06-2022 with the 2022 Mother's Day Event.
It became fully available on 06-01-2022 with the 2022 Children's Day Event.
The 7th Civilization Set, the Abbas Set can be used as a Subordinate City Battle (PvP) General (Mayor) Set (or Debuff Set), or as a Siege PvP Set.
It was first introduced on 06-17-2022 with the 2022 Independence Day Event.
It became fully available on 07-15-2022 with the 2022 Running of the Bulls Event.
The 8th Civilization Set, the Bourbon Set is a Mounted PvP Set.
It was first introduced on 07-28-2022 with the 2022 Chinese Valentine's Day Event.
It became fully available on 08-26-2022 with the 2022 Autumn Ceremony Event.
The 9th Civilization Set, the Augustus Set can be used as a Subordinate City Battle (PvP) General (Mayor) Set (or Debuff Set), or as a Siege PvP Set.
It was first introduced on 09-08-2022 with the 2022 Harvest Festival Event.
It became fully available on 10-07-2022 with the 2022 Wine Festival Event.
The 10th Civilization Set, the Antonine Set is a Ground/Mounted PvP Set.
It was first introduced on 10-20-2022 with the 2022 Halloween Event.
It became fully available on 11-16-2022 with the 2022 Thanksgiving Event.
The 11th Civilization Set, the Heian Set is a Siege PvP Set.
It was first introduced on 11-16-2022 with the 2022 Thanksgiving Event.
It became fully available on 12-31-2022 with the 2022 Legend of Kong Event.
The 12th Civilization Set, the Thebes Set is a Ranged PvP Set
It was first introduced on 01-13-2023 with the 2023 Groundhog's Day Event.
It became fully available on 02-03-2023 with the 2023 Valentine's Day Event.
The 13th Civilization Set, the Aztec Set is a Ground PvP Set
It was first introduced on 02-17-2023 with the 2023 Godzilla Comes Ashore Event.
It became fully available on 03-17-2023 with the 2023 Carnival Celebration Event.
The 14th Civilization Set, the Sasanian Set is a Ranged/Siege PvP Set
It was first introduced on 03-31-2023 with the 2023 Easter Event.
It became fully available on 04-28-2023 with the 2023 Triumphal Celebration Event.
It seems like, for now at least, they have stopped at fourteen (14) Civilization Sets, but who knows... at some point they may keep going to twenty-one (21), twenty-eight (28), or maybe just keep going forever. Yuck!!
Having too many Civilization Sets is going to be very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very irritating!! Similar to having too many "very's" in the previous sentence.
Tyche's Wheel of Fortune (Retired)
The "Tyke's Wheel of Fortune" activity, seems like a reasonable way to accumulate Civilization Scroll Fragments during the Holiday Special Events (i.e. Women's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Easter, etc.). It seems like one (1) pieces will be more common and one (1) piece will be less common.
1st Tyche's Wheel of Fortune Results
During the 2022 Saint Patrick's Day Event starting on 03-11-2022 the following fragments were available:
Plantagenet Boots Scroll Fragments (More Common)
Plantagenet Leg Armor Scroll Fragments (Less Common)
During this event I was spending $35-$45/day, and estimate about 900 spin chances were received:
Plantagenet Boots Scroll Fragments: 41 -15 = 26 = 2.88% chance per spin
Plantagenet Leg Armor Scroll Fragments: 28 - 15 = 13 = 1.44% chance per spin
Fifteen (15) of both fragments were available for reaching 500 spins. So, through spinning I received twenty-six (26) Plantagenet Boots Scroll Fragments and thirteen (13) Plantagenet Leg Armor Scroll Fragments.
2nd Tyche's Wheel of Fortune Results
During the 2022 Easter Event starting on 04-06-2022 the following fragments were available:
Plantagenet Ring Scroll Fragments (More Common)
Plantagenet Golden Bow Scroll Fragments (Less Common)
During this event we were spending about $5/day on my wife's account, and received 301 spin chances:
Plantagenet Ring Scroll Fragments: 16 - 5 = 11 = 3.65% chance per spin
Plantagenet Golden Bow Scroll Fragments: 9 - 5 = 4 = 1.33% chance per spin
Fifteen (15) of both fragments were available for reaching 500 spins, and five (5) of both fragments were available for reaching 250 spins. So, through spinning I received eleven (11) Plantagenet Ring Scroll Fragments and four (4) Plantagenet Golden Bow Scroll Fragments.
3rd Tyche's Wheel of Fortune Results
During the 2022 Fire Festival Event starting on 05-20-2022 the following fragments were available:
Plantagenet Helmet Scroll Fragments (More Common)
Plantagenet Armor Scroll Fragments (Less Common)
During this event I was spending about $75-$85/day, and received 1330 spin chances:
Plantagenet Helmet Scroll Fragments: 65 - 10 = 55 = 4.14% chance per spin
Plantagenet Armor Scroll Fragments: 25 - 10 = 15 = 1.13% chance per spin
Ten (10) of both fragments were available for reaching 800 spins. So, through spinning I received fifty-five (55) Plantagenet Helmet Scroll Fragments and fifteen (15) Plantagenet Armor Scroll Fragments.
4th Tyche's Wheel of Fortune Results
During the recent 2022 Midsummer Event starting on 06-17-2022 the following fragments were available:
Furinkazan Bracers Scroll Fragments (More Common)
Furinkazan Boots Scroll Fragments (Less Common)
During this event I was spending about $75-$85/day, and received 1192 spin chances:
Furinkazan Bracer Scroll Fragments: 49 - 10 = 39 = 3.27% chance per spin
Furinkazan Boots Scroll Fragments: 31 - 10 = 21 = 1.76% chance per spin
Ten (10) of both fragments were available for reaching 800 spins. So, through spinning I received thirty-nine (39) Furinkazan Bracers Scroll Fragments and twenty-one (21) Furinkazan Boots Scroll Fragments.
5th Tyche's Wheel of Fortune Results
During the recent 2022 Running of the Bulls Event starting on 07-15-2022 the following fragments were available:
Freedom Hero Helmet Scroll Fragments (More Common)
Gentleman's Rapier Sword Scroll Fragments (Less Common)
During this event I was spending about $75-$85/day, and received 1,240 spin chances:
Freedom Hero Helmet Scroll Fragments: 52 - 10 = 42 = 3.39% chance per spin
Gentleman's Rapier Sword Scroll Fragments: 21 - 10 = 11 = 0.88% chance per spin
Ten (10) of both fragments were available for reaching 800 spins. So, through spinning I received forty-two (42) Freedom Hero Helmet Scroll Fragments and eleven (11) Gentleman's Rapier Sword Scroll Fragments.
Tyche's Wheel of Fortune Summary
The latest results are back to pointing towards a 3.0% chance for the more common piece, and 1.5% chance for the less common piece. If that's the case it would take around 1,350 spins to collect thirty (30) of the less common scroll fragments. So, that probably takes spending around $95-$105/day, or buying four (4) event packages/day ($85/day) six (6) days/week and buying five (5) event packages ($185/day) one (1) day/week.
Tyche's Wheel of Fortune Full Rotation
It appears that two (2) Civilization Equipment Scroll Fragments will be available during a Holiday Special Event once per month, and that it will rotate until all pieces have been available once, then the rotation will start over again. There are forty-two (42) total Civilization Equipment pieces, thus it will take 21 rotations to get through the entire line-up, and will take 22 rotations for each item to repeat in the rotation. That would mean it will take 22 months (1 year, 10 months) for the cycle to repeat itself. If all those assumptions hold true, the Plantagenet Boots Scroll Fragments and Plantagenet Leg Armor Scroll Fragments will be available for a 2nd time on the "Tyke's Wheel of Fortune", sometime in January 2024. Ugh!
Another Spinner Activity, the Astrolabe, was introduced around 06-13-2022. The Astrolabe uses Starblue Coins to spin and gain prizes. The first Astrolabe Event offered 30 Furinkazan Katana Scroll Fragments. The Starblue Coins were only available through purchasing of special packages. It was way too expensive for me to play, and only played it once spinning only 10 times for $100 US.
Starblue Coins were more available during the 2022 Midsummer Event starting on 06-17-2022, but the there was no Astrolabe to spin, so all the Starblue Coins turned into Starblue Chests after the Midsummer Event ended. I was able to accumulate 425 Starblue coins through my normal play and spending during the Midsummer Event.
The Astrolabe has appeared regularly (approximately twice per month), but the Starblue Coins have never dropped from Boss Monsters and Resource Gathering again. It's possible the alternate method for obtaining Starblue Coins could be added at some point in the future along with the Astrolabe.
Until then, the chance of get Civilization Scroll Fragments is 1 in 200 spins, so it would be easy to spend $2,000-4,000 US and get zero (0) Civilization Scroll Fragments. No thanks, I'm good.
Wheel of Civilization
In November/December 2022, another Spinner Activity, the Wheel of Civilization (WOC) activity was introduced to replace the now retired Tyche's Wheel of Fortune. It's similar to the Tyche's Wheel of Fortune but, the Civilization Scrolls for specific pieces of Civilization Equipment have been replaced with WOC Civilization Scroll Fragment Chests (Conquest & Supremacy).
Materials Required for Civilization Gear Crafting
The following amounts of Red (Level 7) Materials are required to craft the Civilization Equipment Sets:
FULL SET of Civilization Gear (6 pieces)
Purple Crystal - 100
Blue Stone - 100
Red Agate - 100
Silver Pearl - 100
Meteorolite - 100
Iron - 100
Bronze - 150
Wood - 100
Animal Bone - 100
Leather - 150
Feather - 100
Dragon Scale - 200
Dragon Scale - 100
Wood - 100
Bronze - 100
Leather - 100
Purple Crystal - 50
Blue Stone - 50
Iron - 50
Animal Bone - 50
Purple Crystal - 50
Animal Bone - 50
Leather - 50
Feather - 50
Leg Armor
Silver Pearl - 50
Iron - 50
Feather - 50
Dragon Scale - 50
Red Agate - 50
Meteorolite - 50
Bronze - 50
Dragon Scale - 50
Special (Ring, Amulet, Bracers or Shield)
Blue Stone - 50
Red Agate - 50
Silver Pearl - 50
Meteorolite - 50
Materials Required for Achaemenidae Gear Crafting
The following amounts of Red (Level 7) Materials are required to craft the Achaemendidae Equipment Sets:
FULL SET of Achaemenidae Gear (6 pieces)
Purple Crystal - 80
Blue Stone - 80
Red Agate - 70
Silver Pearl - 70
Meteorolite - 30
Iron - 70
Bronze - 60
Wood - 80
Animal Bone - 40
Leather - 70
Feather - 60
Dragon Scale - 130
Silver Pearl - 30
Bronze - 30
Wood - 40
Dragon Scale - 40
Blue Stone - 40
Iron - 30
Wood - 40
Dragon Scale - 30
Purple Crystal - 40
Animal Bone - 40
Leather - 30
Feather - 30
Leg Armor
Silver Pearl - 40
Iron - 40
Feather - 30
Dragon Scale - 30
Red Agate - 40
Meteorolite - 30
Bronze - 30
Leather - 40
Purple Crystal - 40
Blue Stone - 40
Red Agate - 30
Dragon Scale - 30
Materials Required for Ares Gear Crafting
The following amounts of Red (Level 7) Materials are required to craft the Ares Equipment Sets (including the Dragon Gear amounts):
FULL SET of Ares Gear (6 pieces)
Purple Crystal - 90
Blue Stone - 90
Red Agate - 50
Silver Pearl - 45
Meteorolite - 80
Iron - 95
Bronze - 85
Wood - 30
Animal Bone - 65
Leather - 80
Feather - 70
Dragon Scale - 150
Badges - 4,800
Gold - 180 million
Meteorolite - 45
Iron - 15
Bronze - 35
Animal Bone - 20
Dragon Scale - 45
Badges - 800
Gold - 30 million
Blue Stone - 45
Iron - 35
Bronze - 15
Wood - 30
Dragon Scale - 35
Badges - 800
Gold - 30 million
Purple Crystal - 45
Animal Bone - 45
Leather - 35
Feather - 35
Badges - 800
Gold - 30 million
Leg Armor
Silver Pearl - 45
Iron - 45
Feather - 35
Dragon Scale - 35
Badges - 800
Gold - 30 million
Red Agate - 15
Meteorolite - 35
Bronze - 35
Leather - 45
Badges - 800
Gold - 30 million
Purple Crystal - 45
Blue Stone - 45
Red Agate - 35
Dragon Scale - 35
Badges - 800
Gold - 30 million
Materials Required for Dragon Gear Crafting
The following amounts of Red (Level 7) Materials are required to craft the Dragon Equipment Sets:
FULL SET of Dragon Gear (6 pieces)
Purple Crystal - 30
Blue Stone - 30
Red Agate - 30
Silver Pearl - 15
Meteorolite - 30
Iron - 45
Bronze - 45
Wood - 0
Animal Bone - 15
Leather - 30
Feather - 30
Dragon Scale - 60
Meteorolite - 15
Iron - 15
Bronze - 15
Dragon Scale - 15
Blue Stone - 15
Iron - 15
Bronze - 15
Dragon Scale - 15
Purple Crystal - 15
Animal Bone - 15
Leather - 15
Feather - 15
Leg Armor
Silver Pearl - 15
Iron - 15
Feather - 15
Dragon Scale - 15
Red Agate - 15
Meteorolite - 15
Bronze - 15
Leather - 15
Purple Crystal - 15
Blue Stone - 15
Red Agate - 15
Dragon Scale - 15
If you have any comments, requests, or questions, please let me know in the comments section below. Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated.
Thanks for reading,