Do troop layers continue to attack the same troop type and level they did the round before assuming neither troop type/level was killed in the prior round?
Fully layered ranged march vs. Keep
Round 1: T14 Ranged targets T14 Cavs
Round 2? Assuming T14 Ranged and T14 Cavs are both still alive, do they both move on to attacking T13 troops in round 2, or do they continue hitting the T14 groups until they are fully dead?
Assuming this applies to all troop types and levels, T1 cavs would continue to hit T14 ranged for as many rounds as needed before moving down to an alternative layer, or do they move to a different troop each round?
I hope I explained the question well enough.
thank you.
I believe the community's general thinking is that IF the top tier of Mounted is NOT fully killed in the first turn of attacking (3rd turn of battle), that all Range tiers would attack the same layer again on their next turn.